Chapter 10: Doubts

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Built in Ottoman Baroque style, the huge library was preserved through generations and dates back to hundreds of years ago. It was a two-storey athenaeum with a vast collection of books, journals and periodicals.

Eloise was overwhelmed by the size of the library, she doesn't know where to start. She had been in the Duchy's library in the past, but she didn't realize how big it was.

Knox pointed as he walked, indicating the book sections, from medicinal books to rare manuscripts, travelogues and philosophy, history and military books. She was right that the Duchy's library has indeed everything. Eloise quietly trailed behind him, obscurely engraving the places of the books she had to read in her mind.

They were already at the second floor of the library when Knox turned around, "The Duchy's library has a vast collection of knowledge collected through generations. You'll be wanting to spend lots of time here, your grace."

Eloise smiled while still admiring the large shelves of books surrounding her, "Indeed. I was more than impressed."

"Well then, you can pick any books you'd like to read." Knox gestured with his hands while gently smiling at her.

"About that," Eloise reluctantly uttered the words, wondering how she would say it without offending the butler, "Can I ask to be alone for a while?"

She doesn't mean to dismiss him, but it would be troublesome to collect information while Knox and the other servants trail behind. They might raise questions and become suspicious of her actions.

Knox was taken aback by his request but he doesn't seem to take it to heart, "As you wish, Your Grace. If you need anything, I would be outside."

Knox lowered his head before turning his back to leave along with the servants. Eloise waited for the door to close before examining the place again. She heaved a deep sigh before starting to pick books she found interesting especially those that could help with her plan. She took several cartography and travelogues before finally taking a seat on the nearest empty chair.

The day passed in a blur, Eloise didn't notice she already spent half a day at the library. She sighed before closing the last book she was reading. She leaned her back flat on the chair, finally feeling the exhaustion engulfing her.

Her eyes roamed around the huge library, adjacent to her was a window overlooking the scenery behind the mansion. It was the majestic Srah mountain ranges.

She stared at the beautiful view in front of her, the sun was painting the White Mountains with its golden rays. Looking at the view made her aching head at peace.

"I guess that would be enough for today."

She was still admiring the magnificent view outside the window when she heard a knock.

"Come in."

Knox reluctantly stepped in and bowed his head, "I'm sorry to disturb you, Madame. But there are things that needs your approval."

Due to the Duke's absence in the manor, as his wife, the Duchess has the full authority to govern everything in his place.

"The welcome feast was scheduled for dinner and your grace was expected to join. I had already arranged everything including your schedule for the week. Also, I would like to ask for your confirmation regarding tonight's menu."

Knox handed her a list and she immediately examined it.

"It would be great if we serve foods that the knights haven't had during war like roasts, pottages and steamed potatoes."

During wars and expeditions, knights carry rations with them—principally bread, salt fish and beer. In some cases, they would carry hardtacks, a type of cracker made from flour, water and sometimes salt. Hardtack is convenient as it can lasts longer than perishable foods, though it does not offer much sustenance like meat.

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