Run in with Royalty

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Loosening the tight grip of her unbearable corset, Aftan grabs an empty basket and heads to the local fruit market.

She has been trying to convince her "not so social" best friend to go with her. Even if she has to drag him on his ass, he will go with her! Trying and failing. However, today was different!

As the enthusiastic girl skips past the "fresh" markets, multiple sailors call out to her.

Honestly, just because I am a female does not mean I am gullible! Aftan thinks with an annoyed scoff.

Just before she could skip past the final table before Jarre's little hut of a home, a familiar voice calls her name.

Upon turning around, she spots Jarre himself. He is firmly holding his little sister's arm in one hand and an empty basket in the other. He appears to be upset, probably Delilah again.

That little girl had a gift of causing mischief. Furthermore, by the torn clothes barely hanging on her, it seems she has not lost her little gift. Jarre's mother, Mrs. Cedra, insists that Delilah will grow out of it, but Jarre is not sure.

After an incident when she knocked over a fisherman's table and proceed to dance on top of it, Aftan believes he gave up all hope.

"Hey, Jarre! Hey Delilah!"

Delilah then tries to rip her little arm away from her brother and run to Aftan.

"Could you please behave?" Jarre practically groans.

Biting down on the edge of her lip, Aftan walks over to scoop the little trouble maker into her long arms.

"Are you making trouble for your brother?" She asks in a calming voice, attempting to relax both of the siblings.

"It is all I know." Delilah attempts to say, but with her young lips, it comes out more like 'If aw I knwo.'

Noting Jarre's tired look, Aftan walks Delilah home. After checking with Mrs. Cedra if it was ok, and the kind lady giving Aftan a knowing and thankful look, she walked right back to Jarre.

"You did not have to do that." He says.

"Well, I guess you owe me now," Aftan says with a shrug.

"Like what?" He asks hesitantly.

"Like finally going shopping with me! Furthermore, this time you cannot say you are busy."

"What if I was?" He says with a smirk.

"You have a basket, and you were already here! So you were going shopping anyway." Aftan shoves his shoulder.

"Ok, you got me." He starts chuckling at her.

"If you do not stop laughing at me, I will-"

He interrupts, "You will what?"

He then starts cackling at her exasperated face.

"I will...," She looks around for something to threaten him. That is when she spots the Prince descending from his royal carriage.

He then looks around at the busy market, his eyes scanning his people. Suddenly his eyes meet Aftan's. They were piercing, taunting even.

"I will push you into the Prince!"

"I dare you." He says, still with his stupid grin.

"I would!" She fights with fake confidence.

He sees right through it, like always.

"Maybe I will push you into the Prince." He says.

There is no possible way to run into the prince, and they both knew that. The royal family always has a minimum of five guards per person. However, best friends like to joke.

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