This Mess

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"Jackson, it's time to eat!"

"Coming Mom!"

I quickly close my laptop and skip downstairs. Usually, I'm not excited about dinner, but Tuesdays are different. On Tuesdays, Laila eats with us. Laila is my little sister's best friend.

I used to hate her coming over since Mom never let my friends come over. But when I realized she had a major crush on me, I've loved it.

Not because I like her! That's....ew.

I love it because I get to annoy the heck out of my sister. It's great! She hates that Laila likes me, so I use that to aggravate her. Tuesday dinners are the best places to do that.

Once I reach the bottom of the stairs, I see the girls playing Mario Cart.

Correction, I see my sister playing Mario Cart and Laila staring at me. I give her a little wink.

Her face explodes, and she starts giggling.

Sofia looks up from her game. As soon as she sees me she gives me her "I will literally murder you in your sleep" look.

I take that as my cue to leave.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not scared of my little sister! It's just sometimes she can be a little bit....intimidating.

Once when I was in seventh grade and she was in fifth, she shaved my head while I was asleep. I didn't even do anything!

I walk into the kitchen to see my mom setting the table.

Oh crap, she tricked me! Before she can see me I turn to escape the chore.

"Uh, uh, uh young man. Come back here, and set this table."

"But," I try to think of an excuse, "Laila asked me to play with them. Aren't you the one who told me to be nice to her?"

She gives me a knowing look but shoos me away anyway.


Turning back into the living room is like going into my death. These girls really play- correction again- fight hard.

"Sofia, stop going after him he's a lost cause!"

"Says you miss 'I have a crush on my best friend's brother, even though he will never actually notice me!'"

"Oh common," Laila shoots some random guy in the game, "That's not fair! And pipe down, he might hear you!"

"Everybody knows it!"

"Shut up-"

I decide it's time to intervene, "So ladies, how's it going?"

Ok, I'll admit the look on Laila's face when she realizes I heard everything they said is kind of adorable.

"Get out of here Jackson. We don't need you bulling Laila too."

Once she says this, she slaps her hand to her mouth and looks at Laila, "I'm so sorry!"

What does she mean 'bulling her too?'

"Laila, is somebody bullying you? Because if so I've got some-"

"Just shut up!" Laila jumps off the couch, "Don't pretend like you care when you clearly don't. I have enough going on in my life without either of you making fun of me."

Sofia and I look towards each other.

"Stop that!"

Sofia finally loses it too, "Stop what!? Laila, I don't tease you!"

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