Or is it...

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The crazed villain raises the gun, and points it at his long-time enemy, "Any last words Mystery?"

She lifts her still masked face, and spits at his feet, "You will pay for this."

The villain just sneers at her words, "Like heck, I will." And shoots.


The rain pours down, dooming everything in its wake. Only one person walks the otherwise empty streets.

Elias Nightingale.

His heavy footsteps lead him home. The way back from the old warehouse he just killed Mystery in is a long miserable trek away from his home on 23rd street. Well at least for Elias it is.

Before today he would have been overjoyed to hear that he killed the ever so popular 'Mystery'. But after shooting her, he found that it was impossible to rip off the shimmering black mask on her face.

He kicks another discarded beer can.

For years Elias has been working on discovering the mystery of Mystery. But tonight he finally caught her. Caught her and killed her off before she even had a chance.

A large jumbotron sounds off in the distance with the familiar anthem for the cities hero.

He smiles to himself. Tomorrow they will find her body. Dead and probably already covered in mice.

That's what they get, He thinks, That's what you get when you blindly follow some self-proclaimed hero, that you don't even know the identity of.

When the jumbotron finally stops the street lights flicker out.

Out of his left eye, he barely catches a glimpse at a shadow, "I know you're out there!" He yells into the darkness, "Come out!"

Before anyone can show themselves he pulls out a large pocket knife. Another larger one sits in his calf pocket, but it's better to wait and see the threat.

A familiar voice sounds through the shadows, it sounds fake-auto-tuned. Like that of Mystery...

"I'm not trying to hurt you civilian. I'm merely looking for Shadow-hunter."

He sees her knee-length shiny black boots first.

He feigns excitement, "Mystery! It's you!" His surprise is not fake.

"Yes, it's me," he forces himself not to roll his eyes, "I highly doubt it, but have you seen Shadow-Hunter?"

"No," he lies, "I've never seen him in my life. Well, unless you count seeing him on TV."

She chuckles at his poor attempt at a joke, "You're cute."

"You're beautiful." The words fall out of his mouth before he can stop them.

Her face falls, "I'm sure somebody as charming as you already has a girlfriend though, no?"

He does have a girlfriend, a fiancé actually.

"Good guess."

He loves his fiancé, but his thoughts about the superhero in front of him can't escape his mind.

The truth is, he fell in love with Mystery first. When he first fell he was devastated. By the time he realized, he was too far. He hates heroes with every fiber in his being...except Mystery.

After months and months of trying- and failing- to kill his weakness, he found Emily. She was so similar to Mystery, sometimes it scared him. Her hair, body, and characteristics all remind him of her. Sometimes he feels bad, but can never stand to lose her.

Written with LoveDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora