chapter 22

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She turned around a little and was going to punch when I caught her arm to stop her. She didn't see who it was before she decided to punch.

Kandis pov:

I frowned and looked at Callen, he raised his eyebrows and gestured me to look there. There? I traced his eyes direction and saw Luke. Why did he have to grab my arm like that? Would have just died on spot.

" Sorry " he chuckled nervously " actually, the number I gave you .... Don't call or message there. Take this " I looked down, he gave me a chit .before opening I once looked at him.

" This is my personal no. That's why "

I relaxed

" ohh " I opened it and saw his no. And the name is written on it. " Okay, thank you "

He smiled and waved. I waved back and walked in with Callen.

We saw Mr. Philips at the entrance, I smiled at him and he gestured me to go in fast. Huh? I smiled ....who was going to smile back?

Eric joined us while Finn was talking with Emma.
" Tired third-wheeling? " I asked eric. He chuckled.

Callen was about to go to him but I grabbed his arm, stopping him.
" Let him be," I said.

He was unsure, I can understand. Here are many people from our school to people from outside. Even though I stopped him his eyes were on him.

Finn is not just someone he has to protect but he is someone he wants to protect and at this moment not just him but me too. I want to make sure these three boys are always safe.

Our whole school was roaming here and there. Some actually listening to teachers, some eating, some talking, some are just roaming as if it's their home, and some ......

My eyes went to Lucas who was again bullying someone. I Rolled my eyes.

" Aha, aha! Come on Lucas. I challenge you to get whatever you were getting from him by asking politely " I look at him in his eyes. " Yeah, I challenge you "

" Kandis, seriously just how many times I told you. To. Stay. Away ." He said pointing his fingers at me.

" Calm down buddy, if you beat him I won't let you take his things or whatever you were taking and if you ask him politely there are at least 1% chances he would give it to you !"

" I am really in no mood to hear your stupid thoughts Kandis," he said clutching that boy's shirt tightly.

" Ohh Lucas don't make me want to punch you here right now," I said sarcastically laughing.

" You can and then get punished ".

" You know what, you get away from punishment every time because you are ' president's son ' that doesn't mean no one knows what you do, " I said, pulling his hands away from the boy's shirt.

He gave me a deadly look but I am not going to let it affect me. Let him be the first one to hit and this time not the students of my school but people from outside are looking so...

" Everyone has limits to suffer when the limits are crossed ... You are just a petite ant in front of their anger "

" Think what you are doing, at least for your selfishness, do it," I said jerking away  his other hand from that boy's arm.

I turned around and saw Callen and Eric looking at me. Ohh god I created a drama again.

Eric was about to Question me when I stopped him
" Don't ask anything Eric "

" Now, take notes and you are free to have lunch. After your lunch is done we will go back to school and those who came with vehicles can directly go home, but inform the teachers before you go " he heard Mr. Philip say.

" So notes! " Callen says
I look at him, "hmm notes "

He sighed, I am sure he is bored here well I am too now.

" I don't have a pen," he says
" I don't have paper," I say looking at the front where a flow chart of an ecosystem was sticked.

" I don't have brain," Eric says joining us
" I am not alive " Finn came out of nowhere.

" Btw you know, here not only biology but on second and third-floor models related to chemistry and physics are kept," he says taking out a packet of chips " and I just had a good walk there with Emma "
We all chuckle. " Where is she? " I ask

" She went to the washroom," Finn said.

I gave him a nod and we just did time pass around for a while because we didn't have 'required things'. 

After a while, I saw Finn going towards callen.  Seeing his worried looks, I went towards them.

" Emma didn't come back from washroom," he said.

" What ?! Did you search everywhere? Probably she is with her friends" I said.

" Noo " he cried " her friends were searching for her and .... and  -"

" Finn Finn! Calm down .... She is probably somewhere around here "

He took deep breaths as I went towards the bathroom.  No, I cannot just sit around and think she is just sulking here and there. It's good if she is, but if she isn't I won't waste my time saying 'probably'

I walked into the washroom opening every door, a girl entered in
" Tell the teachers that Emma is missing, " I said her, already frustrated. 

she stood there, "I told you to tell the teachers !" 

I didn't hear a sound so I turned around and saw Olivia, still standing there. I took a deep breath 

"come on, start moving for once " I snapped at her . " what! stop giving me orders" 

now, that's it I cannot control my anger anymore, I am pretty sure Emma is not the type of girl who would sulk around without telling anyone. though I talk less to her, I have observed her quite well for 3 yrs . she has been in my class continuously for 3 yrs.

I was about to go out of the washroom when I stopped and my eyes fell on the window.  right! what if? I ran out and called Callen to come to the backside of the washroom.  he and Finn joined me in a way and Finn called Mr philips and told him about the situation . he told us to get back in the museum and obviously we won't. 

we got on the backside and I heard a whimper. my eyes connected with Callen, his eyes looked worried, he took a step and I ran to the side where I heard the whimper from. there was a dustbin, I heard a little shuffle from behind. taking aside the dustbin, I saw Emma crouched down, she quickly got back and whimpered. I saw she was clutching the right side of her stomach.  and had a bruise on her right leg, she was shaking. she looked up and sighed. she relaxed but whimpered because of the pain. my tears got blurred because of tears seeing her in this condition. 

Finn sat beside her and held her tightly . " what happened?" he asked . he hugged her and she started crying on his shoulders. 

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