Chapter two

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So, as I was saying, when we were in second grade I got in trouble with Mr. Williams. One day earlier, I had come home to my mom and dad fighting, which was becoming usual for me, and that's when I heard them, cursing and insulting each other, and the words just stuck. I only figured they were bad by the tone of anger in their voices and the way they moved their hands and bodies. I learned my first bad words in second grade, and so, the next day Mr. Williams yelled at me for being in the halls without a hall pass, and what was more maddening is that he wasn't even my teacher, he was just passing by. He is so miserable he has nothing better to do than to bother little girls, and I got so mad, like really mad and so I started screaming crap at him. Oh man was I in trouble, he was basically cleaning the floors with me, dragging me to the Principal's office, when my salvation came: Ella, Olivia and Grace. They made up some weirdass excuse that somehow got me out of trouble. I was so happy, and I hugged the three of them hard and long. After thanking them a million times I suggested I join them for lunch, I did, and got to know them so well, I knew then that we would be great friends. We were all different, yet so alike.

That's the reason why I try to avoid Mr. Williams as is humanly possible, he still has a grudge on me for what happened in SECOND GRADE. He absolutely despises me , maybe even more than I hate him, and because he is the teacher, he has the power to give me a bad note when it is not deserved or yell at me in class for absolutely no reason. I needed to act my best with him this year, he had my future in his hands, and he knew that.

When I walked in I saw his face, with an evil smile as he saw me

"Good morning Mr. Williams" I said with the nice innocent kind of voice.

"Good morning Miss Smith, I haven't seen you in a while"

"Sure has been a while, sir" I answered walking away as fast as possible, ugh this was going to be a though year.

I sat all through history and chemistry and English and it was boring as hell, we didn't even get a welcome or a congratulations on being seniors. Then it came to math, and to make my day even better, Chris was in my class, my MATH class, and let me tell you I SUCK at math, badly, and he was a freakin' genius. This was going to be incredibly embarrassing. As soon as I walked in I thought of all the ways this could go wrong, and man was it a long list.

"We keep bumping into each other Smith, must be destiny"

"Sure thing. I've had a really crappy day so don't mess with me right now 'kay?" I said, smiling sarcastically

He sat in front of me and said "Sure, Smith"

He sat IN FRONT OF ME. Oh God. He was going to be there, right in front of me to witness my epic failure in Math class, because I was so lucky that he could not have been in front of me in ANY other class. It just had to be math class, and he was so relaxed about it, grinning about and calling me "Smith". What is up with that? Although I like being called by my last name, I was so annoyed at him right now that it just bothered me. It was as if he smiled because he knew he had the power, and it was annoying as hell.

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