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"Three down, one to go." Cyborg says tired. Plasmas had caused great distraction and the street was filled with fire and smoke. The truck Plasmas had ripped apart had caused a massive explosion. After a while though, they finally took him out.

"Where can we find Atlas, Cyborg?" Robin asks, standing next to his friend. Starfire and Beast Boy surveyed the damage. There was not a single civillian in sight.

"He's located in some kind of hideout. It's in a parking garage, South of here." Cyborg says, reading his scanner.

"Then let's go." Robin replies, "Lead the way."

"I've already taken you out once, I can do it again." Cyborg says to Atlas once they arrive.

"Leave me be!! You're the reason Spike left me!"

"And it's a good thing he did. Nobody should be treated the way you treated him." Robin glares, crossing his arms once again.

Angered by their words, Atlas comes at them full force. "Titans, go!" Robin shouts and the team splits up, dodging Atlas's strike.

Beast Boy turns into a gorilla, his usual maneuver, and comes at Atlas strong. He sends a punch to Atlas's face, but Atlas catches his arm and throws him behind him. Starfire began to shoot her starbolts at him, knocking Atlas backwards.

Then Robin and Cyborg entered the picture. Robin sent a kick to Atlas's stomach and Cyborg did an upper cut punch. Atlas flew back into a pillar, causing the parking garage to shake a little.

The team watches the rubble covering Atlas, caused from his fall, start to move. Atlas was far from done.

The debris flew toward the Titans, and Robin covers his head with his arms. It was going straight for the team.

Before it could reach the Titans, the debris turns back, freezing mid air. Shocked that they had not been hit,  Robin and his team watch as the rubble gently falls to the ground in front of them.

"Raven!" Beast Boy calls, excited. Raven's eyes meet his and she lets on a soft smile, then turning her attention to Atlas, who was charging toward them. She glares at him, her black aura surrounding her hands.

"We've had enough of you." She says loudly, and before Atlas can even touch her friends, she picks him up with her powers and the debris he had thrown at them, all of it floating in the air, before it all sticks to him like a magnet. Raven clasping her hands together, the aura burning strong.

The teen titans could no longer see him anymore and the rock and cement was overpowering. Atlas yelled in pain, "Aggghh!!"

"Raven! You're hurting him!" Robin shouts, turning towards Raven. Her dark eyes were only on Atlas, and she could feel her powers overpowering her control.

"Raven!" Beast Boy shouts, rushing over to her. He puts a hand on her shoulder as Raven falls to the ground, out of it. She was exhausted. The Titans rush over to her, and Raven keeps her eyes on the floor, her hands on the cement.

"Raven?" Starfire says confused.

"I- I'm sorry.." She whispers. "I didn't mean to."

"Are you okay?" Beast Boy asks with concern. He was starting to really worry about her. Something was wrong, and he was determined to find out what.

"I've told you guys countless times before, I'm not the hero type. I should have never thought I...  could be.." She trails off, now sitting with her knees up. She rubs her head and closes her eyes, her face emanating sadness.

"You are a hero, and you belong on the team." Robin replies.

"Rae," Beast Boy says quietly. Raven looks up at him, he was kneeling next to her, and took her hand in his. "You're a good person."

Raven's sad expression turns into a sad smile, and she stares into Beast Boy's soft dark eyes. "If you all really knew who I am, you wouldn't want anything to do with me." She pulls her legs into her chest, looking down at her porcelain thighs.

"We don't need to, we like you just the way you are." Robin says with a smile, offering a hand out to her, he and Beast Boy help her stand.

"Yeah!" Cyborg adds, "You can be yourself with us."

Starfire smiles before adding. "You are our friend! Friends stick together, they must."

Beast Boy drops his head. Did she even consider him as a friend? He wasn't quite sure what to say to her.

"Thank you." Raven says to her friends and they all smile at her. Beast Boy was out of the circle and was turned away, he didn't want to get in the way of her friends.

A hand brushed against his, Beast Boy freezes.

"Beast Boy?" Raven says quietly. Beast Boy turns to face her, but before he can say a word, Raven puts her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly as she rests her chin on his shoulder. "Thank you, for... everything."

Beast Boy's face was pure shock. The other Titans stood in front of him. Robin had a hand on his hip, Cyborg smiles, and Starfire put her hands together flying next to Robin, and an 'aww' expression played on her face.

Beast Boy hugged Raven back, wrapping his arms around her tiny waist, leaning into her. The hug was warm, real, and totally unlike Raven.

What had Beast Boy done to get a hug like this? He had never really been close to Raven. She hated his jokes, hated his humor, and found him disgusting, what was she seeing in him now?

Raven pulls away from him slowly, looking down at their feet. Beast Boy couldn't help but look her in the eyes. He was definitely blushing now.

The rest of the Titans had left Raven and Beast Boy alone, focusing their attention on Atlas, who seemed to be unconscious under the rubble.

"Let's get Atlas to prison where he belongs." Robin says to Cyborg.

Cyborg put his hands on his hips, "What's the plan tomorrow?"

"The hive are definitely up to no good, we need to figure out where they'll strike next."

"Agreed." Cyborg replies. "I'm going to head over to the prison tomorrow to fix their security system. We can't let this happen again."

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