Dragon Pt 2

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Hearing Atto's familiar roar with an unfamiliar roar, you peeked your eyes open. He wasn't in bed, so he must be fighting another dragon. Sitting up with a stretch, you glanced out the window to see Atto's black dragon form fighting a red dragon. This whole mating season, Atto's been busy fighting off any dragon that got a whiff of you. He never spared any of them, which you love. 

Climbing out of bed, you quickly got dress before going downstairs. His apprentices, Molly and Jack, were already dressed and gathering their things to leave. Since today is the last day of the dragon mating season, you and Atto decided to take back your kingdom today.

"(Y/N), we made some food." Molly offered you a plate, which you ate from while thanking her.

Glancing at the door, you smiled when you saw Atto's human form enter, with a new scar on his face that made him look more intimidating. Something a black dragon is usually proud about is the number of scars they have. Leaning against him as he took a seat by you, you watched as Jack waved a hand over Atto's scar to stop the bleeding.

"You're healing magic is improving." Atto hummed, glanced at you before looking back at them, "Did you make sure all the potions in the shed were counted and locked up?"

"We will now." Jack assured him before he and Molly left.

"Another challenger?" You asked, earning a head nod from him, "You kill him?"

"Of course." He smirked, leaning down to kiss you, "Do I leave them any other way after a fight?"

"No and I love it." You giggled, kissing his cheek before standing, "Today is the day though. Next mating season, you won't have to fight on your own when you have an army."

"I can handle rivals on my own." He huffed, going quiet when you lightly grabbed his jaw to make him turn to you.

"You definitely can." You agreed with a smirk, "But wouldn't you rather have someone else fight so you can stay with me in the mornings and the evenings? Just us together."

He froze as if he was thinking about it before grinning and kissing you, "You have a way of convincing me of things that no one else is able to."

"That's why we're mates." You laughed while standing, "Come on. The kingdom isn't going to come to us."

Going outside with him following, you touched the amulet around your neck as you felt your body change to a dragon. Atto insisted that you wear the amulet to control your curse since you refused to be completely cured. Glancing over at Atto's dragon form, you nuzzled under his chin, earning a purr from him. You love it when he has that reaction to you. Laughing, you lowered so Molly could climb on before you took off. Flying higher than the trees of the forest and above the clouds. Atto followed you closely, dwarfing your own form.

"The kingdom is that way. I wouldn't expect a warm welcome." He reminded you, making you nod.

"Just follow my lead then." You instructed, flying towards the castle. 

Going over the town, you could hear commoners yelling and see them pointed as you flew by. It wasn't from fear though. During your time as a dragon, you've helped a lot of people who were lost find their way back. Chances are they were grateful and don't see you as a threat. Attor might be a different story, but since he's your husband, they won't have a choice but to accept him. 

Landing by the castle, you watched as the guards readied their weapons, but didn't attack. Attor stood closely by you in case they did though. Your eyes scanned the balconies until you saw your father, stepmother, stepbrother, and stepsister standing on one at eye level with you.

"Dragons, why are you here? What business do you have with us?" Your father demanded, making you bow, though you meant it mockingly.

"I would think you would recognize your own child father, though I understand the curse might make that difficult." You spoke, grinning when you noticed their shocked faces.

"(Y/N), it's really you." You father gasped, while you saw how terrified his wife and step kids were, "Gloria said that the Black dragon cursed you."

"The curse was meant for Gloria and her kids after she made a deal with him to become queen." You explained, looking over at Attor who nodded, "Me and him have an arrangement now. We decided to come back here to retire you in your old age, starting today."

"You can't!" Gloria screamed, pointing at you, "You're not even human anymore. You can't become ruler over humans."

"Quiet wench or you and your brats will become our meal. That would be the best way to repay your debt to me." Attor growled, making her start shaking as she took a step back.

Your father glanced at her and her kids before looking back to you, "Give me a minute, (Y/N)."

Watching them walk in, you looked at Attor, who looked annoyed, "It will work." 

Assuring him that, you flapped your wings to hover over the castle before you touched your amulet to turn human. Landing on the balcony, you glanced over your shoulder at him as he turned human and landed by you. Molly and Jack standing behind the two of you. Inside, you could see your father and stepmother arguing before guards dragged her and her kids out of the room.

"(Y/N)," You father came out, but paused in clear fear when he saw Attor standing by you, "I see you're still human sometimes. I would love to have you back home, but the black dragon is going to have to leave. Banished for his crimes against the royal family."

Hearing a deep threatening growl from Attor, you put a hand on his chest to calm him down, "Actually, he's staying as my husband, my mage, my general, my dragon, and my king."

At that your father's mouth opened in shock as he looked between you and Attor. You didn't expect Attor to wrap an arm around your waist to pull you closer. Looking up at him, you saw he had a smug smirk on his face, that made you grin. You had a feeling those words would make him happy. Considering he was only called a horrible name such as Demonic Dragon, and Wicked Mage, you figured the titles you gave him would please him. 

"(Y/N), are you crazy." You father hissed, reaching to pull you away from Attor, but pulled away at the warning growl Attor gave you, "I won't give him the crown. He will never be king."

"Then this kingdom will die without a proper royal blood heir." Attor huffed as he pulled you closer against him, "(Y/N) and I are a package deal now."

Nodding in agreement, you leaned up to kiss him, "If you don't accept him, then I won't take the thrown and the people will rebel against you. With one word from my, they will out of gratitude for saving their loved ones."

Your father looked baffled as he looked between you and Attor before he frowned, "You used to be so nice, (Y/N). I wish I was here to protect you from his curse so you would be the same."

Hearing Attor growl, you glared at your father. That was nearly an insult to you and Attor. Behind you, Jack and Molly were whispering spells that allowed their magic to flow on their hands. Ready to attack of Attor's command. Even Attor's eyes were glowing gold with his magic.

"Fine." Your father muttered, though didn't look happy, "You have the throne, (Y/N)."

"Thank you, Father." You chirped happy he finally complied, "It's good to be back."

"What a welcome, father-in-law. I hope whatever grandkids we give you will get a better one." Attor scoffed, as you lead the way in, "Now, I believe you have a throne and kingdom to claim, (Y/N)."

Feeling him place something on your head, you reached up to feel a crown, your father's crown. Attor must have grabbed it off your father's head as he passed him. Letting Molly and Jack skip ahead down the hall, you locked arms with Attor.

"Now is the era of dragon." You grinned, leaning up to kiss him, "Nothing can stop us."

"I really did make the right choice in a mate." Attor chuckled, opening the throne room doors for you.

Sitting on the throne, you grabbed Attor's hand as he stood on your right side. Molly and Jack stood on your left. Your father, the castle servants, and the guards all bowed to you.

"All hail, (Y/N) and King Attor." They chanted, making you smile in satisfaction.

Your revenge is complete, and your dragon husband finally has the respect he deserves.

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