Rule Breaker

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There are few rules in being a wedding planner.

Ok, not true. There are lots of rules. But there are only a few rules that everyone should just know.

Number one: It is the Bride and the Groom's day. (Not grandma Joe's)

Number two: Never, Ever fall for the Groom/Bride. EVER! (Looking at you Jennifer Lopez!)

These are two of the most sacred wedding rules.

I would never, under any circumstance break these rules.




"Get your butt down here!"

I kick off my ivy green slides and jump on the couch.

The door opens and in walks a very annoyed Matt, "What?"

I smirk at him, "What's got you so sour today?" I pick up the remote and search for the Harry Potter marathon I know is on somewhere.

"Are you just going to tease me, or do you actually have something to say?"

"Ok, jeez calm down. I got you food," his face lights up, "You're welcome!"

I can hear him opening his to-go box, and setting it on a 'real' plate.

I roll my eyes. He's so weird. He always takes his food out of them claiming that they make it 'contaminated'.

As he walks back in, I can see he's not upset anymore, "I expect to be paid back."

He snorts, "Yeah right, Mrs. My mom just gave me her overly successful wedding business, and I can pay for anything now," I chuckle with him, "Speaking of having a job, the Millers are considering hiring me."

"Yeah, they are!!"

He smiles shyly, "Don't celebrate yet. I haven't gotten the job."

"Details, details," I look over to see him shakily nervous.

He really needs this job. I can easily afford to pay for both of us in food, housing, clothing, etc., but for his own good and growth, I'm still asking him to pay rent. I hate it so much, but my mom, his mom, and he all told me to make him. It's so dumb, I feel like I'm betraying my best friend.

"You know if you don't get this job my offer still stands."


"Just think about it ok!?"

"I don't know anything about wedding planning!"

"Not true!" Before he can reply I spout out one of my wedding questions, "What is the most popular wedding cake flavor?"

"Vanilla, mostly, but lemon and chocolate are right behind in that order. Dang, it!"

"Ha! See? You do know stuff from my long boring tangents."

"That was easy. I don't think I could keep up with you. You're like Mary Fiore, but without the falling in love with somebody else's groom part."

"Oh, come on! You wouldn't have to rush into it. You could start out as my 'protégé'. And at first, you would be paid about twenty an hour with holiday bonuses, sick days, and vacation days. And then when you are actually doing the wedding you get paid by the wedding plus tips, bonus, sick days, and vacation days. Plus I'd be your boss!"

"Oof, you had me till that boss part."

I playfully shove his shoulder, "Oh, come off it! Just think about it?"

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