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It didn't take much for the team to leave Terra be. She was adamant on figuring things out for herself. Beast Boy felt a bit relieved, but there was still a part of him that cared for Terra. Terra was stubborn, that's for sure, but apologized for her outbreak. When she had awoken, She was filled with anger, adrenaline, and fear. She had left the team to go to school and try to live a normal life. She was determined to potentially also find her brother Geo-force.

She felt bad for leaving Markovia, but her powers were uncontrollable, there was no way she could go back home. She felt like a mistake, a problem no one could solve. Back at school, Terra was already making friends and learning all sorts of new things. She loved all her classes, but was hesitant when it came to earth science.

Earth science had stressed her out a bit. She was worried her geo-kinesis would spring forward and she'd hurt someone again. She did not want that happening, so to help prevent it, Terra was determined to not touch anything and stay at the back of the classroom. She had personally asked her teacher, Mrs. Zamudio, if she could do so. Mrs. Zamudio was more than gracious to Terra and Terra got along quite nicely with her teacher.

Beast Boy had showed up yesterday to school once to check on her, and it had made Terra quite upset. She thought he was pretty cute, and it was nice to have someone be so caring towards her, but Terra was unsure of him. He seemed to be hanging around a lot and watching her. She was growing tired of it.

Then one day, after school, Terra was just cleaning up her things in Mrs. Zamudio's classroom when a noise came from behind Terra. The room was empty as Mrs. Zamudio had gone to the teacher's workroom and Terra had taken her time to leave as there were a lot of rocks and examples left at the front of the classroom from today's lesson: sedimentary rocks.

Pick it up.

"Huh? Is-- is someone there?" Terra says. She had heard someone, the voice sounded so demanding, and it was low and intimidating. Terra glanced across the room, no one was here with her. Terra sighs, dropping her folders in her bag. She begins to zip her backpack when the voice spoke again.

Go on, don't you want to feel the energy course through your veins?

Now Terra was more than frightened. Terra froze in place, looking around the room again. "Who's there?" Terra glares, if this was another prank Holland had up his sleeve, Terra was going to burst. She was tired of the constant attention a boy named Holland had given her. He was more than a bully; he was a nuisance, a pebble in her shoe.

"Knock it off Holland." Terra replies as she picks up her bag to leave. "This isn't funny!"

The voice laughs. Oh no, my child. I'm afraid you've got it all wrong.

deep in the shadows of the front corner of the room, a figure began to shuffle forward. The figure was tall in stature, strong, and they appeared to have their hands tucked behind their back.

"Who are you?" Terra shouts, "Show yourself!" Anger was evident on Terra's face, and the figure's enthusiasm only seemed to grow.

Tsk Tsk, Oh Terra. You've forgotten everything, haven't you? You poor thing. Don't worry, we'll fix that.

Then, appearing in front of her, Slade came into view, his eye piercing her soul.


It didn't take long for Terra to attack the titans. Slade and easily manipulated her once again. But was Slade really there? The team was quietly minding their business.

Robin and Star were sitting at the kitchen island, eating together. Cyborg was sitting by himself playing video games, and Raven had just entered the room and was going to get herself some breakfast.

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