Chapter one Emma

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There are always groups in high school: the jocks, the nerds, the popular, the dark and my group. For me we were neither of those groups we were just... us: me, Ella, Olivia and Grace: my besties. They have been my best friends since second grade, when they saved my ass from Mr. Williams, oh how we hate him, the most annoying teacher in school, not one person in the whole of school who likes him. That's how hated he is.

I almost forgot, I'm Emma, Emma Smith, my friends call me Em. Apart from Mr. Williams, there's another person who we hate even more... Christopher Walker. Has blue eyes, brown hair, hot body, all the girls. He is annoyingly handsome, freakishly rich, with a ginormous ego and a frustratingly hot body, which is why all the girls fall for him, yet he plays every single one of them. I'm not falling for that, which is why he always flirts with me, he just wants another girl at his feet. Screw you Chris Walker.

It was our first day of senior year and, just like every year, everyone was reuniting after summer break, meeting with their friends, boyfriends, overall groupies. I always traveled with Ella, Olivia and Grace, since they were basically family. As we were going into school I saw him: Chris Walker, standing there with his Madison High red and white Lions jacket and a smug smile on his handsome face. I was hoping so bad he wouldn't see me, and tried to hide behind Ella as we walked by, but he did, he saw me.

"Hey, Smith" he said. He had always called me by my last name, I'm not sure he actually knew my real name.

"What do you want Chis?" I said, in the most annoyed tone I could work out, while trying to slip under his arm.

"What? A guy can't talk to a cute girl just because he wants to?" he answered, laughing.

"Oh no he can, if that is what he wants, but that's the difference isn't it Chris. You have other intentions, and you are going to have to find another girl who is interested. That's not going to be a problem because everyone's in love with the fabulous fantabulous Chris" I said sarcastically "No need to waste your time on an ordinary girl who doesn't have a house big enough to fit your enormous ego."

"That hurt, Smith" He said, putting his hand on his chest.

"Yeah, right. Now, for those who can't buy their way into college and actually care about our school record, I've got class to get to." I said as I pushed him aside and walked away, I felt him glaring at me and heard his friends saying things like. "You got rejected Chris" or "Damn, that was cold Smith" and I'm not going to lie, it felt pretty amazing.

I directed myself to homeroom, and to my luck I found Mr. Williams there, writing his name on the board for those who had the fortune to not know who he was. I wish I was one of those people and I doubt you want to know why, but I'll tell you anyway.

Remember how I told you my best friends saved me from him? Well, I never really told you why...

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