𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕖 𝕠𝕟 𝔽𝕚𝕣𝕖

323 55 31

Warning: 18+

(A/n: Please watch the above video and enjoy this Chapter.)


Keeping my chin high I entered the room to find Cross dressed in Jeans, Salmon coloured sweater and mocassins. As usual his eyes were rimmed with dark blue khol and hair slicked back with some type of gel. A small diamond solitaire adorned his ear and I don't know how, but this look just suited him to his best. I wonder if anyone can dress the way he does and look even half good.

Beckoning me into the room, his small smile transformed into a grin as he made his way towards me. His eyes searched mine and finally he said, "Happy Birthday pup."

These past three years with Cross's guidance and tutelage I learnt to read lips fluently. It was tough at the beginning but now I can read people's lips in seconds.

Placing my hands on his hips, I pulled him closer to me and bent down to tuck my nose against his neck. This was another dynamic that changed between us. I am 6'2 to his 5'9. Thanks to all the lovely traning we've had, puberty hit me in right places and one could clearly distinguish that no longer was I just bones but had muscles in all right parts of my body. I wouldn't call myself as an attractive male species, but the man in front of me and his lithe body was what bards wrote poetries about.

Feeling his body shake under my touch, I grinned against his skin and turned to face him. Yes, tonight was the night. There was no doubt about it. But, before that I had something that I wanted for a very long time and Cross here was the one to help me.

"He's at the back waiting for you." Cross smiled gently, but before I followed him, he stopped and asked again, "Are you sure about this? We can change it. There is still time and today's your birthday. Shouldn't you be spending the day with Azora and your grandparents?"

Cupping his face I gently placed a kiss at the tip of his nose and signed, "Azora knows I am here with you. You know I want this, and you being the one helping me do this, I shall be eternally grateful. So no. I don't wish to change anything."

With that conviction I pulled Cross into a sterile room where Maddox Webber, Max's cousin and one of the famous tattoo artists, was already waiting for us at his station. The moment he saw us enter, his sea green eyes sparkled and with an enthusiastic motion welcomed us. "Happy Birthday Akira!" He clasped my hand. "Ready for your first tattoo?"

"Oh yes!" I gave him a thumbs up and he rubbed both his hands with glee. "Oh! I love a virgin skin. Having to tattoo on such skin is almost as pleasurable as an orga*m."

I laughed at his choice of words and signed to Cross, "Well atleast I am virgin somewhere."

Cross coughed out and I winked at Maddox.

"Alright Akira, this is a huge piece on your back. As you chose to do this in one sitting, it is going to be painful and if you feel a strain or nauseous, please let us know."

I gave him a thumbs up again, he showed us the stencil. I had to say, having this piece on my back, knowing it was Cross who designed it, made it all the more special.

The tattoo would cover my entire upper back with the main theme being a dragon soaring high with wings spread wide. There were various thorns at the bottom and it was a visual of him breaking free of all the bonds that tied him to despair. The face of the dragon was calm and serene. Almost as if waiting for a chance to prove its worth.

Few days ago when Cross and I were sitting in his studio, where he was sketching my tattoo, he asked me the reason for choosing a dragon. And my answer was simple, he once called me a dragon back when I was lost. It reminded me of my journey and how much more I could achieve. Being a dragon would be constant reminder that my silence can be my greatest strength.

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