Side story the devil and a little girl pt 2

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Lucifer's pov

It was now midnight when I brought Lulu under my care. We walk towards her home and saw a old apartment building. I looked to my left and saw two thugs looking at her. I released a bit of my killing intent making them piss themselves and and ran away.

Pathetic"I said as I led Lulu to her apartment building.

I ring the doorbell and saw a man who was smoking a cigarette. And by his looks I guessed that he was her adopted brother. Who was always abusing her and taking her stuff to be sold of.

Who are you?"he said trying to scare me away. As he saw me holding Lulu's hand as I felt that she was frightened.

Mongrel you think your superior"I thought to myself looking at this waste of a human being.

Your her brother right"I said as he looked at me confused. As I smiled as I put the same headphones towards Lulu's ears as I left her outside.

Lulu dear I'll be letting your hear some music. I'll be having a chat with your "brother""I said making a sarcastic tone at the last words. She nodded and start playing. I smiled and made a barrier to this apartment that will not let any sound or vibration be felt outside it.

Hey bastard listen hear would you leave this and ne-"his voice cut off as I grabbed his neck as I throw him inside.

Mongrel you there lecture me"I said with a demonic smirk. As I gently closed the door as lulu was happily listening some music.

You actually abused your own little sister. How digusting a waste of air like you should just die. But maybe I should let you feel her pain a thousand fold"I said as started mutilating him as I laughed at his screams of agony

"Time skip brought to you by lulu happily humming to the music. As unholy laughing and screams of agony was going behind her"

As I was done with my work as I looked behind me a saw a masterpiece the whole wall was covered in blood as the waste of air was being held like a cross as a sentence of the word divine punishment.

Although it's a shame that this work of art will dissapear I can't let the police question lulu now do I"I said as flames appeared at my hands a trowed it at him as he catch fire.

As the flames spread I picked up lulu and and push the fire alarm as dissapeared at my spot as many people ran away from the apartment. As everyone was gone. I made a crushing gesture as a giant blaze appeared in the apartment.

Luckily it was separated from the other buildings .  As I called the fire department as I smiled at the beautiful show flames as the fire department appeared and now extinguishing the flame I walked away as lulu was still from the music in the headphones as she was unaware of what happened behind her.

"Time skip brought to you by Lucifer carrying lulu who was humming her favorite song as he was walking"

Two days passed as the police questioned me as I made up a story as they believed as my ability to hide my lies are nearly perfect now that lulu was now a orphaned I called a friend of mine to make a guardian scripture as I waited. At a fast food restaurant as I watch happily as lulu was happily eating a pizza.

I waited for about 20 minutes as heard a voice and saw Venus luquier in her business suit as she game me the file I smiled. And looked at lulu who finished her food as she cutely burped.

Lulu can you sign this"I said as I passed her the file she hold the file in confusion as I help her sign it.

Umm papa what is this"she said as I smiled. This dear a adoption letter I told I'll be your father and I'll keep my promise"I said as see tars forming I wiped them away. As Venus looked me with a smile.

Well then Lucas morningstar you are now the father of lulu morningstar"she said as she walked away as I looked at her as lulu was hugging me.

Heh what would gavrail would do when she founds I have a daughter now"I thought to myself and paid for of the food and we left the restaurant and got to my car.

Lulu you said you want to experience traveling"I said as lulu answered with happy nod. Well then let's help you she the world"I said as I cover her eyes she cutely squeak at the sudden movement but calmed down when she felt a calming aura. She opened her eyes again and was shocked that she can see now she curiously scanned the car and look at me as tears appeared.

I smiled and rubbed her head and gave her a little mirror she look at it as she saw face. She confusedly looked at her eyes as she looked at me.

I just healed your eyes but I still made them the same color. Can't have people look at your as you mysteriously see"I said chuckling as she gave me a cute pout. But that disappeared as she smiled as she hugged me. thank your dad"she said.

Anytime dear" as she hugged me I hug her back. Well then lets go traveling will go kouh first!"I said as lulu agreed as both her hands where raised up as the car sped up dissapearing in the scenery of the town.

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