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This was requested by Redwolf878! Thank you for the request! Also, there will be a little bit of Yandere in this. Enjoy!

Standing as close to the rails as possible, you surveyed the massive fight in the arena. In there, Peter was fighting. With most of the fighters morphing or half morphing, it was hard to make him out. Finally spotting him, you blinked in confusion as you saw that he was still in his human form. He was holding his own well, but you know it won't be long before they start gaining up on him for staying human.

"I told him to morph at the last moment." Turning your head to the old wereleopard, you frowned.

"Why, coach?" You asked.

"They'll think his human form is weak, until it's too late. Then he'll surprise him and stun them." The morphed cat laughed, almost like he found it amusing, "The crowd will love it too."

Glancing up into the stands at the screaming people and were creatures, you knew he was right. The more entertained the crowd is, the more Peter gets paid. Even though he's a professional fighter, who's never lost, you still worry about him.

"Looks like it's about time." Coach huffed, giving you a sly grin, "What to encourage him?"

Grinning, you turned back to the fight, where Peter was being backed into a corner. Now most of the fighters were morphed, except for him. This will scare them for sure.

"Come on Peter! Show them who you really are!" You screamed, noticing that he grinned, to show he heard you.

Crossing your arms in pride, you chuckled as he started to morph. Changing with a loud roar that silenced the whole arena. The other fighter was frozen like statues, with horror on their faces. Giving Peter the opportunity to plow through them and knock several of them out of the ring. The few remaining tried to attack but were knocked out or thrown out by Peter. Making him the last one standing in the ring. The crowd went wild as they cheered. You cheered for him too. Waving at him excitedly as he saw you and waved with a grin.

"I'm going to get his food." You explained, "tell him to take a shower before he comes out. I don't want my car smelling again. Last time it didn't come out for a month."

"Of course, (Y/N)." Coach laughed, patting your shoulder carefully with a clawed paw.

Heading to the locker room before Peter and Trace, you grabbed the six bags of fast food, before heading to the hall to stand in front of the boys locker room. You're the smallest in the feline fight gym. Being a werecat snow leopard, the gym was the obvious choice. That's how you met Peter and started dating him, nearly 3 years ago.

Setting the bags on the floor, you leaned against the wall and started scrolling through your phone. Hearing laughing, you glanced up at the group of were creatures coming down the hall. You recognized them as some of the other fighters, but you didn't acknowledge them otherwise.

"Look what we have here." Side glaring at the arm that appeared by your head, you directed you attention the weredog that was half morphed, "Can't say I saw you in the crowd, gorgeous."

"I wasn't in the crowd." You growled, "I saw how badly you lost though. Pretty pathetic."

"What he did should have been illegal. It's a werecreature fight for a reason. Either you morph to fight or you shouldn't be included."

"He held out in his human form longer than you." You pointed out, noticing his frustration before he sighed and shook his head.

"Look, I think we got off on the wrong paw. How about we start over, and I take you to dinner." He offered, "I can show you just how good I am."

"Excuse you?" You snapped, before his arm was suddenly yanked away from your head.

Peter had the weredog's arm in a tight grip as he held him off the ground a little. A furious glare on Peter's face. Glancing at were you thought the other fighters were, you saw that they were watching from the other end of the hall. 

"You're bothering them." Peter growled, threateningly.

"They're my partner. they're always annoyed by me." The weredog lied, disgusting you. 

Half morphing, you glare at him as he looked at you in shock.

"What to try again?" You hissed, making him whimper, before he screamed as Peter broke his fingers.

You didn't point out that Peter had done worse to others for doing less to you. The last guy, he sent to the hospital because he wrote a note asking for your number.  You've asked Peter to tone down the violent actions a little. You guess this was his compromise. At least he listened, which made you happy.

"Don't talk or even look at my partner again." He roared, making the weredog nod, though he was clearly too scared to move.

"Get out of here Pup." You huffed, before he scrambled off, "Honestly the nerve of some people."

Picking up the bags, you grinned at Peter, coach, and Trace, a weretiger. Each one grinning as you handed two each to Peter and Trace. You and Coach only getting one bag each.

"You boys did great." You congratulated, shrieking as Peter wrapped one arm around you in a hug, then kissed you.

"Only cause you were there, babe." He chuckled, as you heard Trace groan.

"You can't do that anywhere else?" He complained

"We're here and I wanted to kiss them." Peter pouted, "You can't expect me to completely control myself when (Y/N) looks this good."

Rolling your eyes at that, you knew he was telling his truth. Squeaking in surprise as he suddenly kissed you again, you kissed him back.

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