Twenty one

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My phone suddenly started ringing, who could it be at this time? I am literally sleeping.

I yawned and opened my eyes as much as I could cause of course whoever it is they interrupted my beautiful sleep.

After thinking for some seconds I picked it up to see it was Brook calling at this time. What could she want?

"Hey Brook what's up that late?" I said in a sleepy voice being half asleep.

"I'm coming over I need to talk to you, don't tell Billie, bye" she said sternly and simply like that ended the call. Strange.

What got into her? I'm to sleepy to think of it right now, my brain is barely working at this time.

But I know this ain't for good, they say if someone calls you in the middle of the night it's never for a good thing.

Anyway, I got up lazily and slowly walked down to the living room and laid down to the couch as I waited for Brook to get here.

I heard her knocking the door, she's here. I got up yawning and went over and opened the door.

"What brings my beloved sister here in the middle of the night?" I said kinda sarcastically and yea she didn't seem to like it.

"Shut up Finneas, oh and before we start the conversation why I'm here about you should really cut that 'sister' and 'she' thing" she said sounding really mad and I closed the door behind her.

"What do you mean? Sorry but my brain doesn't really work at this time" I said and yawned again and we went and sat on the couch.

"What I mean is I'm not your sister anymore.." wtf is she talking about, she had probably gone crazy.

"I'm your brother" he said, and my eyes widened. Oh well this makes sense now. Well I'm happy for him.

"Ohh this makes sense, anyway I'm happy for you. But this is what you woke me up in the middle of the night?" I said and she nodded negatively.

"No of course not, and by the way you are the first I'm telling this in this family and I expect you not to tell anyone, unlike others..." he said and seemed like he was thinking of something else.

"Oh you didn't told Billie first?" I said ki da surprised, I must say I'm really glad he chose to tell me first, usually Billie is his first choice.

"Nah things with Billie got complicated tonight" she said looking down obviously seemed mad at Billie, and that's rare.

"You seem mad at her, what happened?" I asked curiously.

"Some time ago I had told her a secret and now she went and told it to mom and dad" he said and he closed his eyes like he was trying to deny what happened.

Ah yes I know what he is talking about, Billie had told me earlier this week she would talk to mom and dad about Brooks situation and all that stuff cause she can't keep it anymore.

I understand that he is mad at Billie right now, I mean she didn't even asked him if she could tell it. But I know Billie did it for his own good.

"Yea yea I know she told me she would do that" I said not expecting a good reaction from him right now.

"Wait wait she told you too?" He asked furiously and I nodded.

"Long ago but don't worry I can keep secrets and I'm here if you need anything. You know, Billie did this for your own good, I know it wasn't right that she didn't asked you first but she needed help how to handle you" I tried to convince her not to be mad at Billie but it only seem to make him even worse.

"You say I'm hard to handle??? I'm a normal person too Finneas I can handle myself I don't need others to babysit me around all time. I must say this is the only good thing I can do" he said trying to defend himself which was good. I nodded to agree with him.

"No no I know you can take care of yourself but you are special and Billie want to protect you at all costs" I said and hold his hand and surprising he didn't pulled back.

"You know that after this my life won't be the same anymore, everything will be different.." he said now looking sad.

"Come on tell me everything take it all out" I said and he smiled weakly.

"I feel like my world is tearing apart, it will never be the same after and I know this that's why I wanted it a secret. Now mom and dad will always be worried sick about me and won't let me be on my own. It's different with you and Billie and the other side mom and dad, I don't want them to be involved in my life and more I don't want them to worry about me" he said as I noticed his breathing was getting faster and faster, this ain't good.

"Hey hey calm down everything will be alright, breath with me" I said hugging him in attempt making his breathing normal.

"I need my inhaler.. I-I don't have it with m-me, I-I left i-it at h-home" he said trying hard to breath.

Gosh what I'm supposed to do, if Billie was there she would know for sure what to do. An inhaler I need to find an inhaler. Claudia for sure will have one just in case.

"Stay here I'm gonna bring you one" I said and he nodded. I runned to the bathroom and searched for an inhaler everywhere. Lucky I found one.

I run again down the stairs to Brook and gave it to him. He used it and some moments after his breathing was back to normal.

"Do you feel better?" I asked worried and he nodded.

"Yea, sorry to worry you" he said looking down, as I patted his back.

"Anything for you, and I think you should rest now, come I'll give you the guest room" I said and we both got up.

I put him to sleep and I went back to my room to sleep, gosh what a night was that.

I'm a terrible brother.

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