Chapter three

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That day when I came home, my parents didn't even hear me come in

"Hey, I'm back from school" I said. No one answered, they were too busy yelling at each other

"How dare you say that Sam!! She is our daughter, our only daughter. You can't just walk away from that! From the life we made here!!" My mom was screaming

"Yeah, right Alisa. We both know that we haven't been acting like a family!"

"We can change that! We've got to change that! For her!"

"We can't protect her from this anymore. She's seventeen for crying out loud"

"Just until she can-"But she didn't finish that sentence.

"SHUT THE HELL UP" I yelled so loudly. They both turned around and saw me, I was crying. My bag was on the floor and I was standing just in front of the door.

"You're fights have gotten worse lately. You didn't even notice me coming home" I kept screaming "I bet you already forgot what school I go to for God's sake. STOP IT. JUST STOP IT" I was so mad at them, and I was so sad that things were like this in my house, but I kept yelling "And don't you dare come tell me you are sorry because we all know very well that you are not. I am invisible to you. You have been like this since second grade. I learned how to curse because of you, you were supposed to protect me from cursing, shield me from it until it was inevitable to hear them when I got older, but you did the opposite. You showed me how to curse, and you have never asked me how my day was, or helped me with my homework, you didn't even bother to protect me from your toxic relationship. You yelled at each other right in front of me. What kind of person does that to their kid? Huh? I'm gonna go upstairs and do my homework and you better apologize to each other and let me do my work in peace. Okay?" They were shocked, but they nodded and let me go upstairs.

One week passed and they had stopped fighting, but they had also stopped talking to each other. I wondered if they were still fighting when I wasn't arond, but if they did, they didn't show it. I guess I should have expected what they called me downstairs for, but knowing it was coming wouldn't have made it hurt less anyway, it hurt just the same, and it hurt badly.

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