Season 8 - Ep SEVEN

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Angie was glad that her phone distracted her. "Angie, it's Jo". Mitchell said immediately she picked up. "I'll be right there". She replied and hung up. She sniffed herself and decided to have a shower first. She went home. She expected it to be empty but Mike was playing video games. "Skipping school?" She asked. "Yeah" he shrugged without looking at her. "How many times now?" "A couple"

"Your teacher would have called Dad".

"She did and he told her I was sick with the flu".

"Well, I know where Dad is. I could give him a call". Mike dropped the console. "What do you want?" He rolled  his eyes. "Get dressed", she smirked, "we're gonna meet friends".

Candice was chatting away with Ellen in the kitchen when Veronica woke up. "Honey, you barely slept two hours". Candice moved to inspect her face. "I'm fine, Mom", Veronica smiled, "I wasn't that tired". "If you say so", Candice gave a knowing look, "breakfast is ready".

"Good morning, Mrs Hamper". Veronica gave a side smile. "Morning Veronica", Ellen replied, "and please call me Ellen". "Hmmm" Candice and Ellen went back to their discussion as Veronica ate in silence. Suddenly, there was a smash. It came from Grayson's room. Veronica and Candice ran to the room in panic.

Grayson had mistakenly pushed the glass of water on the floor. His phone was ringing and he wanted to grab it. He put the device to his ear when Candice and Veronica stepped in. "Hey Levi. Feeling better already". He lied. His expression changed to a serious one. He sighed and said, "we'll be there. Bye". He looked at the females. "Something is wrong with Jo". He announced.

Lin and Levi slept in the same bed. Nothing rated eighteen happened though but it was a special night for them. Lin learned that admitting fear wasn't weakness. It was one of the many lessons her father gave her that she found hard to part with. Levi was helping her with it. He didn't act like she was too much to handle which would surprise the world because Lin Shin Ye was a handful.

The two made breakfast and ate in peace. Jonah wasn't home for the week so it was just them. "We're supposed to be in school". Levi briefly mentioned. "It would go down in history that Lin Shin Ye skipped the first day and graduated a valedictorian". Lin said with her usual level of crazy.

"Valedictorian huh?" Levi chuckled.

"Okay, maybe not valedictorian. But you all know I am the most ambitious and most likely to rule the world. I'm just that good".

"You are something". They both laughed. "Seriously though, what do wanna be after school?" He asked. Lin took another bit of her bacon. "Fashion. Modeling. Design", she shrugged, "anything that takes me from this deadbeat town". "You wanna leave Bresten?" He crossed his arms. "Duh! Don't you?"

"Not exactly. I couldn't even leave if I wanted to anyways. Why? This is your home".

"Home is a foreign word these days. The memories's too much. I can't handle it".

"What about Jonah? Or your friends? Me? You're just gonna walk away and forget us too?" Lin looked into his eyes. "I don't know. Maybe I want to". Levi nodded his head. He was sad at her reply. Her phone vibrated and she speedily picked up. Lin's eyes went wide and she rushed upstairs.

"What was that? What happened?" Levi asked after tailing her. "It's Jo", she said, "something is wrong with her". "She hasn't been taken too, right?" "Worse. She's sick".

"Mom, I'm not helpless", Jo groaned weakly, "I just need some sleep". "Don't you dare lie to me!" Sophia's tone was stern. She had been scolding Jo since she woke up. Sophia had seen the blood. She deduced that all was not well instantly. "I'm gonna be fine", Jo held her hand, "Lo prometo...I promise".

Sophia made angry noises and gave certain remarks in her tongue. She left Jo to see if the others had arrived. Jo snapped her fingers and the box of tissues were at her side. She cough heavily into it and groaned. She shot blue sparks into her face and the cough suppressed.

Sophia welcomed the Luxs first. Goldie was devastated at the news. She didn't know how bad the condition was but yet, she was scared. Andreas felt bad for Jo. She had used all her break on their daughter. He wasn't going to ignore a call regarding her welfare. Vinci was indifferent. He liked all the girls but they hadn't grown on him enough for him to feel a pool of emotions.

Mitchell arrived next. She made the calls to the other three but she had to clean the mess she made before coming. Angie and Mike followed closely then Grayson and Veronica and then, Levi and Lin. Sophia tried to raise an eyebrow at them to confirm if they did the 'deed'.

"Jo!" Lin being the drama queen she was jumped to Jo's side. The spell Jon had whispered earlier made her face neutral. "Doctors don't get sick!" Lin whined. Jo chuckled and said, "technically, I'm not a doctor yet". "Please be strong". Lin hugged.

"What's wrong? You obviously would have diagnosed yourself". Angie said. "It's nothing too serious", she lied through her teeth, "it's the stress and nature language. Turns out, learning it is bad for me. My magic is not used to it. I'm bending its form". "Disruption of nature always has consequences. We've learned that so far". Vinci nodded. "We can manage these consequences, right?" Andreas quipped. "Yeah", Jo answered sharply, "I have to stop the classes. Sorry Goldie".

"Don't apologize! I'm gonna be fine". Goldie quickly said. "I can handle her nature language classes". Angie added. "It's settled then", Jo smiled, "I don't know what mamá said to you all but I'm not dying". For a split second, Angie saw Jo's mask fall. She frowned. "Mike, can you take Goldie out?" She gave him a look that said 'the adults need to talk'. "Sure". He answered and led Goldie out.

"What do you think their saying?" Goldie asked him once they  were walking down the stairs. "Who knows?" Mike shrugged, "I just heard the truth yesterday. It's probably about Jason". "Maybe" Goldie shrugged too. "'re thirteen yet or still twelve?" "Thirteen. Though my birthday was far from the dream teenager pool party". "Okay. What did you do instead?" "Nothing really. I was tied to tree about to be sacrificed by witches. Lucky me!" Mike laughed at the sarcasm and Goldie joined in.

Surprisingly, it was Mitchell who ordered. "Drop the glamour". Were her words. Jo sighed in defeat and waved her hand around her face. "Holy shit!" Lin screamed and came off the bed. "What's really wrong with you?" Angie demanded. She was angry at the state her best friend was in.

Jo coughed slightly, "I haven't given  it a name", she confessed, "but it's a reaction from the exposure to Goldie". "Please, expand". Andreas urged. He didn't like the sound of his girl being the cause of this. "I told you that she was a light bulb with a battery", she explained, "she has way too much light for someone who is not a vessel to handle. She didn't blast me or anything. Her powers multiplied some of my skin cells". "We're talking cancer here, aren't we?" Veronica questioned.

"In plain terms, yes. Cancer". Jo agreed. "But your magic is healing you, right?" Lin was praying there was a silver lining in the situation. "My magic is making it worse", she said, "whatever radiation it was, it penetrated as far as my blood stream. My magic is poisoned". "Just tell us how to find a cure, Johanson!" Lin snapped. "I don't think there is one". Jo answered slowly.

Lin stormed out of the room. Levi immediately went after her. "Don't!" She warned him, "I told you I couldn't bare another lose. Just leave me alone!" "Lin, calm down!" Levi was worried. "She doesn't deserve this. She doesn't". Lin shook her head and went out of the house.

Once the door was closed behind her, she breathe. The tears rolled down her cheeks. Jo didn't deserve to die. She was sweet and brave and smart and... A wide palm out of no where covered Lin's mouth and nose. Chloroform Her mind said as she passed out.

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