Season 3 - Ep SEVEN

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Jo had told Mitchell that Angie was on a jolly date with the person she really loved. Mitchell was full of doubts but something at the back of her mind told her to check it out. Angie did say Jason wanted to talk. Mitchell searched the whole of school and when she didn't find them, she concluded on their favorite diner.

Mitchell couldn't explain what she felt when she saw them laughing together. She stood in that spot for minutes until they hugged. She observed the desperation in Angie's eyes to explain but she didn't want to hear it. Not at that moment. She had tears in her eyes but she couldn't let them drop. She had to be strong.

Angie was taken aback. She didn't know how to think. Her phone reminded her that Lin was waiting. She wanted to run after Mitchell but if Lin's plan worked out, she could stop all of these. She gave Jason one last look before heading back to school.

She found Lin in the Library. "What took you so long?" Lin asked. "It's a long story". Was her short reply. Lin showed her a book with the golden feather on it. "You got the book? How?" She was excited. "No. This is a replica. A fake. Since you couldn't tell the difference, it means it'll work".

"What's the plan?"

"We sneak in, grab the real book, teleport it and replace it".

"There are many things wrong with that plan. For one, Jo would feel our intrusion and rush in". "Before she gets there, we would have teleported the book", Lin broke down, "even if she catches up, she would find the fake in our hands thinking it's the real one". "This plan is crazy and dangerous. Just like you", Angie sighed, "but it's our only shot. Let's do it".

Jason knew that he had caused a rift between Mitchell and Angie. He was going to fix it by meeting Grayson.

Two weeks ago...

"The life of the party is coming through!" Jason made his entrance ad everyone else cheered. The music was loud and everyone was getting drunk. Jason was rocking every girl he could possibly see. Out of the corner of his eyes, he saw Grayson in the corner. Grayson had just crushed a full beer can.

Jason approached him. "Hey man. What goes on?" He asked casually. "Flip off". Grayson snapped. Jason looked back at the girl he was dancing with. "Look man if the chick is your girl, I had no idea", Jason explained, "I would never break the bro code". Grayson grunted and stormed off. Jason ran his fingers through his hair and swore. He didn't want to have a beef with his team captain.

Jason went after him. "Tryler, can you hold up?!" He yelled after him. Grayson was going out the back. "I said hold up!" Jason turned him around forcefully. He could have sworn that he saw his eyes turn golden but he was drunk so he was probably hallucinating. There was thick tension between them.

It was as if they had tuned out the rest of the world. It was just them and the heavy air around. A nonhuman force pulled one to the other. They crashed their lips together. The sync was perfect. Like a match made in the skies. Grayson held Jason's face as he struck his tongue into his mouth. Jason moaned silently.

Suddenly, Grayson jerked away. Reality came crashing on them. They were both breathing heavily. Grayson balled his hands into fists. "This never happened". His words were like venom. They burned badly. He walked away and this time Jason let him go.


"Good day ma'am, is Grayson home?" Jason asked Mrs Tryler after she opened the door. Mrs Tryler smiled and replied, "yes. Come in!" "You have a lovely home". He commented. "Thank you", she answered, "he's upstairs. The first room on the right. He's been pouting all day so if he ignores you, don't be offended". "Thank you".

Jason took in a deep breath before walking up the stairs. Grayson already had his attention on the door. A part of him told him to lock it but another part wanted to confirm that he wasn't dreaming this time. "Grayson, it's Jason", Jason said as he knocked, "your mom let me in". He had gotten confirmation but he was still reluctant to lock the door. "It's opened". His mouth moved on their own accord.

Jason entered quietly. Grayson was dumbstruck. "Hey". He said in a small voice. "Hi". Grayson replied. "We didn't exactly talk about what happened that night". "You're right".

"I haven't been able to think straight since then".

"Me neither. Looks like coach is gonna murder his star players". They shared a laugh.

Jason moved closer, "I don't understand what this is", he confessed, "but I want us to figure it out together". Grayson hesitated before answering. His mind went back to the chains, cries and blood. He shook his head. "I badly want this", he said sadly, "but it's too dangerous. I can't let you get hurt".

Mitchell took her time to open the house door. She was relaxed now so she could face him. "Momma?" She asked. The house smelled like chicken meaning Tatiana was in the kitchen. "You're cooking for him?" She asked. "Is that how you greet your momma?" Tatiana sassed back. "Sorry". She rolled her eyes. "This is actually for my beautiful children".

Mitchell scanned everywhere. There was no trace of the man. It was like he never came back. "Where is he?" She questioned. "He's gone". Was the answer she got. "What do you mean by he's gone?"

"I sent him away".

"What?!" "Take a seat baby". Mitchell sat down. "I love you and your sisters more than anything in the world", Tatiana tried her best to control her voice, "I don't want you all to suffer for the bad choices I made. Not anymore". "Mom" Mitchell hugged her and cried on her mother's shoulders. Tatiana stroked her hair and whispered, "it's fine now. We're fine".

Lin and Angie took note of Jo's movement. She was on her way to the graveyard. They knew that wasn't a good sign but they could address that later. Angie and Lin walked to her house. They were certain that it would be empty.

They crept up the stairs and infiltrated Jo's room. Angie shrieked at the sight of the doll on the bed. It had black veins coming out if it's plastic head. "That's what attacked Jo that day". Lin whispered. "I thought I sent you back to hell". Lin gritted her teeth. "You thought wrong", the raspy voice said, "she and I are one in each other. I am her madness".

Angie could feel the rage that was radiating from Lin. She let her red sparks meet Lin's hands. "She's stalling us", Angie said, "as long as Jo isn't in the room, she has no powers". The doll gave a dark frown before vanishing. Lin exhaled and concentrated.

They searched everywhere for the book. The drawers, the dresser, the closet, under the bed and inside the mirror. They found nothing. "You think she knew we were coming?" Lin asked. Angie shook her head and said, "no, I don't think so". Angie was getting an idea again. Jo was unaware of their plans. What if she had plans of her own? Angie thought.

The door creaked open. It was Jo's Mom. Sophia choked on her tears but managed to say, "please save my daughter". She dropped on the floor, staining it with the blood from her slashed throat.

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