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Raven pours two mugs of herbal tea and hands one to Starfire, they exit the living space to find somewhere quiet to talk. Raven uses her powers to carry her mug, and the mug floats behind her.

Raven and Star walk down the hallway, the vents louder than ever. Soon they reach Star's room, and Star opens the door and gestures Raven to come in. Raven looks around the room a bit in disgust.

Raven walks in, glancing around the room, there was so much color and light, it felt so foreign to Raven and she stuck out like a sore thumb.

Now that Raven had realized her friends were always there for her, Raven had opened her eyes to her connections with her friends. She had been so focused on the prophecy and doing things alone, she had neglected her relationships, Star's friendship especially.

Raven was determined to build that relationship and decided that even though she missed Beast Boy right now, she was going to focus her attention on Starfire.

Star had lava lamps in all sorts of weird places, she was fascinated with them and couldn't quite figure out how they worked. Lava lamps were set on her shelves, her dresser, night stand, all speratic.

Star also had lots of pictures of cats on her walls and string lights that looked as though they may fall any minute now. She also had a shelf of what she called her earth finds.

On the shelf was a jar of sand, sea shells, wilted white daisies placed in a jar of water, a newspaper, a stick and acorn, and a piece of glass.

To one person, all of that would be considered as junk, but to Starfire, it was beautiful treasure. A diamond under the rough.

Raven smiles awkwardly at the collection and notices a cat plushie on the next shelf on the bookcase with a row of books. She begins reading them when Starfire begins.

Raven turns her attention to Star, remembering why she was here in the first place. Something was wrong.

"I am the extremely worried and I have limited time." Star begins. Raven wonders what could possibly be going on. Thoughts of Star's home planet and some strange cultural problems encompass Raven's mind and she waits for Star to continue.

"It is about Robin." Star continues. "He has asked me to go to dinner with him but just the two of us, no one else. I did not know what he meant until he explained it is something two people do when they like each other, but romantically?"

Raven places a hand on Star's shoulder. "I do not know what I am supposed to do and how I should be." Star finishes, her head dropping. She sighs in defeat.

"Robin asked you on a date?' Raven asks. "Congratulations Starfire."

"What does date mean?" Star asks, her and Raven were still standing in the middle of the room and Raven had her arms crossed.

"When two people spend time with each other to see if they're compatible."

"Oh! Then Beast Boy took you out on the date?"

Raven's face turns red under her hood, but she quickly dismisses those feelings and focuses her attention back on Star. "Not exactly." Raven replies, but Beast Boy did like her, right?

"I am very nervous, and for some reason I want to look my best." Star answers and Raven used her powers to place her mug of herbal tea in front of herself and gestured Starfire to do the same. Starfire takes a sip, unsure of the tea.

Raven thinks for a minute. She didn't know much about beauty, but she did know that Star was already beautiful as is, but despite that, she could feel Starfire unhappy with her appearance.

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