Season 2 - Ep FOUR

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Mitchell was the first to enter. The antiques had been smashed and most of the books were gone. Several books had holes in them while the others turned into dust as soon as they touched it. "Someone was here", Angie said angrily, "someone knew we were gonna be here and sabotaged it". "Whoever is trying to hurt us must have a very good reason". Jo said. "And they must still have access to magic". Lin added.

They were back at square one. The book was mostly about the history of magic and how to handle it. It wouldn't do them much good. Mitchell cringed her forehead. Something was odd. "Guys, I'm having a really bad feeling". She told the others, "I mean if someone wanted the library gone, why not just destroy it?" "I'm not following". Lin said. "Think about it", she pressed, "there is nothing in here. Someone wanted to use to still come in". "Like a trap". Jo gasped.

Just then, they were pushed back by a gush of wind. Lin got the biggest hit. "Lin!" Jo went to her aid, "I've got this Mitchell. Check on Angie". Mitchell nodded. She stopped in her tracks when she heard growls. She could hear the heavy breathing of the monster.

"Mitchell?" Angie appeared at her right. Mitchell's eyes widened, "Angie, don't move". Mitchell warned with horror on her face. Angie was shaken up already. She had hit her head on the worn out wood of the shelf and a chill ran down her spine for an unknown reason.

She started to hear the growl and out of sheer curiosity, she turned around. She gasped and almost tumbled backwards. She was familiar with the breed of monster so it was something else that terrified her.  She wasn't focused on the bloody ten horned hideous monster but the black hole it had escaped from. Angie scrunched up her nose at the smell of burnt flesh.

The others ran to her and joined their hands. "I don't know if we can close it up". Jo shook her head. "It's not supposed to be in the real world". Angie muttered. She was the only one that had seen where the portal led to. "Is this the black hole?" Lin asked. Angie nodded her head instilling more fear into their hearts. "We can still try". Mitchell urged. "Light as a feather", the chant began, "stiff as a board".

The monster roared. It lunged at them but was plummeted backwards by a shield. The girls got more confident and concentrated on their link as well as the magic. The monster roared louder as it crumbled to dust. Angie could feel their bond grower weaker. The magic was draining their human bodies. Daniel appeared out of nowhere as usual and jumped into it. The portal closed as soon as he vanished.

They all fell down panting. Beads of swear decorated their foreheads. "He saved us". Jo said slowly. Angie nodded and said, "he sacrificed himself. At least, he can't surprise us anymore". Mitchell noticed how sadness laced her tone. Angie wasn't even sure why her heart was so heavy. She hated him yet she was sad that he was gone. "I know a coffee shop around here", Jo struggled to stand up, "we need the break".

They all dragged themselves to the place. Lin had casted a glamour on them so they looked neat and unrecognizable. The golden bell that hung by the door announced their entrance. Mitchell had been frowning since. She should have known that something was off as soon as they entered but she overlooked it. Angie could have gotten really hurt and it would have been your fault.

"You're being hard on yourself", Angie's voice dragged her out of her thoughts, "none of us saw it coming". "I should have known. You could have gotten hurt", Mitchell bowed her head, "I almost failed yesterday and it repeated itself". "I'm fine". Angie gave her a soft smile. Lin grinned to herself. She knew something that none of the others knew. "How is your shoulder?" Jo asked Lin. "I'll be fine". She faked a smile. Lin was panicking in her head. She needed her shoulder the night and the rest of the weekend.

"Guys, I learned a new thing", Jo tried to brighten the mood, "it can make you see someone's mind". "You always learn things that have to do with the mind". Angie snorted. "For good reasons", she shot me, "who wants to be my test subject?" "Stay away from my mind". Mitchell warned sternly. "C'mon!" Jo pressed, "I won't lean deep. Promise". "Don't".

Jo shrugged off the warning. Her pupils grew thinner into slits. It was similar to that of a crocodile. Mitchell's eyes changed too and Jo browsed. Mitchell could feel her in her mind. Once Jo had a peak of her biggest secrets, she forced her out of her mind. "Mitchell, I am..." "Don't you ever talk to me again!" Mitchell yelled angrily as she stormed out. "What did you do?! Angie was pissed at her. "I didn't mean to...I just...I thought she was...I-I" Angie frowned and went after Mitchell.

"Mitchell! Mitchell!" Angie called out. Mitchell ignored the voices telling her to stop. She couldn't face Angie. "Mitchell! Please wait!" Her heart broke as she heard her plead. She paused to wipe the tears from her face before running off. Angie was confused and angry and sad. She decided to give Mitchell space.

"Did school close early today?" Tatiana asked as Mitchell furiously slammed the door. She didn't even acknowledge her mother's presence. She locked her room and cried into her pillow. Tatiana took in deep breaths before walking upstairs. She noticed that the door was locked. She sighed and said, "if you need someone to talk to, I'll always be here baby".

Angie was grateful that the house was empty when she entered. She paced in her room for minutes trying to understand today. It started with her friends being mad at her then an attack and now, her friends were torn apart. She took the photo frame from her bedside table. "I wish you were here, Felicity". She said to the picture of both of smiling. It was from their first day of high school.

An idea came to her. Daniel had said that he knew her mom like they were five and six. She rushed to the basement. She hadn't been since they moved. She found many boxes of her stuff from childhood. A particular bracelet struck her. She fondled with it and put it in her pocket. She felt nostalgic by just holding it yet she had no memories of it.

She went through their family photo album. She smiled at the pictures. They were really happy. "Where did it all go wrong?" She asked herself. The magic had not been able to distract her from the bitter truth of her parents divorce. She found a box of her mom's stuff from high school. She wanted to be happy but her mind always went back that her mom was involved in this madness during that time. 

Her hands started shaking when she found a photo of her mom and Daniel. His hair was brown but he still had the same intense eyes. They were hugging and smiling in it. 'It's almost like we're the same person' his voice rang in her head. Angie's eyes turned into slits and she was drawn into the memory of the photo.

They were in the woods. "C'mon, Dan!" Younger Nolan shouted, "we need proof". They were on a field trip. They had to collect objects from different part of the forest. "Whatever" Younger Daniel rolled his eyes, "it's a dumb assignment". "I am not getting an F because of you Daniel Skewer!" "I would never!" He faked a gasp, "ruin your perfect grades, little sis. Not me". "You're only older by some dumb minutes".

The shock pushed Angie out. Skewer? That's mom's old surname. She thought. She squeezed the photo. Daniel was her mom's brother. Her twin brother.

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