Season 7 - Ep ONE

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Nolan marched forward with a wild smirk. "You boys have rested enough", she said, "I don't think any of you would be so stupid disagree". "We don't wanna follow you", Nathan walked forward, "it's gang rules. You kill our leader; we either make you the next or kill you". "Is that so?" She asked with fake surprise, "okay then, let's vote".

"Who agrees we keep her?" Nathan asked. A few hands shot up. "That fifteen. Okay who agrees we kill her?" He later said. "I'll count this one". She gave a sweet smile. "That's one two three", she stabbed him in the neck swiftly, "minus one from the other side. Let's vote again or are we clear?" No one dared to make a sound. Nolan smirked, "good", she said, "we have a shining little object to find".

Angie pretended to be asleep. Her Dad had brought her dinner and had kissed her goodnight. Angie had to put her phone on silent because it wouldn't stopping ringing with calls and texts from her friends. They were worried about her and to be honest, she was worried about herself too.

Mr Dhawnren was a friend but his actions were suspicious. Angie was really bothered because he said it had nothing to do with Nolan. What else could be a danger? She thought as she dressed in leather pants and a black hoodie. She wore dark gloves and boots to match. She had to find answers.

Angie didn't know where he lived but she was using the handprint on the note to locate him. Angie wasn't scared of the dark at all and there was a fire of determination that was pushing her to go on. She took a look at the words on the paper. Her mind was stressing to figure out the meaning. Angie had to look away before she had a headache.

She soon arrived in front of a white door. It was locked as expected. Angie placed her hand on the door. The black smoke wrapped around her and took her inside silently. Immediately she entered, she knew something was wrong. Had she been tricked? Was this a trap? Angie couldn't help but think.

She heard grunts of pain from upstairs. Again, she traveled through the shadows to get there. "We grow impatient as you grow weak", she heard a manly voice snap, "pledge your loyalty to use and you shall be free". "I would rather die". The voice belonged to Mr Dhawnren.

She heard a bone crack and another shout of pain. Don't do anything. She thought. She flung her eyes opened. That wasn't what she wanted to think. Mr Dhawnren obviously knew she was there. He could sense. Angie took in a deep breath and looked inside the room.

The figure was in a cloak and the hood was big so only his hands were visible. Angie removed one leg of her boot and aimed it for the man's head. "Don't you dare harm our healer". She said boldly. Foolish heroism. A thought was formed for her. "Would you look at that?" The man stood up slowly, "a cub is here to save it's master". Angie was glad that he couldn't sense her magic. She gave him no answer.

The man crackled. "In time you will bow to us", he laughed, "you are bound to nature". "Angie, get out of here!" Mr. Dhawnren choked on his own blood. Before Angie could move, she was blown back by a force causing her to somersault in the air. She crashed her back into the railings.

Her collar was grabbed by the man. How did he move so fast? She thought as she was being squeezed to death. "You will do nicely", his voice turned raspy, "a tool of convincing. Yes!" "Let her go!" John yelled and grabbed the figure's neck. Angie only got a glimpse of his face before John kicked her.

She tumbled off the railings and was heading for the ground. She closed her eyes and braced herself for impact. Instead, she was swallowed into the black hole and was dumped on the floor of the Shadow World.

Daniel was startled by her fall. "Angie! Angie!" He shook her body. Angie's head felt like a hammer had been used on it. "You have to open your eyes. Please Angie!" Is that Daniel? What is he doing in my room? She thought. "Angela!" Angie's eyes shot open.

She saw the familiar flame environment with Daniel hovering around her. "Angie! Thank goodness", he pulled into a hug, "don't you ever scare me like that". Angie was still trying to catch her breath but she didn't pull away. She needed this hug.

"I'm very worried about Angie". Mitchell said pacing around the room. "Why are you worried?" Tatiana asked reading a novel, "she's sick and in bed". "The perfect condition for Nolan or anyone else to attack". Mitchell challenged. "Look baby, pacing around won't solve your problems", Tatiana said, "so just relax".

Mitchell sat down reluctantly. She could tell that something wasn't right. The doorbell rang. Both their heads snapped in the direction. "Before you carry a weapon", Lin called out, "it's Jo and I". Mitchell wanted to believe it but Nolan had magic and she could impersonate anyone. "What's the biggest thing you've told me, Lin?" Mitchell asked as a test. "Well erm it was about know it-it...". Mitchell let out a small laugh then snapped her fingers.

Lin was red like a tomato. "If you wanted to test us", she said, "you could have a different question". "I'm sorry". Mitchell was holding in her outburst. "Good evening, Miss Roscoe", Jo greeted, "we're sorry we came this late at night. We're worried about Angie". "Girls!" Tatiana wasn't pleased wiry their worry, "you all need to relax. She is fine probably just asleep".

"Angie never silences her phone. She should have heard the ringing", Lin shrugged, "I also tried mind communication. She didn't respond. That only happens when she's unconscious or in the Shadow world". Tatiana was starting to understand why they were worried. She wanted to answer but she heard Lashana's cries. "I'll be back". She said and left.

"Should we go check her house and see what's up?" Jo suggested. "Yeah. Let's do that", Mitchell nodded, "Lin, can you make all of us invisible? You were the only one to mastered it". "Sure thing" was Lin's answer.

Angie was staring into space. Her head was hurting. She didn't know what to do with herself again. Mr Dhawnren was most likely taken and it was  her fault. Those three words had been ruining her life. She should know the.meaning. They would have had an idea of what was going on.

"Don't be so hard on yourself". Daniel said sitting beside her. "We thought we were dealing with just Nolan but this...this is bigger than her", Angie said shaking her head, "and at this point, I'm the only one who has answers. Answers that I haven't figured out". "Stressing isn't going to help", he told her, "you need your strength; physical and mental".

Angie looked at him. She remembered how he yelled her name before she woke up. There was something between her and Daniel. It was love. She knew that much. The kind was another mystery. "You're right", She said and leaned on his shoulder, "I need strength".

It was unintentional but Angie dived into Daniel's head. She could see a little girl. The girl was in a pink dress and her blonde hair was packed in pigtails. She was displaying a dance routine. The locket on her neck bounced around with every turn she made. She looked too familiar to Angie.

A man knelt beside her with a big smile. It was Daniel before he dyed his brown hair black. "You were absolutely stunning". He praised her. "That's because I'm daddy's little angel, right?" The girl's smile was bigger than the sun. "Yes my dear", he held her face, "you're my angel. My Angela".

Angie removed her head from Daniel's shoulder. Her eyes were already glossy. The girl looked familiar because the girl was her. Daniel didn't dare to meet her eyes. "I'm sorry". He whispered. Angie stood up. She couldn't look at him. She was having too many emotions at the same time.

She clicked her fingers and a portal opened. She jumped inside. Since she wasn't focused, she landed in the lawn of her house. Angie let the tears roll down. She was having a slight panic attack. She wanted to deny what she saw but it was the truth. Daniel was her real dad.

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