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This was requested by LizardQueen1! Thank you for the request and enjoy!

Grabbing your trey of food, you sat at the back of the lunch room, away from people who would just stare at you, even though there weren't that many today. You hated the looks people would give you when they see that you have a missing leg. They always looked at you with pity and fake assuring smiled. It's not like you could help missing a leg, you were just born that way. One of the few people who don't give you that sympathy is your best friend, Declan.

The minute your parents dumped you at this University, he was the only person you could rely on. Slowly he's introduced you to some of his friends, who you hang out with on occasions. There are still people who aren't the nicest to you though.

"Hey, look here. It's Peg Leg." You heard Amelia sneered behind you. Sighing, you glanced at them over your shoulder. There were three of them smirking at you.

"Guys, please not today." You grumbled, "I'm trying to study."

"Oh, the legless loser is trying to work." Tony scoffed as they pulled you away from the table. Two of them holding you to the seat as the third tore your prosthetic leg off.

"Hey, I need that! Give it back." You growled, using to table to stand and keep your balance.

"Looks like they're getting mad." Gavin smirked, before banging your leg against the table and bending it. Absolute shock filled you. That leg of yours cost a lot. It will cost just as much to get it repaired or replaced.  You were so horrified that you couldn't even speak.

Feeling a hand on your shoulder, you glanced behind you to see, Declan standing there. He gave you a reassuring smirk, then glared at your bullies. You could see pure fury in his black eyes.

"I've told you about messing with (Y/N)." He growled, in a deep voice that you've never heard him use before. It kind of scare you how otherworldly he sounded. Now that you saw him, his tattoos were glowing red, he was growing fangs, and horns were sprouting from his head. You could only stare in shock, as could your bullies.

"I warned you all." He barked harshly, as the surroundings seemed to start going dark. You could hear, evil laughing, as Declan wrapped an arm around you.

"Declan, was just some" Gavin stammered, though they all looked like they would pass out from fear at any time.

"Fun?" Declan hissed, now with a sinister smirk, "That that's a good idea. How about me and my friends join you."  

Now noticing the grey, smokey shadows nearby, you whimpered a little as one of them turned to you with an eerie grin. They looked demonic.

"Boys, Let's play." Declan growled, earning a laugh from the demons as they lurched towards the bullies. The three of them screaming as they ran into the void, with the creatures after them.

Slowly, the darkness receded and you were back in the lunch room. Still not sure completely of what happened, you glanced at him. He was back to normal. No glowing tattoos, not fangs, and no horns. You know what you saw though.

"Well, let's get you back to the dorms so we can get you a new leg." He hummed, "How do you want to be carried?"

"Hold on." You objected, "There's no way you're just going to act like that didn't happen. What was that?"

He glanced around, as if he was making sure no one was around, before turning back to you.

"(Y/N), I can't talk about that here." He murmured, "Let's go somewhere private and I'll explain it."

You frowned for a minute not sure, but there's no one else around to help you get around. You don't have much of a choice.

"Fine." You grumbled, "I'll ride on your back."

You tried to ignore his small grin as you got on his back, with him hanging onto you. It's not unusual for you two to do this. Though after what happened in the lunch room, it almost felt awkward, until you reached his dorm room. He set you down on his bed and he sat next to you.

"Declan, what was that?" You questioned before recalling how different he looked, "What are you?"

That made him flinch slightly, but he turned to you with a small smile, "I think you know, (Y/N)."

"I want to be sure." At your words, he sighed.

"I'm a demon." He admitted, "My friends who I introduced you to are also demons. Those shadows you saw. That was them."

Nodding slowly, you glanced down at your foot, "What was that? What happened to them?"

"That was an entry way to the underworld." He explained, "They were chased in and they won't be able to leave, ever. It's the price they pay for not listening to my warnings."

"You told them not to bully me then?" When he nodded, you frowned. It doesn't make since for a demon to do that for you. Friend or not, you were always told that demons won't hesitate to drag you into the underworld.

"Why did you order them?"

Catching his smile, it looked like he was recalling good memories, "(Y/N), I've been guarding you since you were in middle school. You might not remember this, but one day after being bullied and neglected by your parents, you prayed for someone to help you. To protect you. I was young like you and I took a liking to you. So, I made a deal with your guardian angel since she wasn't really paying attention to you anyway. I've been with you ever since."

You remember that day, it was a long time ago though. It's hard to believe that he's been with you that long.

"Why have you been protecting me though?" Catching his smirk, you felt your face heat up when he rested his head against yours. You think you flushed, but he's always been really warm. With him being a demon, that might explain it.

"I already told you, (Y/N). I like you. Now I'm not going to drag you to my world with me, until you get used to my true form. Even then I'm still going to protect you." He assured you, though looked a little unsure, "I understand if what happened and me being a demon makes you not want to be around me. That doesn't mean I'm going to stop protecting you though."

"Hold on Declan, you're jumping ahead of yourself." You chuckled, "I think it's sweet you've been protecting me for a long time. You can explain a little more about your, other life, over an actual date. Not just a study date or a date in the lunch room."

"Oh, but isn't that what college life is about?" He faked a gasped, yet gave you a real smile, making you laugh, "Fine, I know what food you like, so I'll take you to a restaurant."

"Sounds good." You grinned, gasping as he held up your prosthetic leg, fixed. When you reached for it, he held it over his head, tauntingly.

"Declan, give it back." You pouted reaching for it, "Come on. Be nice."

"(Y/N), I just told you, I'm a demon. I'm going to be using that to tease you more from now on." He smirked.

"If you don't give it back, you'll be carrying me to our date." Your threatened, smirking at what you thought was a victory. His wicked grin said otherwise though.

"What makes you think I wouldn't like that?" He teased, "Nope, you're dealing with a demon now, Sweetheart."

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