chapter 23

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" Are you feeling okay? " Finn asked Emma. She was directly brought to the hospital as she won't let us see her injury, she was clutching it tightly and wasn't in a state to talk.

The doctor examined her, he told us she got stabbed but not that Deep. we have no clue what she got stabbed with, why she climbed out of the window .... We have to ask her what happened. Callen called her parents, they said they are on the way.

"I am okay -" Emma stopped when she heard a cry. " Emma " her mother came beside her

" what happened my baby " her father came behind her mother and kept his hand on her shoulder to calm her and gently stroke emmas hair.

" mom, I am fine. really " she said.

" don't you dare lie to me Emma, how did you get hurt ?"

"I was in the washroom and I got scared " she shuttered.

I looked at Callen and Finn, Finn was concerned, and Callen... I don't know what he is thinking.

" Scared about what ?" her father asked.

" dad... I don't know I just heard someone say something about killing someone, the sound of their talking were coming just out of the washroom and I got scared that they might come in so I got out through the window but the window had something sharp thing coming out of it like a rod which injured me and I fell down, thankfully on my legs but got this bruise " she said, controlling hard not to cry in front of her parents to worry them.

" do you really heard something like that ? or they might be just joking," her mother said

" no mom their voice were way too serious "

Callen eyed me and went out of the room, I looked at Finn and gestured him to come with me. she needed privacy with her parents. he looked at her and followed me out.

" Callen, what if what she said is true ?" I asked.

" were they here for me ?" Finn whispered to himself but we both heard him.

" Finn no, don't think something like that," I said and was hoping Callen would say something so Finn wouldn't think like that but Callen was silent, he just came beside Finn and patted his back.

"I will be right back " I nodded.

" that means?" Finn asked . " no Finn! that means nothing, he just has lots of things going on in his mind "

"I don't like this ... Emma crying, getting hurt, lying here in the hospital and what if it's all because of me," he said as he sat down on the bench, hiding his face in his hand. " what if I have to tell her about my identity and she starts hating me? what if -"

I cut him off, " Finn, do you really think you should think about this right now? " he once looks up at me and then look down and shook his head.

" see Finn," I crouch down to him, my hands resting on his knees. " first we have to help her get better and find out who it was ...... okay, and about your identity, it's something which is needed to be to her now or then. it depends on how much trustworthy she is and how much you trust her to tell about yourself "

" and one thing you need to forget is that it isn't your fault that you are an illegitimate child or that you have to keep your identity hidden. this isn't your fault so I hope Emma will understand it". I stand up and rub my hand on his back to help him calm down.

" Finn " a voice called him. I looked up and saw Emma's mom, turning my eyes towards Finn I saw him rubbing his palm on his jeans. he is nervous. I chuckled inwardly.

he stood up and so did I, " and Kandis " she called me out too.

" thank you so much for being with her," she said. I smiled.

"you don't need to thank us -" Finn got cut off when his phone started ringing. he looked at the caller id and then at me.

" Mr. phillip," he said. he forwarded his phone in front of me, I raised my eyebrows.

he gestured me to take it and I shook my head. not all this going on in front of her mom. Finn frowned, he took my hand and kept his phone in my palm, and turned to Emma's mom.

Mr. Phillips told us not to go out of the premises of the museum but we did and now we are here in the hospital. when Finn called him before going to Emma he told us to get back in but we were so close to her, we couldn't just go back and then seeing her condition we just needed to go to the hospital. though we called him when we got in our car, I am sure he is still angry with us.

I picked up the call, walking away from the two of them to the window.


I know what to do, be 20 min late and go to the principal, Mr. Jones. he is understanding, I don't know what Mr. Phillips thought Mr jones would do but I am sure he would do the opposite of what he has thought and try to understand us too. well, I have been in this school for more than Mr. Phillips has.

I went back to Finn, he was sitting alone and probably again thinking about what he shouldn't but I wouldn't say anything now, I should give him time.

"let's go, we have an invitation," I said.

he looked up curiously, " what invitation? "

" In our school, by respected Mr. Phillips," he chuckled. yup, I wanted to see that from a long time.

" Callen? " I asked, not sure where we could find him.

" he must somewhere here, he wouldn't go far without me" I nodded.

we went to the ground floor and saw him near the entrance.

" come on callen , you have to drive in such a way that it should take us more than 20 min "

he frowned " why? I know where "

" because we could explain our side to the principal, Mr. Phillips said if we couldn't reach in 20 min we have to directly go in the principal's office and thankfully, Mr jones listens to us, students. not like Mr. Phillips " I told him walking down the stairs when I accidentally missed one step, my heart stopped beating as if he decided on his own that I won't be alive today. a hand grabbed my upper arm and helped me get balanced again. I sighed, wow my heart has started beating again. how clever my heart is ...

" carefully," Callen told me. I turned around, my eyes went from Callen to Finn who was having a teasing smile on his lips. he got down the remaining stairs and turned around to us.

" arent you both coming down? " he still had that smile plastered over his face. what does he think was happening? he looked at my arm and I saw Callen's hand was still on my arm.

Callen noticed it too and removed his hand from mine, " quit it Finn" I gave him a warning. by warning, I am not serious, okay? I know I tease him too and I tease Callen by Olivia's name. but when I tease finn it's because they both actually, really, seriously like each other. I can see that. let me remind you again, I actually use my brain and eyes... I just forgot to use them before a while but I usually do use them.

we got in, I again looked at Finn and he gave me and callen the same smile.

" Finn, the next time when I steal your fry from your plate in the cafeteria, I won't ever give it back no matter how much you beg so stop it "

" Okay okay fine," he said chuckling, all this time Callen was smiling and you can say I was hiding my smile.

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