Season 3 - Ep SIX

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Jo smiled at her mini success. She walked to the lockers to meet Mitchell. "Hey" she greeted. "Hi" Mitchell replied without looking at her. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages". She faked innocence

"Well between the whole blood magic and madness, I'm not sure there's time for chitchats". Mitchell shot.

"I'm fine". "And I'm the queen of England". Mitchell slammed her locker and faced her. "Look, Jo", she said, "no one hates you. We wanna help but if and only if, you want it too". "I get it", she sighed, "enough about me. You don't seem to be in a good mood". "Well I saw my bastard of a father this morning", Mitchell frowned, "not the best start to a day".

Jo smiled inwardly. Everything was in her favor today. "At least, you can pour it out on someone", Jo said, "you and Angie are a couple right?" Mitchell raised her eyebrows, "why would you ask that?" She questioned, "you know she needs time".

"Maybe, maybe not"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means she probably said that to make you feel better. I mean I've known Angie since I was a baby. She probably has a crush on Jason or something". "You're sick". Mitchell spat before walking away. Jo chuckled under her breath. That was two down. It remained one more.

Angie continued to stare at the mirror. She hadn't done anything. It was impossible that her mom having powers was her fault. She ran her fingers through her hair. She couldn't come up with a reason. She was highly worried about Jo though. "I need to find the others". She told herself as she left the bathroom. Daniel shook his head and scoffed from the Shadow world. "You were so close to figuring it out". He whispered.

Angie bumped into Lin on the way. "Get a new pair of eyes!" Lin screeched. "Whatever", Angie rolled her eyes, "I was on my way to find you". "Oh really? Am I that amazing?" Lin joked. Angie gave a short laugh. "No. I'm damn worried about Jo. She tried to tick me off", she explained, "I wanted you guys to know. She's really acting mad and it'll only get worse. Have you seen Mitchell?"

"Oh no", Lin crossed her arms, "Mitchell is not in the right mind. Her dad showed up this morning and I just saw her pass by a few minutes ago. She was fuming".

"This is bad. Jo got to her first. Shit!"

"We need to get the book from Jo. The reverse spell is definitely there".

"How? She probably has trigger spells all around and with her 'advancement', I wouldn't want to risk it".

They both paused. They needed a thorough plan. Lin suddenly snapped her fingers, "I have a plan", she said, "I'll meet with you after or during lunch". "Why can't you tell me now? I want to help". Angie said. Lin closed her eyes and focused. Her hair waved like the wind was in it. 'she might be spying on us right now. We can't take any chances' Angie heard the message in her head. Lin opened her eyes and exhaled. That was a draining task. Angie nodded at her and left.

Jo was in the corner listening to everything. She was beyond furious. She had a perfect plan but Angie had to ruin everything. She formed an energy ball and threw it at her. It bounced off an invisible shield and ricochetted. She barely dodged it. Angie looked over her shoulders, smirked and turned back. "Argh!" Jo yelled. Angie was a stumbling block in her plans.

Time flew by and it was lunch time. Angie carried he tray of food and tried to find Mitchell. "Is this seat taken?" She asked shocking Mitchell. "Geez! Angie! Don't scare a girl!" She huffed before nodding. Angie smiled and sat down. "Lin told me about your Dad". Angie blurted. Mitchell did a double take before she answered, "that cunning fox is snooping again".

"She can sniff drama even a town away".

"And she has no shame. Whatever. It doesn't matter".

Angie held her hand, "he's your dad. You have a right to be mad", she said calmly, "but you have to face this with a clear head. You can't be angry". Mitchell sighed, nodded and smiled.

Angie's phone chirped. She read the text. "What's that?" Mitchell asked already eating. "It's Jason. He wanted to talk to me and..." She was interrupted by another text. "What did he want?" Mitchell furrowed her brows. "Nothing", Angie lied shaking her head, "it's nothing important. I have to go now. I'll see you". Angie pecked her cheeks before running off.

She felt bad that she couldn't tell Mitchell but she didn't want to break her promise to Jason. She arrived in Tom's Tank and was waved over by Jason. "Hey" "Hi". Angie settled in her seat and asked, "what was so important?" "I think I'm losing my mind". He replied.

She gave him a questioning look. "I'm not joking. I feel like ending my miseries". He confessed. "Before we think about ending miseries", she said slowly, "explain". The last thing she needed was a suicidal person on her hands. "I love him", Jason shook his head, "I can't explain it".

A waiter interrupted her reply. She thanked him and asked, "what?!" "Don't attract attention!" He shushed her. "I don't get what you mean by you love him", she was stunned, "which him?"


"Grayson Tryler? The Grayson Tryler?!" Jason nodded. Angie's mind was blown. How am I supposed to process this? Shw asked herself. "When? How? Where? Why?" She rushed, "I thought you had a girlfriend". "I thought so too but there was a party last two weeks and everything went downhill", he explained, "I've been freaking dying on the inside until I noticed you and Mitchell". "Me and Mitchell?" Angie bit her lip and rubbed her fingers. "You don't have to be nervous. I don't think people know".

"You have a flare for gossip".

"Not when I have a similar crisis on my hands".

Angie sighed. "It's true that I feel something for her", she said looking away, "but our society had made it a crime. I have never felt like this with anyone and that's all that should matter". She held his hands, "I'm also learning to accept myself and you should too", her tone was comforting, "does he know?" "Heck no! We've been avoiding each other since".

"It doesn't help matters. Trust me on that".

"How are you sure? It's a feeling. It could go away".

"It's not a disease you can attempt to cure. Accept yourself before the world accepts you".

"And if they don't?"

"You're better off without them". There was bitterness hidden behind her words. She was referring to her Mom. "Thank you Angie", he smiled, "for someone who hates people, you sure know a lot about love". "Oh shut up". She laughed. They chatted for a while. Angie forgot all her problems for a while. This was normalcy in her life and she wanted to enjoy it. It was short-lived though as she received a text from Lin saying the plan was all set.

"I have something else to handle". She told him. He nodded and they stood up. She hugged him and turned to leave. She stopped in her tracks as she saw Mitchell. "Mitchell, what are you doing here?" She asked. "I didn't want to believe her but I've seen enough with my eyes". Mitchell answered with immense hurt in her voice. "Mitchell! Mitchell!" Her shouts were in vain. Mitchell was gone.

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