chapter 29

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Callen took that child in his arms and went inside the hospital with Finn. I parked the car and ran inside. Finn was standing near the reception, he turned around our eyes met. his eyes looked tired and stressed.

" where is Callen?" I asked as i rushed towards the desk.

" went out to make a call," he said with a sigh

" how's the kid?" I asked softly

" don't know yet, they said they need to operate urgently and nothing else" he replied as he rubbed his face in his palm, I patted his back and he looked at me and then in other direction. I turned around to look at what he was looking at, a lady ran directly towards operation room trying to open the door. I frowned and went to stop her. 

" excuse- excuse me, mam " I called her but she wouldn't listen, she was being too loud and chaotic.

" mam you cannot open the door" I tried telling her.

" WHY?  my baby is inside, I want to see him and who are YOU to stop me " she snapped. I frowned but quickly came back to my senses, she is just worried. calm down Kandis. I sighed.

" Please calm down and come here with us, he will be fine," Finn told her as he took her hand in his to guide her to the seat but she jerked her hand away. 

"please listen to us, the doctors are working on him. he will be fine, please come her-" 

" STOP IT! enough with your talking and tell them to open the door. I WANT MY CHILD that's it!" she yelled.

 tsk, this is hospital what does she think she is doing? trying my patience? the doctors are literally trying to save her child so what's the problem?

I took a deep breath, and calmed down.

I kept my hands on her shoulder " you need to calm down- "
before I could complete the sentence, I felt a hand on my arms as they pulled me back. 

" This is a hospital! if you don't keep your voice low then I am sorry but your child is a patient here too and about this door, it won't open till the operation is done, be patient and take a seat, if you don't want to continue further treatment then you can do the paper work and  I hope you won't create any more commotion because if you do, the hospital can't allow you in," Callen said sternly. 

I looked at him and at the lady. 

she remained silent but her eyes conveyed her disapproval, she didn't speak a word and went to sit on a waiting chair. I looked at Callen, he was looking just as intimidating as before as he watched her go and take a seat quietly.

So that's what 'a bit ' angry Callen looks like.

"I haven't checked some paper at the reception so I will be back okay?" Finn said softly. Seems like he haven't seen Callen being like this before too or probably not often.

I watched him leave when I felt a hand hold my wrist gently, Callen guided me outside.

" something's wrong," he sighed, rubbing his forehead.

"what happened?" 

he was in thoughts for few seconds before answering, his eyebrows furrowing.  

" That child, if you remember we have seen him before" he looked at me, observing my reaction to see if i recall it fine.

"I know, " i said nodding. "Eric, we met him in that alley when we saw him running from those men. i remember," 

"Right and i see that you have many questions about that lady ,"

"I surely have, you go first and the remaining unanswered we can discuss later," 

" so okay, that lady, Mayden, she is 32 yrs old. the legal guardian of eric but we found out it isn't since his birth. he is 7yrs old, Mayden took his guardianship since he was of 4 yrs," I gave a nod as he continued. 

eric that day mentioned that he is an orphan ...

" We even found his name in the orphanage home that time. if he had a guardian, why is his name in that list. this thing is what i am trying to understand." 

I gave him a nod, trying to understand his point.

" probably after his parents died he was sent to an orphanage and after that got a guardian, might be that his name was never taken off the list?" i said but surely knowing that this isn't possible.

" no kat, because when we asked him he said he is an orphan," he is right, it seems like either eric doesn't know, or its mayden-

" it seems like either eric doesn't know about mayden or it's her doing something, we cannot tell anything until eric can answer our few questions," Callen says, the exact thing which came to my mind. 

" we can't trust her, "

"I don't " he said with surety.

" do you think eric is safe near her?" I asked,

" i don't have a good feeling but we don't have any right to stop her from being with him" he replied.

we both looked away, stayed there standing in our thoughts until his phone rang and he rushed outside.

he stopped in his track and glanced behind " i have a apartment near, ask finn to show you around there. you both can stay there at night. catch this," he pulled out a bundle of keys from his pockets and threw it in my direction.

stepping forward i catched and gave his a thumbs up grinning. I am really not a fan of sleeping on a chair.
I didn't see Mayden when I walked to Finn.

"Where is she ? " I said looking around. I don't want her anywhere near Eric. I can't stop her but i can try to delay it before we talk with him.

" Don't know, outside or home maybe." he shrugged.

we waited till the doctors came out of surgery.

" he is fine now but I can't share more information about this with you" he paused.

" his guardians? where are they ?" he asked instead.

" can't you tell us what happened? his guardian isn't available right now" Finn asked.

"I am sorry," he said with a pitiful smile and went away.

" Kat, we need to know what's up before mayden, what if she does someth-"

"that's fine," I said as i walked towards the room eric was shifted to with Finn following behind.

" stop cutting me off " he complained with a frown resting on his forehead.

" stop talking " I grumbled.

He glared at me.

"it's not like I talk too much..." I turned towards him and gave him a beweldered glance.

' stop talking' he mocked, in which I rolled by eyes.

I go in and see eric on the bed with ventilation and bandages.

" he isn't awake yet, he will wake up in morning," the nurse says and goes in the attached bathroom to place the refield items.

as the nurse goes out, I take a seat beside eric's bed. 

what exactly is happening in his life? parents died, his legal gaurdian is someone like Mayden and how much of this is he aware of?

And why are we going so deep in this when we can just report the suspension to police? Maybe because we don't have any evidence and I already find myself attached to this small kid to leave him alone.

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