Chapter 14: Change of Plans

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The day was exceptionally long for Nathaniel. Heaving a deep sigh, he leaned at his chair as he spent another day cooped up in his office.

He hope they could wrap things fast but everything seem covered well. Days passed in a blur and yet, Nyx still haven't trace the person behind Lydia's treachery. It was like finding a needle in a haystack.

"I already tracked every supplier of that compound in the Capital but neither one of them transacted with Lydia." It wasn't a good report but Nyx have no choice but to relay it. He was also frustrated that he is not making progress. It was the first time he invested too much in one job.

"If the task was executed cleanly, then the person behind must be of high social standing." Nathaniel lifted the teacup to his mouth and let the aromatic scent help lift his sour mood.

Looking at how difficult it is to collect information, the person behind must have planned and executed everything carefully. Lydia might have been bribed to do the task in that person's stead. But what's more confusing, Lydia haven't met any anonymous person for quite some time. How did they transacted.

The person must have enough power to pull strings behind the shadows. Someone who has the same or larger connections than a Duke like himself.

"Your Grace, do you think that guild has something to do with it?"

Nathaniel lifted his gaze and looked directly at him. He knew he was referring to that infamous guild. They had crossed paths with them a few occasions in the past and their leader was a vicious man. He was someone you would never wish to cross paths with. But knowing them through the years, Nathaniel was convinced that they had nothing to do with this case.

"Poisoning was not their cup of tea."

Nyx who seem to recall too just nodded his head later in approval, "Ah, you're right. They would rather kill immediately with no chance of survival."

Nathaniel clenched his fists tightly as he remember the Duchess' condition. It appears that she was being poisoned for quite a while now. She haven't even suspected her persistent migraines and declining health as she placed her full trust to the people around her. And he was even more mad of himself for not noticing earlier.

How long did I turn a blind eye? I feel so stupid.

"If it's not them, then who is it?"

"I have someone in mind."

He was rather suspecting someone for a while now. But holding no evidence, he couldn't carelessly point a finger at that person especially considering their status.

It was at that time, a maid knocked at the door and interrupted their conversation. She was carrying a silver tray with a letter above it, stamped with the Remington's crest.

Nathaniel didn't budge on his seat and ignored the letter. Reading his master's cranky mood, Nyx reached for the letter and read it on his stead. It wasn't common practice for a subordinate to open letters addressed from the palace itself, but in the Duke's case, who appears to be indifferent about this rule, would rather let the twin read it for him.

Observing him from the past years, Nyx saw how the Duke's brow would crease in displease as he receive a letter from the palace. If it wasn't for his close relations to the King, he would think that the Duke doesn't favor him. After all, he knew where his displeasement were coming from.

"Your presence is being requested at the palace."

As he thought, the Duke's brows creased at once.

"I told you to dismiss it."

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