Chapter 23: Winter on Fall (2)

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Knox was fixated on Farrell, driven on his annoyance that he wasn't able to notice the approaching arrow. The dashing object took him by surprise, his usual composed manner broke as he ducked on the ground to save himself.

Farrell, who heard Gavin's shout took notice of the situation and instinctively draw the bow. He embedded his mana at the arrow and shot it at the one darting at Knox. The arrows met midway and the mana caused disturbance, making the other broke before it reached the butler.

All the tensed knights who witnessed the situation sighed in relief, assured that the butler was safe before they went back to training.

Gavin, who caused the commotion immediately approached Knox to apologize.

"Are you okay, Sir Knox? I'm sorry, I was not good in archery to begin with. My hand always mess up and the arrow ends up going astray. I was watching Sir Farrell while training the other knights and kind of had the thought that I can also do it well like him if I try a little more." Gavin explained anxiously.

Knox felt embarrassed he can feel the eyes of everyone on him. He remained calm and acted as if nothing happened. He tried to suppress his rage while dusting himself off and fixing his wrinkled suit. Knox knew too well that he cannot put all the blame on Gavin. He was also at fault for recklessly walking along the training grounds where weapons and strayed manas from the knights might be flying from any direction. He let his emotions take over his reasons and ended in harm's way.

He cleared his throat and fixed his posture before answering the Knight, returning to his composed self, "I am fine, Sir."

A sly smile creeped on the man with rouge hair watching them from the distance. He was puzzled at the butler's sudden appearance. In the first place, the training grounds was a place he had never lingered to. Though the experience of witnessing the always calm and collected butler's image break was a sight to behold. Farrell sought for Reagan to ask him to take over on his behalf but the latter was seen having a conversation with Lara Brookes. His brow rose in question but decided not to interrupt.

'First, the butler and now even the Duchess' personal maid. The training grounds certainly is full of people today.' Farrell chuckled at the odd situation.

He dismissed the knights in training and advanced towards Gavin and Knox, wearing a mischievous smile.

"Hmm. I wonder what brings our punctual butler in this field?"

Knox frowned at the teasing tone of his sentence. His mood had not been good in the beginning and he had no plans to play jokes with him. Gavin, who sensed the butler's thinning patience slyly escaped leaving the two of them.

"Sir Farell, I am sure you are aware that a married noble lady like her grace should never involve herself with another man and conduct private lessons."

Knox who didn't beat around the bush stated. He had no intentions to prolong the conversation. It was stressful enough trying to maintain a straight face in the archer's cocky grin. "Not only will it affect her grace' image but might also cause conflict with his grace. I am sure you are well aware of their current situation. So I would like to ask of you to voluntarily end your private lessons with the Duchess." Knox added with a stern voice but Farell only gave him a low chuckle as an answer which made him frown even more.

'Why does he find this funny? Lunatic punk.'

"Sir Knox." Farell called as he took a step closer.

"I am thankful for your concern to her grace, as expected of our loyal Butler. However, don't you think it's a bit insensitive and selfish to do that?"
Farell defended which made Knox confused and annoyed at the same time.

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