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"Why won't you stay with me!?"

"Paxton -"

"I know you're all I need!"

"What about what I need!?"

"Aaaaand, cut! That's a wrap for today!"

The familiar walls and seats slowly fade back into view. Wow, I really got lost there...

I can see Mr. Fresher smile, and jog over, "Griffin, Georgia great job today! I loved the chemistry!"

Griffin and I both give each other the same side-long glance. We both know what the other is thinking.


He rolls his dark ocean eyes and leaves.

I would do the same thing if I was a rich butt, "Sorry Mr. Fresher. He's just being rude."

He gives me a subtle nod and leaves.


I snap my head towards the familiar gravelly voice of my best friend, "Kaia! How were lights today?"

She slides her slim arm through mine, "You tell me, you were actually performing."

I sigh a little bit, "I was a little distracted..."

"Oh, yes! I saw that! You guys were in the 'zone'"

"For the last time K, no!"

She rolls her eyes and sighs dramatically.

"Maybe you should be in drama."

"Please," she presses my nose, "I can't outshine my best friend now!"


The familiar obnoxious school bell rings to indicate the first period is three minutes away.

I gather my thick history binder, and whisper a complaint to nobody in particular, "Man, that bell is so annoying!"

"As annoying as me, Princess?"

I look up to see a handsome- I MEAN ugly, Griffin.

Oh! One day! One day I swear will get him back so hard he won't even know what hit him!

He snickers and leads his fellow idiots to the back seats.

Gosh, I hate him so much!

So why can't I stop staring?


"I hate him, Kaia! I hate him so much!"

"Ok, it's good that you're letting this out. But, maybe don't take it out on the locker?"

I look down at the rusty gray locker and hit it again, "It's Griffins, it deserves to be kicked!" I hit it again, "He thinks he's so powerful and rich! Like, no! Your daddy is powerful and rich! You," I hit it again, "are just," kick, "a spoiled," punch, "little," kick, "brat!"

"Um, G-"

"And I mean, sure he's hot, but that doesn't give him the power to be an absolute pin-head!

"Uh, G-"

"Kaia, I'm ranting! Plus, all he does is act, model, and sing. I bet he can't even do his school alone. I bet he needs his overly paid, Harvard graduate, rich, tutor to do anything!"

"That's hurtful."

Crap! I swing around to look at the way too familiar face Griffin.

"If you need to know I'm actually going to be valedictorian. All because of me." He sets an arm above me.

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