Chapter twelve

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The next morning Chris finally came to school. It seemed like ages since I'd last seen him. This time I wished he would notice me walk by, and thankfully he did.

"Smith! Lucky I bumped into you" He said, with a smug - slash - flirty smile.

"You're wrong about that" I answered " 'Cause you got some explaining to do" And with that I pulled him by the arm and dragged him all the way to under the bleachers, to the spot.

Everyone was staring at us, and that made me extremely uncomfortable. In school, rumours spread fast, real fast, especially when you are in high school, and it's some boy drama. They make crazy stuff up, and that could not happen, no way.

"Where the hell were you?!" I yelled "You were no where to be found yesterday"

"Why? Did you miss me Smith?" He answered, and I'm not gonna lie, that kind of made me smile.

"You wish" I said

"Oh no I know" He continued, and then kissed me. It felt so good. "How about I take you out on a date?"

"Are you asking me out? The hottest guy in school Chris Walker is asking me, a simple peasant girl out on an actual date? To what do I owe the honor?" I said, dramatically pretending to faint.

"Oh well, fine lady, you are amazing, and I got the honor of not being pushed away while I kissed you, so, what do you say?"

"Fine," I answered "pick me up tomorrow at 6"

"See you then princess" And he kissed me goodbye

What did this mean? I am going on a date, with a guy that I swore never to go out with, the ONE guy. But he was just so nice to me, he made me feel so good, he made me feel beautiful, and happy.

In the school parking lot I told my friends that I was going on a date with him, and they were happy for me. I think.

The day went by in no time, and before I knew it, it was already date time. My friends came over to help me get ready, we finally decided on a baby blue dress with white flowers all around, it had strips and it was short, it was so beautiful, I was scared I was going over the top, but it was so pretty that I couldn't resist.

So at six I was ready at the door, I was half hoping he'd let me down so that I would stop liking him, but I was enjoying him, so I more than half hoped that he would come on time and that he would look as handsome as ever. And he came, half an our late. I was so mad at him, but at my house I didn't say anything, I waited till we were in the car to talk to him.

"Um, I'm sorry, so you think just because you're hot you get to be late to dates? Sorry to burst your bubble, but no. I was kind of getting a little bit happy to be coming and you go and ruin the whole thing, are you happy now?"

"So you think I'm hot?"

"Don't change the subject!"

"Hey, Emma?" He said


"I was late because a tree fell in the road and there was traffic like hell, I also had no idea what to wear, I wanted to impress you, and I didn't know if I should buy you flowers or what restaurant to choose" He continued, looking at me with his blue eyes and added "You look amazing"

"Yeah, not buying it bruh. You can go tell your story to someone else. You know, I actually took some time to get ready for this date, and you come late, what a big first impression. Wow, you are unbelievable."

"It's true you know, I think you are just being cold to me because you are actually starting to like me"

"As if" I said, scoffing and rolling my eyes. "Well, where are we going?, since you spent SO much time deciding the place then we might as well go" He just smiled and started driving.

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