Yandere Mershark

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This was requested by Redwolf878! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

This is not how you thought you would die. Whimpering at the screams of the other merpeople in front of you, you tried to move a little. The kelp that kept you wrapped in a ball preventing you being able to swim or stretch. When the Prince swam towards you though, you wished to curl up even more.

"You brought this on yourself, (Y/N)." He huffed, "You know I can stop this is you agree to marry me."

Knowing that your voice would shake if you spoke, you only shook your head. Earning an annoyed glare from him. 

"Then you're only food for the Barbarians." He snapped pushing you back and earning a cheer from the crowd. 

You let out a small scream as you went over the drop off. Trying your best to stay up right so you would land on your tail rather than your head. Grimacing as you landed, you glanced up from where you just fell. It was pretty far from the top. You could see someone peering at you from the top, but from where you were they looked like a little baby fish. Glancing around your surroundings, you whimpered when you saw all the ship wrecks and bones of large animals. Probably what was left of the Barbarians previous dinners. You know that you're going to be next. 

Shaking slightly, you tensed when you saw movement near a ship. It looked like a merman, but when he got closer, you saw that he was much bigger than any merfolk you've known. You were probably only as big as his torso. The other thing you noticed was that he didn't have the colors like a normal merfolk. He had the tail of a shark. Freezing, you only hoped that he would leave you alone, but from the fact he was moving straight towards you, let you know there was no chance of that.

"Why were you sent down here, little one?" He hummed, circling you before lying on his stomach in front of you. He seemed calm, but his sharp teeth still terrified you.

"I refused to marry the prince." You squeaked.

He paused like he was waiting for you to continue, then frowned when he realized you weren't going to.

"Is that it?" He asked, making you nod, "Honestly, that future king sounds a little spoiled."

He reached a clawed hand out to you, making you flinch and close you eyes to brace for pain. You only blinked your eyes open, when you felt the kelp loosen. Shaking the kelp away, you swam and turned to him. Waiting for him to kill and eat you, but he calmly drifted in the water by you.

"I am Emperor Landon." He greeted with a small bow, "Who are you, Little one?"

"(Y/N)." you muttered, drifting away from him slightly, "Are you going to eat me?"

"Eat you?" He laughed, "You've done nothing wrong. We only eat the guilty. Come on, I will show you where you can stay now that you live here."

You wanted to protest, but he swam over you and tucked you under his arm as he swam off.

-Time Skip-

"(Y/N), we should head back." Tulia called glancing around cautiously, "We're to close to the barrier."

She's the mermaid you had been living with. She's not as big a Emperor Landon, but she's still bigger than you. Emperor Landon introduced you to her first since you and her share a sunken ship together. He insists that she's the best fighter in the whole empire and wants her to be with you any time you go anywhere.

He spends a lot of time with you when he can. Often times swimming over you protectively and even giving you jewelry from the new wrecks that come to the territory. He's always been very sweet and careful with you. You've definitely grown attached to him. Something Tulia likes to tease you about.

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