Season 6 - Ep SIX

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Jo had her nose in a book. "How do you suggest we approach them?" Lin said as they walked, "I mean we can't just barge in to their lair or whatever that place was". "We can talk to Grayson", Mitchell quipped, "it's his father. He has to be like the second in command or something". "No. We need to offer them something that they'll need if we want their help". Angie shook her head.

Angie had been more moody since Jo told her about her grandparents. She was tormented with the guilt like she had been the one to commit the crime. It made her miss Daniel more. She could talk to him about it. There were his parents too. With everything that has been going on, she didn't think chatting would on the schedule.

"Any ideas, Jo?" Lin asked. "Yes. The treaty of Versailles was signed in 1918". Jo answered. They all stared at her. "I have a test this morning. You can't blame me", she closed the book, "what were you saying?" "We're talking about our alliance", Mitchell replied, "Angie thinks talking wouldn't work". "Because it won't. These people are basically animals. What they want is survival", Jo was giving a smart ass reply, "if we can get information that puts them ahead of the hunters, they will be willing to talk. Then we pitch our plan".

They were impressed. "I don't suppose you know any numbers to call". Lin shrugged. "Well, we can trace them", Jo stroked her chin, "if I can analyze the arrow that guy got shot with, I can trace the company who made it". "That's a long process and we don't have time. Besides, it could be hand made", Angie cut in, "I can unlock the memory of the arrow".

Jo was the only one who wasn't surprised. "I didn't know we could do that". Lin raised her eyebrows. "That's because you can't", Angie sighed, "what Jo said is true. I have different abilities. I don't know why and I don't know what they are...I just have them". "And you didn't tell us because?" Mitchell was slightly annoyed. "It wasn't because I didn't trust you. I wanted to be sure before I said anything".

"I have to leave you guys now", Jo said after checking her wristwatch, "Mitchell, I strongly suggest you also attend your class. I cannot get an additional detention". Mitchell nodded and they went. "She's not mad. Just surprised", Lin grabbed her hand, "let's go".

Angie and Lin used the secret door to enter the lair. "Nobody growl", Lin warned, "we come in peace". They were seven all together; four high school guys, two middle school kids and one adult. "Don't tell me you had babies overnight". Lin was pointing at the little boy and girl.

"What is your purpose here?" The man said in a smooth baritone. The girls were expecting his voice to be terrifying. 'Get the arrow while I distract them'. Lin said in Angie's head. 'Do you see it anywhere?' Angie asked. 'Behind the redhead. Hurry'.

"Purpose! I mean what do I know about purpose? What do any of us know about purpose?" Angie tuned out Lin's rambling. She could actually see the arrow on the table where the redhead was seated. She double checked that everyone was listening to Lin. "I met someone with blue eyes the other day. He was really aggressive. I don't know if that means he's also a werewolf or he's just plain sad but anyways..." Yep! Lin was still keeping them distracted.

Angie knew levitation would rouse suspicion. She closed her eyes and imagined her locker. She snapped her fingers lightly and the arrow was on her books in the image. She opened her eyes and the arrow was truly gone. 'You can stop embarrassing yourself now'. Angie signalled Lin. "You all have been a wonderful audience", she blew kisses, "we would be back. Ciao!!"

Blood Hound grunted. He had never been a fan of people who talked too much. "What do you think that was about?" The redhead asked. "I'm not sure". Blood Hound replied with a frown. "I just think they want to make peace". The blond shrugged. "Whatever. I want to pick a scent so that we can find the hunters", Blood Hound said, "where's the arrow?" The redhead turned to carry it but it was gone. Blood Hound noticed this and frowned. They had been robbed right under their noses.

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