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This was requested by MiscellaneousFan! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Jumping at the wailed scream, your eyes went to the door. Your brother marching in with a proud look on his face, as he dragged a woman, wrapped in a towel, inside. She was sobbing and looked absolutely terrified.

"I did it, (Y/N)! I got the best bride of all." He cheered, pulling out a grey seal skin. 

The woman screamed bloody murder as she lunged for it. Your brother only held it above his head and pushed her to you. She fought against you as you tried to help her. Eventually, she gave up and just cried. Cradling her arm where you could see a bruise of your brother's handprint.

"Give her some clothes while I go brag to the boys." (B/N) demanded, throwing the coat into a chest and locking it, "I'll be back in the morning to hide it better."

Glaring at him as he left, you returned your attention to the woman, "Come on. You must be freezing."

Helping her up, you lead her to the bathroom. Bandaging the bruise on her arm. Her crying had slowed down, but now she wasn't even looking at you. You had to admit you felt sorry for her. She's basically been kidnapped from her kind and being forced to be the wife of your brother.

"Do you have a name?" You asked trying to make small talk.

"Caitlin." She muttered, making you smile a little.

-1 Year Later-

Reaching the beach, you smiled when you saw Caitlin was sitting there. A large seal resting its head on her lap. This year has been hard on her, you know that for a fact. You've tried being her friend and that seems to make her feel a little better. There are times where you catch her looking towards the ocean, deep in thought though. You know she misses her home. You've tried everything you can think of to help her. Your brother usually beats you if he finds out your plans.

"I see you meet my friend." You teased, sitting by her.

The seal instantly perked up and bounced over to your side. Resting his head on your lap and giving coos of affection. Laughing with her, you rubbed his head.

"He is my childhood friend." She answered, shocking you, "His name is Keir."

"Ah, so he's a Silkie too." You hummed, "I have to say, the coats are good disguises. I've been feeding and spending time with him for over half a year and never knew."

At that he let out a bark, "He says, at first he was here to save me."

She frowned when he seemed to speak again, "He says he started spending time with you and fell in love with you."

"That's sweet." You grinned, making her shake her head.

"No, it's not." She muttered, "I love you. If I wasn't married to your brother, I would be with you, willingly."

Watching her for a second, you sighed as you leaned against her, "You both belong in the ocean. I would never want you to leave it. You both are special to me; I want you both to be happy."

They were both quiet at that. Caitlin wrapping an arm around your waist, while Keir wiggle onto your lap more to bury his face against your stomach. Having both of them was very comforting.

"You know I've been trying to get your coat back." You admitted, frowning, "I'm out of ideas though. (B/N) is way stronger than me. I don't know what to do anymore."

"It's okay. We'll think of something." Caitlin assured you, before you heard your brother yelling from the house.

"I'll come back later to give Keir some food." You announced as you and Caitlin stood, "We should go back before (B/N) gets angry."

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