Chapter 5: Deceit

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Eloise grimaced as she held her throbbing head. It has been two days since she formed a plan to escape.

She remembered that she often experience migraines even in her past life. She tried to ignore it before but the headache was just getting worse by each passing day.

She never told anyone about it. She never trusted a doctor for her condition. The memory of someone who is proficient on medicine and chose to ignore her while being aware of her father's cruelty made her distrustful with them.

"Your Grace, are you feeling unwell? You look a little pale." Lydia inquired with concern in her eyes.

They are now taking an afternoon stroll at the garden in an attempt to ease the throbbing pain.

She showed her a frail smile before she continued walking aimlessly, "I'm fine. I just need some fresh air."

Thankfully, Lydia didn't bother to ask further and followed her silently from behind.

Truth is, she really has another purpose on taking a walk outside. Being cooped up all day in her room made her more anxious about her plan. She needs to move as soon as possible.

She cannot place her trust on the Duke. He was like a ticking time bomb. She never knew when he would turn against her and kill her.

Eloise covertly roamed her eyes around, watching the knights' every move while she pretends to walk around leisurely after taking her afternoon tea. She was trying to find out their post and rotations in order to find a blind spot where she could sneak out.

After a while of observing, she heaved a long sigh while sadly looking around. There is no way she could escape from thirty men with large builds who obviously undergo utmost training and could easily break her bones. She might get caught even before getting near the exit.

Is there any other way I could escape without asking him for divorce? I wish I could just hide forever.

Eloise closed her eyes as she tried to feel the cool breeze touching her cheeks.

Totally oblivious of the pair of eyes staring at their direction from the second floor of the mansion.


Knox knocked at the office door and waited for his master's permission before entering his office.

"Come in." He heard the Duke's distant voice who never bothered to lift his eyes from the document he was reading on his table.

The huge pile of papers neatly lying out on his table almost covered him. His noble master who always seems neat and presentable now clearly has fatigue drawn all over his face, brows furrowed as his weary golden eyes are seriously locked at the contents of the document. His dark, raven hair was a bit disheveled while some locks of his hair falls on his forehead but he seems unbothered by it. The decorative cuffs of his white linen shirt was pulled just below his elbows to make him move more at ease.

Knox approached silently in order not to disturb his master who seems engrossed with the papers in his hand. He politely lowered his head before he strode towards him.

He purposely looked at the other side of the office to check something. He tried to maintain a blank expression when he saw the untouched food he left at the coffee table during lunchtime.

He didn't eat again.

The Duke is a workaholic. Knox knew him very well after eighteen years of serving him. He prefers to work like a fire was lit under him. He barely sleeps, nor touch his food. He always shuts himself inside his office until he finish everything according to his high standards.

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