Written Love

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*Warning you right now, this story SUCKS. Yes, the rest suck too, but this one...😂*

What if the bad guy wasn't the bad guy? What if the hero wasn't perfect?


It's the early seventeen hundreds.

The world is full of mysterious creatures and evil magic users.

One of these magic dwellers is an eternally young avatar who dwells in the wild.

Legend says she takes joy in kidnapping children by flying above cities and allowing her shadow to draw out curious children.

Every parent is frightened of her.

They believe that she is invincible, working with her evil fairy comrades to cause trouble.

Only one youngling has ever escaped the captivity of the Avatar.

The brave boy ran the day he turned eighteen, with only the injury of losing his left hand.

He left the day before he was no longer a child.

The day before, the evil immortal being would kill him that fact.

Once, this boy was in love with his kidnapper, but he grew up to hate her after running away.

He planned to free all of the children and kill the Avatar.

He is the only one brave enough to deny the creature.

And he goes by the name of Captain Hook.


"Eh, I don't know."

"What do you mean you don't know!? I have been working on this story for three years, and you don't know!?"

"Listen, Mrs. Danielle-"

"Stop calling me that! I'm not some middle-aged, bossy, white woman! I don't want to be called Mrs.! And it's not 'Danielle'! It's Dani!"

The tall brown-haired man leans back in his chair, waiting for the erratic woman to calm down.

They'd been in his office for two hours while she pitched him the idea that she had. Another retelling that Peter Pan was evil.

It wasn't that he thought the plot was terrible. It was quite the opposite. The thought seemed to be so popular that four different authors this year had used it. Frankly, there was nothing to set this one apart from the others.

"Ok, M-Dani. I'm sorry for calling you that, and I'm sorry for replying so simply to your work," she nods her head, "but you have to understand that multiple retellings of this story have come out just this year. If we were to publish your book, there would need to be something to set it apart," she opens her mouth to comment. Still, he lifts his hand, "And no, making Peter Pan a female and naming her Penny Pixel doesn't do anything.

"Your ideas are in the right place, but they aren't quite original enough. Try to add and detract more ideas."

"Like what?" She gives him a genuinely curious look and crosses her seemingly muscular arms over her chest.

Like what?

Nobody's ever asked his opinion. He says, No, we won't publish your book, or, We would be honored to publish your book! Not the opinion guy.

"Oh, well, maybe you could change her name? Penny Pixel gives the feeling of child fantasy, and it's clear you are going for a young adult. Also, maybe call 'Captain Hook' 'Hook' instead. Since he will be the hero, you want him to have a cool hero name; Captain Hook sounds strange."

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