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After yesterday's incident, Beast Boy was finally starting to figure Raven out. She wasn't personality-less, she actually had emotions! Timid, brave, happy, smart, and who knows what else. He was a bit bummed he couldn't stay in her supposed head longer. Maybe if he could go back, he'd get to know more sides of Raven. 

He avoided the idea though, that was invading Raven's privacy, but oh he longed to be able to get to know her better. He couldn't quite put his finger on why Raven held all those emotions back, why not let them run free? Why not be yourself and let yourself feel things? 

It was 5:32 a.m. and Beast Boy had been tossing and turning with dreams, thoughts, and memories of Raven. He worried about her, was she slowly losing herself? Beast Boy turns his attention to his clock, should he go out and talk with her? Maybe he should let her be today. He didn't want to cause more problems or more reasons for her to be mad at him.

Beast Boy finally gets up, yawning, he hadn't gotten much sleep. He slips on his purple and black shoes and makes his way down the hall. Beast Boy climbs the stairs to the roof top and takes a peak out. Raven was nowhere to be seen. Curious, Beast Boy steps out onto the roof. 

The wind blew, slightly impacting the volleyball and it rolls an inch or two. Beast Boy breathes in the fresh air. He could hear the familiar ocean waves down below as he looked towards the soft orange sky. The clouds were painted orange and yellow, with hints of pink. The sun was barely peeking behind a pinnacle in the East, ready to wake up the world. 

Beast Boy walks back downstairs and into the hallway, where he finds Cyborg in the gym working out. "Oh hey BB!" Cyborg says within reps of lifting a weight. 

"Hey man."

The two go quiet, Cyborg is focused on his lifting and Beast Boy goes and sits down on one of their machines. "Everything good between you and Raven?" Cyborg finally replies, interrupting Beast Boy's thoughts of her. Beast Boy blinks back into reality, blushing slightly. 

"Yeah, we're cool." 

"Doesn't sound very cool." Cyborg is holding the weight high in the air, his eyes are focused on Beast Boy as he slowly brings it back down. 

"Dude it's all too complicated for my brain. Can we talk about something else?" Beast Boy replies. He had been thinking about Raven since yesterday, he wanted to take a break.

The two go quiet for a minute, both focusing on their workouts.

Cyborg breaks the silence. "You missed some big butt whooping yesterday, when are you going to start playing again?"

Beast Boy goes silent, he wasn't quite sure if he would ever go back to their video games. Not after all his memories with Terra. He just needed to get himself to take the first step and pick up a controller, but with all those past experiences overwhelming his mind every time he thought about video games, it became too hard to even do that. 

Raven woke up late, not wanting to move. Sure she felt refreshed physically, but mentally? That was a different story. A million thoughts were running through her mind now, she wasn't quite sure what her heart was telling her. She wasn't sure what she was feeling. Was everything all just a dream? 

Thoughts of Beast Boy choraled her mind. If only she wasn't the way she was. If only she didn't have to mask her emotions. Every step, every word, every hour she felt as though she was falling into a dark abyss. If only she could figure out who she was meant to be. Was she crazy to think that? She was a prophecy, she was going to end the world! And it was going to happen next week. If only she knew what her heart was telling her. If only. 

Raven walks out of her room, a little drousy, unsure if she could face Beast Boy after their incident the other day. As she walked down the hallway, she heard noises coming from the Titan's gym. Raven takes a peek in, noticing Cyborg weight lifting and Beast Boy busy with pull-ups.

Beast Boy didn't want to answer Cyborg's questions, he felt as though he was being interrogated. "Dude can we drop this?!" Beast Boy says upset. He didn't want to be thinking about the past right now. Beast Boy drops to the floor, trudging to the door where Raven was standing. Raven's eyes widen, but before she can hide or do anything, Beast Boy's eyes lock onto hers. 

Raven takes a step back. "Were you listening?" Beast Boy asks surprised to see her, his tone was agressive and it startles Raven. Beast Boy was clearly upset.

Raven watches Beast Boy curiously. Beast Boy's hair was toussled, his hands curled up into fists, and he was slouching. From Raven's observations, she could tell Beast Boy was exhausted and irritated. It made her wonder what Cyborg had done to rile him up.

"Are you okay?" Raven asks quietly, instead of talking back like she usually would.

"Do I look okay??" Beast Boy crosses his arms with a glare growing on his face. Beast Boy stomps passed Raven, taking a left at the end of the hallway while Raven's eyes follow.

"Don't mind him, you did nothing wrong."

Raven turns to face the gym, where the voice had come from. standing with a towel draped across his shoulder was Cyborg. He wipes his forehead with the towel, his eyes on Raven.

"Clearly." Raven replies. "So what did you do?"

"Asked him when he'd start playing again." Cyborg replies, turning away from Raven to set down his towel, Raven floats into the gym.

"Guess it's still a touchy subject.." Raven trails off.

Cyborg turns to face her. "Guess so."

Robin and Starfire sat on the rooftop, Starfire now wearing a hat oddly enough. They had been talking about Slade and Star's worry about Robin. "You just don't get it, Star. We are superheroes. We don't live normal lives." Robin stands, ignoring the incredible view, including Star. 

Starfire watches Robin sadly.  "Are we not allowed to live our lives the way we choose?"

Robin glares. "I am choosing this life Starfire. If you don't want to be apart of it, then feel free to leave."


Robin begins to walk away, before he turns back to face her. "I have nothing else to say to you." 

Starfire holds a hand out, reaching for Robin, stunned. Robin walks back into the tower, leaving Starfire all alone. 





ahh! I'm back guys! I hoped you enjoyed this chapter. If you did or didn't, either way, don't hesitate to provide feedback! Thanks for reading this far! I appreciate your time ;)

Thanks again for reading, I hope you are all doing well!!


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