Kitsune Pt 2

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Shivering against the cold, you climbed out of your pile of furs to grab another one. Keshin and Ronin have been amazing hosts while you stay with them. Keshin often hunts and checks out possible danger. It's easier for him since out of the three of you he is the strongest and most powerful. You do most of the cooking and look after Ronin at times. Just a little way to repay them for letting you stay. Ronin spends most of his time either playing outside or learning for you two. Not that you mind though since he's cute when he begs you to let him help.

Hearing the door of the den open, you wrapped another fur blanket around yourself and waddled into the main room. Thankful that Keshin seemed to have had an endless supply of furs. This time he returned with another fur blanket, some meat, and a small lantern. The lantern had a blue flame in it, which you're sure was his. A smile appeared on his face when he saw you.

"Looks like a successful hunt." You hummed, taking the meat from him and setting it on the counter.

"It was." He nodded wrapping the new fur around you from behind, "Ronin caught a few rabbits by himself too."

"Soon enough he'll be able to challenge you on hunts." You chuckled earning a laugh from him, "Where is he anyway? I thought we would want to come in from the cold."

"He wanted to play more." He answered, glancing over his shoulder at the door before pulling you into a tight hug.

It's only been a season since you meet, but you're already very attached to each other. You don't want to let Ronin know yet though. Not until your instincts make you build a mating nest. If it builds one. If it doesn't by spring, the true mating season, then you'll probably move on. Keep Ronin from getting attached to you. That way if Keshin finds another possible mate, Ronin won't be upset at your separation.

"What if Ronin walks in?" You asked, though still nuzzled against him.

"We'll tell him I'm warming you up. He'll want to join anyway." He laughed, making you smile.

Wiggling away from him, you set the blankets down and pulled on your boots and coat, "He may want to play, but it's getting late. I'll go get him while you build up the fire."

"Yes ma'am." He smirked at you before you left.

Sniffing the air, you smelt Ronin's sent was towards the west. It was faint so he must be close to the end of the territory. Shifting into your fox form, you started running. Trying not to shiver to much as the cold snow would hit your paws. Running a little while, you paused to smell again. Frowning when you smelt something else. Something that didn't set right with you.

"Papa! (Y/N)!" Ronin's screams of fear rang through the forest.

Terrified, you ran faster towards him. Finding in a little way off, running from a large Kitsune. The larger one was snapping at Ronin, with Ronin barely able to dodge it. Getting furious, you ran faster and rammed you head against the Kitsune. Hitting it hard enough that it rolled away.

"Stay away from my kit." You growled threateningly as Ronin curled up by your front paws for protection.

One of your seven tails moving him back towards the den. The Kitsune was getting back to its feet. You could see the eight tails snapping behind it. The wild look in its eyes telling you that it's already gone made from power. Its eyes locked completely on you now.

"Woman." He hissed, making you tense as a shiver ran down your spin.

"Ronin, go to your father." You whispered, using a tail to push him behind a tree.

Crouching low, you started taking cautious steps. Watching him almost mirror you. Clearly trying to make a plan to catch you. Dodging as he lunged, you ran as fast as you could. Ducking around trees and crawling under fallen ones, anything to slow him down. Screaming as a fireball knocked a tree down just behind you, fear finally gripped you.

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