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Letting out a groan, you blinked your eyes open. Still in the decorated cage. Looking over at the others, you could see that many of them were still asleep. Those who had kept watch, seemed to want to pass out from exhaustion. Looking over at your daughter, you saw that she curled up under her blanket. She'll be like that until you wake her up for breakfast.

Standing, you gave a nod to the guards to rest. You have to sweep the cage to make sure those, things didn't sneak inside to put anything in. Taking a look around some of the plants and small shelter buildings, you paused when you came to the force field. On the other side, you could see groups of the black and white alien race that trapped you and the others here. The smaller ones pointing and grinning at you, but you didn't return it. Instead, glaring at them and their parents before returning to what you call the main building.

"Nothing out of the ordinary." You grumbled seeing several others awake.

"They haven't given our food yet." An elderly lady whispered, making you tense. 

Moving through the group of partly sleeping people, you paused when you saw (D/N) waddling to you while rubbing her eyes.

"I'm getting hungry." She mumbled, making you smile as you rubbed her head affectionately.

"I know, sweetie. I'm going to see what's going on with our food. Do you want to go with me?" You explained, grabbing her hand when she nodded.

Reaching the back wall, you banged on the metal door, not caring if you woke the others or not. They always deliver food at the same times. It's exactly like a zoo.

Stepping back as the door opened, you tensed and put, (D/N) behind you when you saw that the aliens that came through had some kind of uniform on. Your usual keeper walking through with one you hadn't seen before. From the metals on his uniform, you knew he was at least a high ranking something. It got the attention of everyone else as they whispered and started giving them more space. They stayed close enough to see what they would do though.

"Are we being moved to a different cell or are we finally being let go?" You growled, earning their attention. The high ranking one, looked you up and down before his scanned your daughter.  Getting irritated you pushed her behind you more.

"You still haven't figured out how to understand us or something?" You scoffed, "What is going on?"

When he leaned into whisper to your keeper, you weren't sure you liked it when your keeper nodded and spoke to the guards. Both of them instantly grabbing you and (D/N). Hearing your daughter's screams, you bit the arm of the guards that had you hard, then kicked the back of the legs of the one that had her. That one going down, while the other one backed away.

Picking (D/N) up, you held her close as you glared at the high-ranking alien. It almost looked like there was admiration in his yellow eyes. When he talked to the keeper again, the keeper held up a remote that you were very familiar with. Your neck hurt just looking at it. He motioned t0wards the higher rank alien who was leaving. Getting the clue that they wanted you to follow, you did. Keeping (D/N) in your arms so you would get separated.

Following them into a room that looked like a conference room, you took a seat across from the aliens. Setting (D/N) in your lap. When the keeper slid some kind of fruit to you, you took a bite. Finding that it was safe before giving it to (D/N).

"You must be confused." The higher alien spoke, shocking you, "I am Captain Thern. You are (Y/N)."

"Yeah." You grumbled, not surprised he knew your name. 

Chances are, he was probably watching you just like everyone else of his species. Noticing that he was just staring between you and (D/N), you put a hand on her arm. None of his species has ever looked at you the way he was. It made you very suspicious. Seeming to understand what you were thinking, he chuckled.

"Leave us. I've got this." He ordered, before the keeper hesitantly left, "You are more exotic up close."

"Wish I could say the same to you." You huffed, "What do you want, alien?"

"You will address me as Captain or just Thern when we are alone." He replied back, but didn't sound angry, "Well, I suspect that when you saw me, you felt it too."

Raising an eyebrow at him, you shook your head. He seemed stunned for a minute before frowning.

"You didn't feel the life mate bond towards me?" He questioned, shocking you.

"You mean soulmates?"  He hesitated as if he was trying to figure out what you said, but he nodded in response, "Humans don't have that. Even if we did, I won't be soulmates with someone who is treating me, my daughter, and my kind like lesser life forms."

"I see." He actually sounded disappointed in that. 

His three claws folding on the table in front of him as he seemed to think. Feeling (D/N) pull on your arm, you patter her to reassure her. When he suddenly sat up straight, you copied him. Determination in his eyes, which you had to admire. You thought he would send you back already.

"If your people are giving the same rights as mine, will you consider being my life mate?" He demanded, shocking you.

Glancing at (D/N) you, covered her ears, "It's not something I want to talk about in front of her. As far as she knows you're hurting a lot of people. Including us. A parent getting a new spouse is a big change for our children."

"I was not aware of this." He hummed, glancing at (D/N), "We will discuss it in detail when you become the representative for the humans when they get their rights."

"Me?" You scoffed shaking your head, "I'm not a leader. I'm just someone trying to keep my kid safe."

"I saw what you have done though. You organized night guards when the others were scared to sleep. You find compromise in arguments, and you were the one who demanded for food when you knew it was late. You're taking care of your people instinctively. Even if you don't see it, I do." He listened moving around the table to you, "It's exactly who I'm looking for and the qualities I admire in you."

Swallowing the lump in your throat, you thought it over. Glanced down at (D/N). It would be nice to not worry about her starving and having an actual bed to sleep in. You know the others would like their freedom back too. If they believe you are working with the aliens though, they won't trust you.

Sighing, you nodded, "We can tell the others that we were put in a very strict quarantine period. That we have just been found safe to be around. That why they may be a little more understanding."

"I knew you could think of something." He chuckled, grabbing your hand to pull you up.

He even reached to touch (D/N) but pulled away when she curled against you to get away from him. It's going to take a long time for her to get used to him. Maybe some children would be better to start off with.

"I will tell the guards to inform them that the human's quarantine time is over and have them taken to rooms." He listed, putting a hand on your back to pushed you to walk with him.

"Where will (D/N) and I stay?" You questioned.

"With me, of course." He spoke as if that would be obvious, "With the humans being freed, it would make since for you to live with me so our life mate bond will grow. You said you would consider it when the humans are free. This is my chance to change your mind."

Glancing out a window you were passing, you paused when you saw space outside. A wide range of colors and explosions in the distance. It was mesmerizing to you. When you looked at (D/N), she seemed just as hypnotized as you did.

"The universe has even more beautiful views that what you see." Thren explained, making you look up at him, "I want to show you both all of it. If you are able to give me a chance."

Nodding, you glanced out the window again before following him.

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