Season 6 - Ep TWO

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Angie and Jo didn't bother to move until the others joined them. "Oh no!" Lin covered her mouth with the back of her palm. Angie took a deep breath and dared to have a closer glance. Mitchell held her bandaged arm and moved too. Jo and Lin followed suit.

"Rest well". Angie whispered as she closed Maggie's eyes. "She did not deserve this". Mitchell had a deep frown. "I think I'm seeing things", Lin blurted, "guys?" They turned their attention to what she was pointing at.

Angie crouched down. Her blood was used to scribble some words. "Do you think it was Nolan?" Lin asked. "No. I've seen something like this before", Jo also analyzed it, "that story in the book that only Maggie could read. This was the language". "Agorha mista nofatum". Mitchell read. They  gave her a look. "It was the last words of that guy I found". "Do you think they are working together?" Jo wondered. "I don't know", Angie stood up, "but whatever is happening, it's bigger than we thought".

Jason was tossing from one side of the bed to the other. He was sweating profusely. He gripped his bedsheets tighter and squeezed his eyes shut. He was hearing several voices and see different images that weren't clear. He kept turning and turning. He heart stopped when he saw a pair of golden eyes. Eyes that he recognized immediately even though he had only seen them once.

His subconscious was moving closer to the eyes. He kicked his legs against huge chain that were blood stained. He was moving unsure of where he was headed. He accessed the walls around him. Claw marks. He was stunned but his legs kept moving. He hit his head against metal. It was a cell.

He peered at it closely. Why was he here? He mused. Suddenly those eyes revealed themselves like the sun in the dark night sky. "Grayson?" Even his voice seemed strange to his hearing. A loud howl pushed him from the far away from the cell, from the marks and from the eyes.

Jason jerked up from his dream. He was panting as he scanned his surrounding. He was in his room and everything appeared to be normal. He got down and went to the bathroom sink. He splashed water on his face. He shook his head and did it again.

He checked himself in the mirror. "You know his calling out to you". The reflection spoke. Jason was spooked. He turned back to see if someone was there. There was no one. "You can't deny the truth", his reflection continued speaking, "go to him. He's been through enough pain". "Get out of my head!" He yelled and punched the glass. Even as the pieces scattered he still heard the voice saying, "go! Go!"

They buried Maggie in the grave that the mystery man was digging. "What do we do about him?" Jo crossed her arms. "He doesn't deserve a grave". Angie said bitterly as she let the red sparks fill her hands. She stretched her arm at the body and it went into flames. She stared at it as if to send a message to whomever was behind it. I will not spare anyone.

With grief in their hearts, they retired to Mitchell's house for a rest. Angie knew she wouldn't be able to sleep. The image taunted her. "I should have been there". She whispered. Unluckily, Jo heard it. "It wasn't your fault", she assured her, "we will get justice for her".

Angie didn't believe it. She wasn't a killer and the only way to take Nolan down was death. She kept this to herself though. She wasn't ready to banter over killing a killer. Lin and Jo went to see Lashana and Mitchell  went to René.

Angie felt like the house was choking her so she went outside. Her mind was troubled. "I get it now". She was surprised at the voice but she gave no reaction. "Seeing what happened to Maggie", Mitchell continued, "I understand why you would be worried". "Worried?" Angie scoffed and turned around, "people are dying. More will soon. I have powers that I don't even understand and this mystery makes no sense! I am not worried, Mitch...I'm terrified".

Angie let the tears drop freely. She had been holding it in for too long. Mitchell hugged her and let her cry. Angie was trying to hard to be strong for them. Lin and Jo stood by the door. Mitchell gave them an approving nod and they joined in the hug. "Thank you so much guys". She sniffed. "Hey! If we're gonna be strange or at the brink of death", Lin smiled, "I'd rather it be with you guys". "That wasn't as motivating as it sounded in your head, right?" Jo smiled too.

Jason was running. He could barely see anything due to the darkness but he kept running. It was like his legs had developed a mind of their own. His heart was racing as well. The voice in his head was getting louder and louder.

The legs stopped in front of a very familiar door. A door that he had stood in front of for hours but never daring to knock, ring the doorbell or go inside. He exhaled and turned the doorknob.

He was a bit shocked to see that it was opened. Who leaves their house unlocked at a time like this? Especially with all the killings going on? He thought. "Mrs Tryler?!" He called out closing the door behind him. He got no response.

The lights were all switched on but it seemed no one was home. He took light and stealthy steps. His legs started their work as they moved him against his will. They were headed for the basement. Jason braced himself for any danger. Hopefully, he wouldn't have a repeat of his dream.

He flicked on the lights of the basement. He looked around. The cobwebs showed him hospitality. He almost shrieked at the sound of a crunch until he noticed that it was the dead cockroach under his shoes. The room was fairly small. A thought kept nudging him at the back of his head. There was nothing in there but he wasn't persuaded to leave.

He touched the walls slowly. His index finger passed through a needle's eye. He took a peek. There was something behind the wall. He pushed the wall to see a block was going to move. Instead, the secret door revealed itself.

Jason sighed. He was going to end this madness once and for all. The passage was dark so he used his phone's flashlight to navigate. Jason was beginning to feel lightheaded. The same chains from his dream was in its place. He didn't back down though. Courage from who knows where was fueling him.

The claw marks were the second clue that he was about to face the test. He wasn't ready but if Grayson was in that cell, he had to free him and get explanations for the supernatural shit that he had been experiencing.

Candice was on the phone with Rex. "I am very worried", she frowned, "is there nothing we can do to help?" "He has to come to terms with his wolf", Rex was trying his best to console Candice, "we can't do that for him". Candice closed her eyes to stop the tears. She couldn't handle her son being in so much pain.

Her eyes glance at the floor for barely a second. "I'll call you later". She said and hung up. She went into the kitchen and grabbed a butcher knife. She wasn't surprised that someone had broke into her house. Danger was part of her life.

Jason was standing face to face with the cell now. He wrapped his fingers around the bars. "Grayson". His voice was hushed. The eyes popped out of nowhere. "Beautiful". He whispered. He put his left hand through. He closed his eyes and waited. This was the only way to convince himself that this wasn't a monster.

"Shit!" Candice cursed when she saw the basement door was ajar. She hurried inside. Once she saw the secret door was opened too, she panicked. Someone must have been sent there to kill her son.

Jason felt a warm sensation on his palm. He took a look and saw a hand. He intertwined his fingers with Grayson's. " You're here". Grayson's voice was so broken. "Well I would have been here sooner if you picked my thousand calls". Jason chuckled.

It was like a spell hit Grayson. He tried to remove his hands. "No" Jason said firmly not letting go, "you're not pulling back again". "You would get hurt. I can't let you get hurt". Grayson said. "And look at where that brought us". Jason snapped.

Candice was confused when she was hearing voices. A killer wouldn't engage in casual conversation with his victim. She brought the weapon down when she saw a hoodie.  What is Jason doing here? She wondered. 

"Look, Gray...we can work things out", he meant every word, "I just need an honest explanation and we're good. Please! You're in pain". Grayson hesitated. He was in grave pain. One look into Jason's blue eyes and he was won over. "I won't hold back. Not again". He said.

"Don't you dare kiss!" Candice warned. A startled Jason turned around to see Mrs Tryler with a big knife. "Upstairs! Now!"

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