The Virus

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A plague of sickness and death.

"Two weeks."

That's how long the doctors said we would be in quarantine.

The virus won't affect you too much, don't worry.

Nobody saw it affecting so many people, and lasting so long.


A month later.

"Ok, it's lasting longer than we thought, but it will defiantly be gone by Summer break!"

Another lie.

Everyone's Summer break was spent bored and lonely in quarantine.

Everyone that knew better at least.

Some still went to the crowded beaches and did normal summer activities.

They were the reason the spread was catching so quickly.



"No, Halloween can't be canceled! Stores need the money. Our economy is already dying! This can't happen."

Halloween was canceled.

Many stores went bankrupted.



"Please refrain from traveling and being close to non-immediate family."

Only a few listened.

The rate of cases rapidly built.

People wondered that if they are wearing masks and washing their hands, how it's still here?

What they don't realize is when they aren't wearing their masks right, or are going to parties, or meeting with people who don't care about their health, they are making this virus spread.

And indirectly killing thousands of innocent humans.


"Newly found! The virus can travel through animals!"

People were kicking out pets thinking that it would solve the problem.

It didn't.

All it did was bring more death to the streets.



Less money, fewer gifts, less laughter, less joy. And the lack of joy is possibly even deadlier,
contagious disease.


Valentine's day.

No love, no sales, no money, no economy.

The loss of joy killed the President.

And the lack of love would kill the country.


Fall day.

The government fell. The stock market crashed, everyone's spark of hope died.


There are only ten families left.

The Deed family- they don't wear their masks even after everything. I honestly have no idea how they are still alive.

The Reid family- they follow the rules. They helped many people in need. They are strong-willed, non-quitting redheads. They Quarantined with the Spinner family.

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