Season 6 - Ep ONE

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Angie was shocked. The pain came like a sting. She touched the place but no blood fell neither was there a hole. "Something's wrong with Maggie". She told Daniel before leaving. Daniel sighed and sat on the rock.

A little girl appeared in front of him. "How did I know you'd be back to torment me?" He crossed his arms. "It's not torment, daddy", she smiled sweetly, "you're going to have to tell her soon". "When the time is right". He kissed her forehead. He closed his eyes and opened them to find that he was alone.

Angie went directly to Mitchell. "Hey, I didn't expect to see you here". Mitchell said once the opened the door. "Where is Jo and Lin?" She asked. "They're with Lashana. Why?" Angie didn't bother to answer her. "We have a problem". She told the two. Lin groaned. She was frustrated with her life. "We'll be back", she cooed at the baby, "that is if we're not killed".

Angie was pacing in the room while holding her hair. "What's gotten you so worked up?" Jo had not seen Angie this paranoid in a while. "It's Maggie", she finally said, "I think she's in trouble". "Was it another vision?" Lin questioned. "I think when she healed me, she placed a part of herself in me", Angie resumed, "the pain was too accurate. I don't want us to be late. What happened to that girl cannot make a repeat".

Lin conjured up a glass of water. "Here", she offered it to her, "you need to calm down". Angie collected it and took a sip. "We don't have time to calm down", she floated the cup to the table, "I know what I felt". "We're not doubting you", Jo nodded, "we need to spread out. Lin can go to her house, Mitchell could check the graveyard and we'll both search the forest".

Angie was doubtful about the idea. Her mind created different possibilities. What if the plan was to separate them? What if Maggie was calling for her attention? What if they are late and they become next targets? "Angie!" She pulled out of her thoughts. "You can't zone out on use like that". Lin frowned. She would never get used to Angie's multiple abilities.

The girls spread out like Jo had suggested. Lin took no time in reaching the Pitters. The lights were one which was strange. Celine was at the hospital, the Mayor was still at the office and Maggie was most likely not home. She shrugged and rang the doorbell. She did it again. She rolled her eyes and entered.

The house was empty. It was then she recalled that they had workers in the house. "Where did everybody go?" She asked herself. She took a step at a time looking all her around her. She wasn't in the mood for an ambush.

Suddenly, the lights went out. "Of course" she muttered. A creepy house wasn't complete without darkness. She went into the kitchen first. "Well that explains the emptiness". She sighed. On the floor laid three men and two women. Their white shirts were dyed in blood and their bodies were slashed opened. From where she stood, she knew their pupils were gone too.

Mitchell was having an internal battle. She was trying her best to think straight but she was bothered. Her feelings for Angie were more intense and she couldn't help but feel that Angie was crushing it every minute. Angie said she needed time but how much time could she possibly need? What if her time takes eternity? I can't wait that long. She thought.

A crunch brought her back to reality. They where looking for Maggie who could probably be dead or captured. She heard a rustle of leaves. Mitchell was on high alerts. She heard a digging sound. "Why would anyone want to bury at night?" She murmured.

As she got closer, the breathing she heard got heavier. She looked at the six foot figure. It was hard to make out in the darkness. "Who are you?" She asked startling the person. The figure dropped the shovel and made an attempt to run.

Mitchell was fast. She formed a globe that hit the figure square in the back. She ran forward. The person was struggling to crawl away. Mitchell caught up and delivered a punch. She pulled off the hood of the cloak. She was greeted with short raven dark hair.

It was a man. She turned him around and stumbled back. His face had been disfigured with scars that looked like scratches. She stopped herself from puking because it was disgusting. She went to hold him again but his eyes flew open. He pulled a knife from his belt buckle, stabbed her arm and cut open his throat.

It all happened so fast. Mitchell moved to the man and covered his neck. She was applying pressure to the place so that he didn't bleed out. He began to choke on his blood. Mitchell was ignoring her pain to save him. He could have answers. In his dastardly state, he smiled whispered, "argoha mista nofatum". Those where his last words.

Angie was frustrated of seeing the same thing over and over. Trees! She was pretty sure that they were moving in circles. "Can you stop brooding?" Jo was clearly irritated by her attitude, "we'll find her". "I know we will. My problem is finding her dead". Angie retorted.

"Have some faith".

"Faith vanished when my mother turned into a rampaging killer".

"We're gonna find her".

"When Jo? After she has killed half the town?" "You're really not thinking this through, are you?" Angie quirked her eyebrows and Jo rolled her eyes. "You said it before she has list. Targets. Nothing about this us random", she explained, "our problem is that we don't know how the puzzle pieces fit or when we think we do, new pieces come and change everything".

Change everything. Those words stayed with Angie. It was just one thing she did in the past that was causing all this havoc. It had brought in new pieces that made no sense. Angie was struck with a power she couldn't discern. Jo paused to look at her. Angie's eyes glowed red. She blinked and they went away. "Are you okay?" Jo asked worriedly.

Angie touched her healed wound. She nodded when she let the aura direct her senses. "I know where she is". She announced and started walking. Jo recollected herself and followed Angie.

Again, Angie was getting that bad feeling that she was too late. "Can you at least tell me where we're going to?" Jo groaned. "Givio Lights". Was her short answer. "Givio...wait! Isn't that the gay bar that got shut down?" Jo was confused as to why Angie would think Maggie was there. "Trust me. She's there".

Lin had left the house and was walking in no particular direction before she decided to call. "Thank goodness you picked up", she sighed, " hang on Jo, I wanna make this a conference call. You would not believe what I saw". She dialled the other three, "Angie, you were right about something going terribly wrong", she continued talking, "there was no Maggie but the other people were dead".

"What?!" Jo exclaimed, "do we know them?" "No. It was there workers. I think they got into her way". Lin put a hand on her waist. "Or his way", Mitchell spoke up, "I saw a guy digging graves. Probably trying to cover up his tracks". "Did he hurt you?" Angie could hear the faint grunt. "Yeah. He stabbed my arm and killed himself. There was no sign of Maggie".

"We know where she is. We're almost there", Angie said relieved that she wasn't badly hurt, "Lin please get Mitchell and meet us at Givio Lights". "Got it". She replied and hung up. It seemed like the night was getting from bad to worse.

"Look". Jo stopped Angie from entering. Jo accessed the stain on the doorknob. "It's blood". She told Angie. She clicked her fingers and the door opened. "More blood". Angie muttered as she saw marks that looked that shoe prints. The two scanned the place as they followed the prints. Jo was secretly wondering why Maggie chose a place like this to hide out.

The two paused when they say the trail. Angie quietly picked up her phone and called Lin. "Are you with Mitchell yet?" She asked not tearing her eyes from the sight she was beholding. "Yeah. We're on our way". "Take your time", Angie's eyes filled with tears, "she's gone".

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