Season 8 - Ep TWO

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"We're gonna find him". Angie said to Grayson. "You said that at the beginning of Summer and now, school is in two days". Grayson snapped. "This is not the time to lose hope", Jo added, "you're alive means he's alive". "The problem is...for how long?" Grayson sighed. "Don't worry about that", Lin held his shoulders, "we're all looking for him. We will find Jason".

Angie's phone chirped and she swore under her breath. "You're gonna get that?" Mitchell raised her eyebrows. "It's not important". Angie shrugged. "How would you know? You haven't even looked at it". "I just know, okay?" "Geez!" Mitchell rolled her eyes. Angie sighed. She didn't like lying to Mitchell but she couldn't tell her truth.

"For the record, thank you Jo for convincing your parents to be our lawyers", Grayson said, "since my dad died, we've been kinda short on money". "It's not a problem", Jo brushed it off, "we're all practically family. They would have done it anyways". Grayson gave her a grateful smile.

Apparently, instead of focusing solely on finding Jason, Mrs Hamper sued the Trylers. She said that Grayson had deceived her son and now, they intentionally left him exposed to kidnappers. The court proceedings have been going on and Candice was presently on house arrest. Another hearing was going to happen on Tuesday. That's why Grayson was more tensed. He needed evidence to free his mom and he need his mate back.

"This is your order", Xander said while dropping the order, "anything else?" "Yeah", Grayson frowned, "why don't you die in a ditch somewhere?" "Grayson!" Jo scolded. "No no no! You guys cannot tell me to back down", Grayson shot back, "it's his fault that Jason is gone. Heck! How do I know he didn't plan all this?!"

"Grayson, calm down!" Angie whisper yelled, "you saw him that night. He tried to protect Jason. He almost lost his head. Chill!" Grayson bared his fangs and his eyes glowed furiously. He was breathing heavily but later calmed down. "I'm sorry man", he said to Xander, "without him...I'm a mess". Xander smiled, "I get it", he said, "and my pack is searching too. If we have any news, you'll be the first".

Turns out, Xander was also a werewolf just for a different pack. He was on a mission in Bresten to find the Alpha mate and protect her. Word got out about their mate bond and other packs wanted to be a part of the connection. Something about 'shared strength'.

Xander was looking for a girl which was his first mistake. He had called Jason privately because he could smell an Alpha on him. He was hoping to get answers and that was when shit went down. Some hooded figures raided the palor and took Jason. Xander tried to fight but they had magic. He was easily tossed aside.

The search for Jason started. Angie and the others couldn't even enjoy their victory over destroying the coven and Nolan.  Jason was very important to them all. His death would be unbearable. Grayson was closely monitored for this cause. Any slight change  in his health means that Jason was being tortured. Except for the stress, everything else was okay. Jason was well.

"Well, I have to go", Jo stood up, "I have to tutor Goldie". The Luxs didn't leave Bresten. Andreas and Vinci decided that history was good for Goldie. She needed to know her roots. Jo was helping her with both her books and her powers. Goldie was not in control yet. She would sometimes leave her body and blast things. Good thing they still lived in the woods.

"Veronica has lessons too", Grayson rolled his eyes, "perks of Mom being arrested". "Come on", Lin chuckled, "you love the girl". "Yeah", Grayson agreed, "especially when she kicked that cop in the nuts. He did not see that coming". "We'll catch up with you guys". Jo waved as they both walked out.

Angie's phone started screaming. She glanced at the caller ID and internally groaned. "I have to take this". She said and excused herself. Mitchell just nodded in acknowledgement. "I think she's cheating on me". Mitchell confessed to Lin. Lin looked at Mitchell then at Angie through the window. "No way". Lin shock her head.

"I'm telling you. She's sneaking around, receiving texts and calls from someone I don't know and when I ask, it's the same answer; nothing important".

"I think you're being paranoid".

"No, I'm not. Just look at her". They both looked at Angie. She ran her hand through her head a couple times and she bit her lip like always when she was nervous. "She doesn't look like she's talking to friend more or less, a girlfriend". Lin shrugged. Mitchell thought about it too. "Then what's so big that she has to hide?" Mitchell asked no one in particular.

Lin licked her ice cream spoon, "Angie's the only one that has that answer", she said, "ask her and don't make it seem like an accusation". "Whatever you say". Mitchell rolled her eyes. Silence was between them for a brief moment till Mitchell asked, "what's up with you and Levi?"

"Why the heck are you calling me?" Angie snapped into the phone as soon as she picked. "I half expected you to ignore it", the voice belonged to a girl, "just like you ignored my text". "You're making my life really difficult". Angie said through gritted teeth.

"Oh don't pout, love. I've only just begun".

"What do you want now?"

"The spell book".

"Not happening". Angie gave a stern answer.

"You're not in a position to decline, love. Get me the spell book".

"I don't know if acting deaf is your new thing but I'm staying it again...Not. Gonna. Happen". The girl chuckled. "Well then", she said, "I guess you've made your choice. Expect your secrets to be on air tomorrow morning. I'd love to see the look on the faces of your little gang. Dealing with court cases and a missing, this!  It would be iconic".

Angie didn't have to be surprised that this mystery girl knew about the current happenings. It was all over the news channels and newspapers. "The best look of all", the girl continued, "would be from your brothers and father. They have no idea what kind of monster you are". Angie smiled to herself. At least, the bitch doesn't know everything about my life. She thought.

"Fine!" Angie sighed, "where should I meet you?" "Now, you're talking", the girl smirked on the other side, "I'll text you the address. Don't ignore it this time, love". Angie hung up and sighed. She had to deal with this threat calls on her own. It was getting harder especially with Mitchell watching her every move but she was doing this for them. She adjusted herself and went back inside.

"What about us?" Lin had asked Mitchell. "You guys seem closer. You dating?" Mitchell wondered. "Not yet. Jason is stressing Grayson and it has an effect on all of them. I don't wanna add more worries to his". Lin played with her hair. "That's really thoughtful. Damn! Lin Shin Ye is growing up!" Mitchell laughed. Lin scoffed, "speaking of growing up", she said, "I've been thinking about something".

Lin used her side eye to check Xander. He was busy with other customers. 'Something about Xander doesn't seem right'. She said through the mind link. 'Why do say that? And what's with the mind chat?' Mitchell replied. Before Lin could answer, Angie sat back down. 'I heard what you said so don't make a face to me'. Angie said while attending to her half melted ice cream.

Lin smile and continued. 'I wanna trust the guy and that's the problem'. Mitchell furrowed her eyebrows. 'The guy is too trustable? That's your take?' 'She's not wrong, Mitch. No one can be that perfect. There is something he's not spilling'. Angie looked at Xander for a moment. 'I'm not saying he's a bad guy. He's just...mysterious'. Lin concluded.

Xander's phone vibrated. "You know you're not allowed to call me at work". Xander frowned. "I'm sorry, sir", the man on the other end apologized, "we wanted to confirm about the switch  in location". Xander took a look at the chattering girls. He smirked, "don't move", he ordered, "they are all under stress. They have no clue where to find him so relax. I'll come over tonight to feed him myself. Send my love to him". "Okay sir".  The call dropped and Xander smirked wider. Looks like he had plans for night.

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