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Robin was back on the RedBird, the engine roaring. Raven is gliding in the air above him and Beast Boy is a pterodactyl, flying up next to Raven. The trio are headed to Gotham City's Bubbly Barry's Candy Shop, hunting the Hive. The Hive had caused the prison to malfunction, thanks to Jinx, who had not been on high alert and in the right containment cell. The prison's electrical wiring had been grilled. They were the reason for all of this, they were the reason the Titans hadn't gotten much sleep recently.

Raven slips down to ground level, now hovering over the hard, gray cement. Beast Boy steps onto the sidewalk, gravel crunching under his feet. Robin takes off his helmet, joining the two. "This is it." He whispers. The air was crisp, a slight wind blew in from the North and the only sounds that could be heard were the nearby traffic and the bustling streets of Gotham City. "Be ready for anything."

Suddenly, like a flash of lightning, the candy shop's windows shatter, the glass erupting onto the sidewalk in front of the trio. With quick reflexes, Raven shields her friends with her black aura. Giggles can be heard within the shop, and out steps Jinx, Mammoth, and Gizmo.

Jinx is the first to speak. "Where's the tin-headed robot of yours? Out fishing??" Mammoth immediately begins an attack on the Titans, running forward with a powerful blow.

"TItans Go!"

The team splits up, Raven flying higher into the sky, black aura encompassing her hands and eyes. Beast Boy turns into a Rhino and charges Mammoth, knocking him down hard and feasibly. Robin flips backward as Gizmo begins to shoot him with his blaster pods. He brings his spider legs to life and begins attacking Robin.

That leaves Raven and Jinx. Jinx laughs, "Looks like it's me and you, sister! Y'know, you aren't as fun as Cyborg, but you'll have to do for now."

"Whatever.." Raven replies.

Jinx touches a fire hydrant nearby, and it shoots up water into the air, directly at Raven. Raven floats out of the water, her cloak now drenched, she clears her throat, centering her eyes back on Jinx, except Jinx wasn't there anymore.

A kick to the face has Raven tumbling down onto the road. Raven looks up to see Jinx standing a few feet away. A crooked, evil smile plays on her face as she begins to walk over to Raven. "Awh, you're giving up already? But we just started!"

"Don't make me send you to another dimension." Raven replies, spitting out water. Raven floats up, gritting her teeth as black aura surrounds her, her cloak flapping in the wind she is creating. "Azarath Metrion Zinthos!" Raven sends a car towards Jinx, Jinx's eyes widen in disbelief, but her crooked grin returns and she feasibly does a few cart wheels gracefully, and gets out of the way.

"awh, someone's mad now! You going to cry about it?"

Raven glares at Jinx, her cloak still on, "Anger is pointless. My emotions are under control." Raven spits back. She sends her black aura towards Jinx, scooping her up by surprise. Her aura taking the shape of a hand.

Beast Boy and Mammoth continue their fight, Mammoth sending punches to Beast Boy's stomach, Beast Boy morphs into a snake, tying himself around Mammoth's torso. Mammoth breaks free from the grip, grabbing a hold of Beast Boy, mocking him. "Who's the loser now?" Beast Boy turns into a whale, crushing Mammoth instantly.

Robin, dodges each spider leg easily, taking out a birdarang and tossing it at Gizmo, it slices two of his spider legs, and has him wobbling. "Nice try." Robin adds.

"Ughh you Titans never give up do you?!" Gizmo yells frustrated.

"And we never will." Robin replies, and sends a kick to GIzmo's chest. Gizmo falls backward onto the sidewalk.

The hive had been defeated! Beast Boy stands triumphantly, looking down upon Mammoth who was now rubbing his head. Jinx had broken free from Raven's grip, and they had continued their fight. The street was now littered with cars, garbage cans, and broken light posts. In the end, Raven turned Jinx's bad luck against her and sent debris right on top of her, Jinx was now stuck. Gizmo lie on the ground angered by Robin.

"I hate you! You and your stupid team!" Gizmo grunts, trying to get back on his feet. Robin stands, crossing his arms. His cloak fluttering in the light breeze. The titans regroup and are about to call the prison guards, but as they are about to, a surprise attack emerges from the shadows.

Slade's robot commandos are now everywhere, in every direction. smoke rises from the debris around them and they run forward to attack. The titans look around, they were surrounded. "Look out!" Beast Boy shouts at Raven. Raven turns, but it's too late, the robot commandos are already too close. Beast Boy turns into a bear, blocking the hits from reaching Raven. He growls in pain. Beast Boy falls the ground, the robots were thrown back, but they are still on their feet ready to attack.

"Don't touch him!" Raven picks up cement, swinging it at the robots. Her view was now clear, but more were coming. Raven steps to the ground to a kneel, Beast Boy was back to normal, rubbing his head. "Are you okay?" She asks.

Beast Boy looks up at her, gazing into her beautiful eyes. "Uhmm.. yeah, thanks." Raven looks away awkwardly, why was she so concerned about him? They were in a battle right now! There was no time for this! Raven helps Beast Boy to a stand as more robots come into view.

Robin was swinging left and right, but more and more robots continued to swarm and overwhelm him. Just then golden blond hair comes into view, flapping in the wind as the girl picks up speed on her floating rock. She lands onto the sidwalk next to the defeated Hive.

"There you are! Don't think I'd lose you that easily." Terra says. "Hey... how come-- what happened?" She glances at the Hive, Gizmo was on the ground groaning, Jinx was still stuck under some rubble trying to get out, and Mammoth was still rubbing his head in pain.

Terra takes a glance towards the commotion on the road, she could see Robin, Raven, and... Beast Boy. The three titans were being overwhelmed by the commando robots sent by Slade.

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