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I just woke up from a horrible nightmare. I realised I was in my bed as I remember falling asleep on the couch.

I reached my phone and saw that it was currently 4:32 am. I started crying in the memory of the nightmare I just had.

The nightmare that I had was that Billie and Finneas had found out everything, I don't remember how exactly and they laughed at me saying I was lying like usual and supported the girls from the neighbourhood that bullied me. Really now the worst of worst nightmare I've ever had in my entire life.

I think I can't  hold it inside me  anymore I want to talk to Billie right now even tho it's 4:37 am she will understand me and comfort me, and most important George is right she won't judge me she is my big sister. All I needed right now was her.

I got out of my bed still sobbing and slowly headed to Billies bedroom.
As I entered the room I saw her sleeping peacefully on her bed and I would feel bad if I woke her up.

I got a big breath and shaked her lightly as tears were running down my cheeks. She slowly opened her eyes and widened in the horrible state I was in.

"B-Billie?" I finally managed to get a word out of my mouth while sobbing. Right now my whole body was trembling.

"Brook? What happened? Come here" she said softly as she opened her arms for me to hug her.

I immediately started crying harder in her chest as I could feel her hands caressing my back softly.

"Shh, your gonna be okay, I'm here for you" she said softly comforting me.
My cries slowed down as I was now hearing Billies normal heartbeats, it somehow controlled me to stop.

"I feel I'm emotionally ready to tell you everything you don't know"  I started still sobbing a little as Billie wiped my tears out of my face with her hand.

"I'm all ears, don't be afraid I'm your sister I'll never judge you" her words made a fade smile in my face.

"So you know those girls on the neighbourhood that dress like they're 20 years old sluts?" I asked first so she can know about who I'm talking about.

"Yea yea I've seen them" she said nodding still holding me.

"Well you see.. those bitches have been bullying me for about a month now. They always say I'm ungly, fat and that I don't worth anything. That's why if you have noticed already I don't eat anything anymore, I try to avoid it and even when I eat after I puke it. I don't feel myself anymore, I don't have the energy do to anything I just wanna stay in bed the whole day, I hate myself even more now. Oh and you remember when you grabbed my hand and I was in pain? It's because they have made cuts with a knife on it, and then when you came home and found me with a nosebleed? One of them punched me straight to the face, they are hurting me Billie even more than I do to myself" I said as I made myself crying again, I was shaking, did I just split out everything? I have to admit it felt nice like a weight left from me.

I lifted my head to see her facial expressions, she was in complete shock, tears running down her face.
It's like I just broke her heart into million peaces, and it made me more sad.

"Oh Brook... you should have told me earlier, I would help you" she said moving my hair out of my face.

"I know.. I just wasn't ready and I was afraid of how you would react" I said looking at the ceiling.

"I'm proud of you for telling me.. and I'm gonna beat their ass for hurting you" this made me giggle slightly.

"I will I'm not kidding" she said as she raised an eyebrow and I just nodded.

"Billie can you promise me you won't tell anyone? And I mean anyone" I said now looking into her eyes.

"Even Finneas?" She asked me kindly.

"Yea, i wanna tell him on my own" I said and she nodded in understanding.

"You know you should tell mom and dad"  she said while caressing my head softly.

"I know, but im not ready and I don't want to worry them, they already have a lot to deal with I don't want to be an extra weight on their shoulders" I said as I sighed and looked down.

"Brook, you are not an extra weight to anyone, we all love and care about you" she said sweetly to me and I just nodded as she was all right.

"I think we should sleep now" she said yawning and I nodded, I couldn't manage to say anything now.

I hugged her tightly and fell asleep from her heartbeats beating into my ears.



I woke up early today because I just couldn't sleep after what I found out yesterday night.
I can't believe that my little sister is being bullied and I didn't ever understood that. I feel horrible, I love her too much to let that keep happening.

I saw her sleeping peacefully beside me, quiet snores escaping her mouth. Man she must be very tired.

Even tho I have to tell mom and dad, but I don't want to break her promise. She have to know she can always trust me. So I won't tell.

I got up from the bed carefully so I won't woke her up, and walked to the kitchen.

It's Sunday so I don't have anything to do today except spent time home with my family.

"Good morning Billie" Dad said as he came over and hugged me.

"Morning dad, where's mom?" I said and looked around.

"She's outside making table, cause Finneas and Claudia are coming over for breakfast" he said smiling and I nodded.

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