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"It's good to see you again, Terra." Robin says with a hand on his hip. The team was in near the elevator that lead down to the titan's lobby. Cyborg watched Beast Boy curiously and Beast Boy had a sad tint in his eyes. Raven was floating behind the team, not wanting to be there, and Star had already came forward and was now hugging Terra. 

"Welcome back friend!" Star says, hugging Terra tightly. Terra smiles, surprised by Starfire's actions. Robin admires Starfire's love, he could tell that she truly cared about her friends and the people around her. She was so kind and caring, it made him want to embrace her himself, maybe later.

Terra had come back to stay with the Titans and everyone had welcomed her with open arms, all except Raven and Beast Boy. Beast Boy was still not sure how he felt about Terra, or having Terra around. His heart felt a little lost and his thoughts were scrambled. 

Starfire lets go of Terra and glides over to Robin, she smiles at him before she looks back to Terra. Robin subtly slides his hand into hers and Starfire's cheeks flush pink with surprise. Robin quietly chuckles. She was so cute. 

"Sorry I left you guys.." Terra says sheepishly, scratching the back of her head. Raven kept out of the circle, she was ready to leave.

"Your back now, don't worry so much about that!" Starfire cheerfully interjects.

Raven floats quietly next to Cyborg, watching Beast Boy's reactions with Terra. She had nothing she wanted to say to him, she just felt some strong energy.

Keeping her hood on, Raven turns away from the titans and begins floating towards her room. She couldn't stand the energy, she needed to sort through her emotions, and the best way to do that was to meditate.

It had been a long day of taking down criminals and hunting the hive, Raven was tired of it, and the prophecy was nagging at her ever since the mark presented itself. But now she wasn't the only one who knew. Beast Boy was starting to catch on, and she had told him she wanted to talk to him about it before they went to help the team. Now Raven felt insecure about it all and questioned herself. 

Either way though, Raven wasn't quite sure what she could do at this point, the inevitable would take place and the Earth would soon crumble. Raven takes a deep breath, closing her eyes. She needed to control her emotions, some were trying to break free from her strong grip.

Jealousy was definitely the strongest.

Deep in thought Raven doesn't notice everyone staring at her. She continues to float, despite the room being dead silent. She was too contained in her thoughts. She felt stupid for asking Beast Boy to meet up with her later. 

"Raven, do you not wish to celebrate Terra's return?" Raven hears Starfire say. 

With a voice as sharp and cold as ice, Raven replies with a hard no. She couldn't stay here any longer. Terra was bringing out the worst in her. 

"Oh come on, why not?" Cyborg adds and Beast Boy watches her curiously.

Raven doesn't turn around. The strong feelings she felt before were returning, and rage was getting the best of her and it was all slipping through her finger tips.

"Raven, it's just a friendly party, there's no harm in that!" Cyborg consults.

No harm in a little party, of course! Raven couldn't stand Terra. Why would she want to celebrate her return? And in her defense, her emotions were controlling her more than she was controlling them at the moment. Everything was manual and it was starting to take a toll on her. 

With everything Raven had, her strength wasn't enough. Everything had slipped, and she could feel her body become overwhelmed with the emotions she had caged. 

Suddenly, a dishes from the dirty kitchen counter begins to float in the air before they fly straight for Terra's face.

With quick reflexes, Terra ducks right before any of the dishes make contact. The dirty dishes, silverware, and trinkets cascade to the floor, many shattering. The Titans stand in shock.

"What is your problem?!" Terra shouts as she stands up straight again after looking at catastrophe on the floor. Robin steps forward towards Raven in a bit of anger, but Starfire grabs a hold of him and pulls him back. 

"Ra-" Before Starfire can finish, Raven lands on the ground abruptly, her powers unable to keep her a float anymore. She tumbles to the floor, her cloak sprawled across her body. Nobody is able to see her. Raven grunts in pain as she comes into contact with the floor. Her knees begin to throb. 

Beast Boy's eyes widen and he begins to run forward to help Raven, but Raven is already back on her feet, staring at the team with her cloak on. Beast Boy stops in his tracks.

Raven storms out of the room, not saying a word, leaving the Titans stunned. "What just happened?" Cyborg finally says, cutting the tension.

"What have I ever done to her?!" Terra asks angrily. The Titans turn their attention to her. Nobody answers.

"I'll go talk to her." Robin sighs, as he begins his walk to the hallway.

Beast Boy watches in defeat, he wanted to go after Raven himself, but it seemed like Robin was always better at talking to Raven. The two always seemed to see eye to eye more. It made him feel like he never had a chance with her. 

Beast Boy leaves the scene upset too, not wanting to be around Terra. His past memories had haunted him all day. Beast Boy takes to his room, his thoughts racing.

"Raven?" Robin says, knocking on Raven's door.





The door opens to a crack, Raven's head pops out, her hood on, as she looks at Robin. "What?" She croaks.

"Everything okay?"

"Everything is fine."

"It didn't seem like it, anything I can do?"


"This team needs you, Raven." Robin pauses, crossing his arms. "You're one of us, and nobody can replace you."

"Thanks." Raven replies quietly. She shuts the door not wanting to talk to Robin anymore. Whenever he'd talk to her, he was usually straight to the point. Raven felt as though she couldn't talk to Robin, she wished Beast Boy was here. 

After Robin leaves, Raven slumps against the door, hands on her face dismissing the thought of Beast Boy being here with her now. She felt bad for almost hitting Terra, even if it was on accident. Beast Boy probably hated her now.

She expected him to chase after her, but with a Terra around now, that probably wouldn't happen anymore. She liked it when he chased after her, it showed he cared about her. Of course Robin and the team did too, but it just felt more real, more sincere whenever it was Beast Boy. 

Raven didn't want to admit to anything, but started to grow a liking to Beast Boy. She didn't hate him anymore, she actually liked being around him. She started to see him in a new light.

After meditating, Raven walks over to her collection of books. Her room was dark and dreary. She felt dark and dreary, but there was nothing she could do about that.

However, what she could do, was redecorate her room? Last time the team saw it, Beast Boy had said, "Looks like Halloween came early this year.."

That was bigger than an insult. Raven liked her room the way it was! Coming from him, it hurt. The last thing Raven wanted to do was to not stay true to herself.

She was not going to redecorate, she was going to light the place up a bit and tidy up. Using her magic, Raven gently lifts her seance candles and places them around the room, lit.

She tidy's her books, placing them on an organized bookcase and makes sure to leave the ones she had been studying on the floor or near her bed.

Raven climbs onto her bed with a now clean room. She felt right at home now. Opening a book she had been reading yesterday, Raven continues the story in hopes of learning something new.

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