Yandere Werewolf Pack: All

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Changing as quickly as you could, you ran with your dad to the arena. There were already several pack members there. Yelping in excitement at the four wolves fighting in the center. 

"Dad, are you going to stop them?" You asked.

"This is your problem. You handle it." He sighed, "You are going to be the future Luna and Alpha after all."

He has a point there. Shaking your head, you turned into a wolf and made your way to the center of the arena. The audience of wolves making way as they saw you. However, the four wolves in the center didn't stop fighting, much to your irritation.

"That is enough!" You growled, making them all freeze, "You are acting like a bunch of pups fighting over scraps."

"Remus started it, by tackling me on our date." Boris snapped towards the white wolf.

"I started it? You all tipped the firework stand and almost killed everyone at the beach." The white wolf, Remus, howled. That was something you didn't know about.

"Excuse me? You all decided to go onto my family property and were going attack me at our picnic date." Lowell pointed out.

"You all threw rocks at me the second I stepped out of the alpha's house." Ralph accused. This is starting to get annoying.

"I don't care who started it!" You scream, silencing them all, "If there was an issue with the others, you should have told me. As future Alpha it will be my job to stop trouble in the pack. I would expect any possible future mate to not cause me any trouble."

Instantly, they all looked down with their ears down. At least they look ashamed of their behavior.

"We're sorry (Y/N)." Ralph whimpered. Shaking your head, you weren't ready to forgive them for making a scene.

"All of you, to the Alpha house, now." You barked, watching them trudge away. However, when you caught a whiff of blood in the air, you tensed and turned to the woods behind the arena. Behind you, the other werewolves were growling menacingly. The boys were instantly by your side. Before you could even take another sniff, a pale blur tackled you to the ground. Clawing and biting, you tried to kick the vampire off. Relaxing for a second when he was pulled off. Rolling to your feet, you lunged at the closest vampire to you and killing it with a bite. Turning to the boys, you saw Boris and Lowell killing the vampire that attacked you first. Ralph and Remus were snapping at the vampires that were getting to close. For now, you have to get your priorities straight.

"Get the mothers and pups out of here." You barked, blocking the path of another vampire. You didn't get a chance to lunge at it before Lowell killed it.

"(Y/N), you need to get out of here." He called.

"No. I have to fight." You snapped, yelping as two vampires grabbed you and carried you to the woods.

"We got the next alpha." You heard one cheer, "Our leader is going to love this."

Wiggling in their arms, you tried to get free. Even managing to bite one in the arm.

"Let (Y/N) go." blinking in shock, you whimpered as you hit the ground hard. Boris and Lowell, devouring the vampires.

"Remus, Ralph, get (Y/N) out of here, now." Boris barked, turning back to the vampires that were starting to surround. You were about to protest before your father's grey wolf form jumped over you, to stand with them.

"Pup, go now." He growled. Knowing you couldn't disobey your father and Alpha, you ran. Ralph and Remus on either side of you. The only thing you passed where dead vampires.  Turning human before you reached the town, you opened the door to your house. Being greeted by your mom's loud gasp.

"What on earth happened to you all." She panicked.

"Vampire attack." You sighed, sitting at table with Remus. It didn't take Ralph long to come back with the first aid kit. There was silence as you all waited for the others to come back. Instantly standing as the door opened with them coming in. Wounded worse than you, Remus, or Ralph were.

"Are they gone?" You asked as your mom and Ralph started bandaging them up.

"Yes, but we don't know why they attacked." Boris grunted.

"Probably after someone. There were at least 30 of them." Your dad sighed, sending everyone into silence again. So aside from picking a mate, you have to worry about the vampires coming around again. Glancing up, you noticed that everyone was watching you.


"We're just waiting to hear you decision." Ralph explained, making you frown.

"I don't know." You muttered, "I'm not lying when I say you guys made it hard for me to choose. I'm going to need more time."

"How much time do you need?" Lowell questioned, irritating you.

"I don't know." You growled, which seemed to shock all of them, "Let me think for a while."

Frowning, you headed up to your room. You don't want to be pressured by them or have them just watching you as you think. For now, your feels like the only place were you can be alone and safe.

Curling up on your bed, you tried to compare good and bad of each one.  Though there weren't that many bad traits with the guys. They're  definitely willing to go against a large group of vampires for you and protect you at the same time. Each one is clearly possessive of you, considering they tried to ruin each other's date to make their own look good. You just can't choose.

Hearing the soft knock at the door, you rolled over, to face the door, as the door opened. Ralph peeking his head in almost shyly.

"(Y/N), can we come in?" No point in avoiding them.

Nodding, you sat up as they filed in, "I'm sorry guys, I still can't choose. Boris, encourages me to take my role as Alpha and Luna. Lowell fights well with Boris and I'm sure that they are unstoppable together in a fight. Remus is very protective over me. Ralph always tends to any wounds I have. I know you all care about me, it's just hard for me to choose."

"We know." Lowell nodded, "We tried to give you our best and we made it hard on you."

"So we have an idea, that we all talked about and are willing to do if you want." Remus explained.

"We're all willing to share you, so you don't have to choose. Make it easier on you." Blinking at Boris's words, you looked between them. Finding that they weren't glaring at each other like earlier, but they were watching you in concern. 

They're willing to do that? Sure it's not uncommon for a future Alpha to take more than one mate, but you didn't think it would happen to you. It's not like you were against the idea though.

"I, um, I think that's a good idea." You agreed with them, giving them a small smile as they all grinned in obvious excitement. They seemed to lunge at you at the same time, making you yelp as you fell back on the bed. Each one wrapping you in a hug where ever they could reach. Mostly your arms, chest, waist. 

"We're going to be the best mates ever for you." Ralph laughed, making you grin, already knowing that this was going to be a good choice.

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