Chapter eleven

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So that happened, and I had slept amazing. I acted like nothing had happened at school and when I saw him, I Ignored him and pretended he was not even there. I was so scared to tell my friends, I had thought about telling them so much and just kept postponing the conversation, besides, they were definitely going to ask me what had happened that day at the parking lot. Or actually, they did ask me, I just hadn't answered.

So I avoided them all through school until the last period, when I told them to come to my house and I would explain everything.

The ride home was very awkward, no one dared to say anything. It was all so weird, me and Chris, when I have always talked to them about how annoying he was, I was about to talk to them about the fact that Chris and I had been kissing.

"Sooo" I said

"SPILL. NOW" Grace answered, annoyed

"YOU DIDN'T TELL US. WHY EM?! SOMETHING THIS BIG!!!" Ella screamed, I couldn't tell if she was exited or mad.

"Yeah, I know. I'm so so so so sorry guys, I was scared to tell you, and the truth is, there is really nothing to tell" I explained, and saw the "yea, right" look on their faces and said "Well, maybe a little bit, but nothing happened, you know better that anyone what I think of Chris. Okay, sooo..."

I told them what had happened with Chris, they were part mad and part happy, they were mad that this had happened some time ago and that I had kept it a secret for so long... but, they were also happy that I had finally decided to tell them.

"Well..." Ella said, breaking the silence after my story

"Well what?" I said, even though I knew what she meant

"Well how does he make you feel?" She said, in the sort of third grade crush voice

"I don't know! Like he's nice I guess"

"He's nice I guess." She said, mock-imitating me "Yeah right, you ain't  kidding anybody with that though cover-up, I see you" She continued, pointing two fingers at her eyes, and then at me, mouthing "I see youuu" "You can't escape me Emma Smith, I will be watching you" she finished off, as she grabbed her bag dramatically and walked off very slowly.

What if she was right? What if I was just denying it because I knew it was happening already? What if I wasn't denying it so much as avoiding it? You know what? It's too late to think about these things, time flew fast while we were talking about my love life. Maybe it only went by slowly when we were talking about some else's story, and since it was the first time we talked about me, my now interesting love life, it just flew right by. As I was falling asleep I wondered if time flew by to them when they were the ones talking.

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