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They say for a person to move on; there has to be a zeal. In my life there came a zeal in name of Cross.


For a change I was at home. No episodes, no trauma and drama. Maybe after years we were like a family that night, having dinner and smiling. I was quiet like always, but hearing grandma and pa joking around made me happy. I was glad that they were living well. They stopped asking me where I was every night. I guess they were just happy that I was breathing and alive. As for Azora, except for few dates with Gerad, she was focused more on her academics.

Now that I had great growth spurt and with all physical changes, a lot of my peers were wary off me. It was good. I was no longer bullied.

"How's school?" Grandma signed and I just shrugged. How would it be? Last I attended school was to write exam and pass in all mandatory papers and assignments. Even my teachers were glad I wasn't present in their class. Not that I ever troubled them, I guess my aura was not to their appreciation.

"Great." I signed back and it seemed to appease them when they knew it was all bogus.

After dinner I bid them goodnight and was about to leave when Azora stopped me at the exit. "Can we go for a walk?" She signed and I as always agreed.

"Is there something on your mind Azora?" 

"Yes. Why haven't you chosen your major yet?"

I knew she would not leave me.

"I have nothing to choose."

"Akira!" She was exasperated. If I were her, I too would have reacted the same way. "You are a prodigy by birth my brother. You've always loved to paint. Why are you giving up? Wasn't that your dream; to be an artist?"

"That was back then-" she cut me off by standing in front of me with a glare. "Stop! I haven't opened my mouth for all these years and let you live your life the way you want, but now at this moment I just want to say, look at yourself. What are you doing? I have never asked you, even though I know what you're upto, but please don't disrespect your talent Akira. You're gifted. I know you've still saved them. Your paintings. Why don't you just-" I had to stop her. She knew!

"Azora. That's not me. That was Damian. I am not him. Please let it go." Without another glance I walked away. Never before have I ever spoken this rudely to Azora. I know she's right but at this moment, I had to be elsewhere.

Walking through the passage of a dimly lit room I saw Tyson passed out. Max was with a girl and when our eyes met, he knew I was troubled. He had learnt few words of ASL for me. "Is everything alright?"

I shook my head.

"Do you need it?" He was referring to my release. At this point that was the last thing I needed. Shaking my head I sat next to him and opened a bottle of beer. It tasted like sand. My conversation with Azora lingered at forefront. Was she right?

Time passed by and I knew it was nearing midnight. Tapping my knees Max pointed towards the garage and I followed. He always made sure at night to drop me home. As I handed back his helmet, Max pulled my jacket, making sure not to touch me and kissed my cheek. With a smile I bid him goodnight and headed back home.

Jumping through my window was a usual way of entry. At times during daytime I had to remind myself to use the main entrance. Before sleeping I had an habit of checking our school forum for any announcement. There was one. Our arts teacher had retired and we were receiving a new one. Great!

Next I checked my email and my world came to a standstill.

From: peony_sun

To: Akira.Takahashi

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