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The titans sat around the kitchen, eating their breakfast quietly. Beast Boy had a plate of tofu, Cyborg and Starfire ate donuts, and Raven drank herbal tea as usual. Robin was not present in the room. Instead, he was in the room dedicated to Slade. Nobody said a word, the tension could easily be cut with a knife.

The first to stand was Cyborg. Holding his plate in his right hand, Cyborg walked over to the overflowing dishes, that consumed the sink, and slipped his plate in the growing pile. "Well that does it. I'm going to the prison to patch up their systems before we have another breakout."

Starfire looks up, excitement consuming her frown. "I'll go with you!" Starfire replies, floating up from her seat. She had a 3/4 of a donut left in her hand and her plate was now empty.

"Sure Star, but you may get bored."

"With friends? Never." Starfire replies. "I wish to keep my distance from Robin today.."

"Alright, let's go." Cyborg answers, and the two leave the tower together. As soon as they leave however, Robin enters the room, he had heard everything.

"What'd you do?" Beast Boy asks as Robin watches Cyborg and Star leave, both unaware of his glowering eyes.

"Not important right now, there's been a breakthrough downtown. I've Finally located a few more fugitives from the prison, but I also spotted Terra. She's there too Beast Boy, do you think you can handle that?"

Beast Boy felt as though a weight was slammed onto his heart. He coughs on his tofu, Raven watches him curiously. Raven was shook, she did not want to see Terra ever again.

"T-terra?" Beast Boy finally responds quietly. Raven watches Beast Boy with sad eyes. The dishes from the sink float into the air, crashing to the floor.

Robin and Beast Boy instantly turn their attention to the sudden clatter. "What was that?" Robin asks, confused. Raven covers her face, setting down what was left of her herbal tea. There was no way she was going to watch Beast Boy reunite with Terra, it made her heart throb just at the thought of it, but she wasn't going to let anyone know. Either she went, or she'd be questioned and potentially everyone would figure out that she had feelings.. for him. I mean, she didn't even want to admit to herself she did!

"Raven?" Raven hears Beast Boy say. Raven loved when he said her name, it gave her butterflies. However, she doesn't reply, and instead looks at Robin. Taking a deep breath, Raven narrows her eyes, forcing herself to say, "Let's go."

Robin nods at Raven. "Beast Boy?" Robin says, looking to him now.

Beast Boy had mixed feelings. He was shocked Raven was so keen to seeing Terra again. He wasn't quite sure if he wanted to see Terra ever again himself. She broke his heart, she ruined videogames for him, it hurt to play them now.

Here's the thing though, Beast Boy like Terra, a lot, I mean she laughed at his jokes, she never said no when he wanted to play games with her, and she wasn't cold like Raven.

But.. she wasn't Raven.. Even if Beast Boy couldn't exactly do those things with Raven, he liked Raven a lot too. Raven always had Beast Boy staring at her. Beast Boy was drawn to Raven more than he was to Terra, and she seemed to be deep. She was a mystery, and she was so beautiful, it was hard not to admire her. If Raven was okay with Terra, maybe Beast Boy would give it a chance.

Taking a deep breath, Beast opens his mouth. "I'm in."


Starfire and Cyborg were halfway to the prison when they saw Terra jumping from rock to rock in the sky. It shocked both of them, they weren't sure if they'd ever see Terra again, she was so sure of never returning, especially with her and Beast Boy's break up.

Star and Cyborg look at each other in confusion. They both knew exactly what the other was thinking. "you think BB's seen her?" Cyborg finally voices.

"I am not the sure, but I hope our dear friend will be the okay." Starfire replies, they continue their drive to the prison in the T car in silence.

"So.. how are you and Robin doing? Seemed a little intense at breakfast this morning. How come the dude didn't show?"

Starfire sighs, "It is all my fault. He is so focused on Slade, he does not want anything to do with me. He wants to be a hero and says.. I am the in the way?" Starfire angles her sad eyes to her thighs.

"He thinks you're in the way?? The dude's gone crazy." Cyborg replies in shock.

"Yes, he said it just like that, that I am in the way.." Starfire places her palms to her face, upset. She felt like she had messed everything up. She was trying so hard to be the girl Robin could possibly love, but he clearly didn't care.

"Star, I sure hope you know it's not you're fault. Robin's got some things to work through, he appears to be obssessive when anything comes to Slade. Maybe give him some time and he'll be the same guy before you know it." Cyborg says, placing a hand on her shoulder as he pulls the car to a stop. "We're here."

"Let us go inside then, I wish to watch you work." Starfire smiles. "Thank you, friend."

"Anytime." Cyborg replies, and the two step out of the car, beginning their walk to the front doors. The prison was quiet, too quiet.. but it seemed like everything was under control, that should be a good thing. It would make things easier for Cyborg, and it definitely reassured Cyborg that he hadn't come too late.

As soon as they reach the entrance, the doors detach from the frame, smoke erupting, as the doors are blasted towards the two. Starfire blocks her face, eyes closed, and Cyborg does the same. The doors come into contact, knocking the two back and they tumble down the stairs rolling past the T car.

"I've been expecting you." A black figure appears in the smoke, standing in the doorway. They take one more step forward, the smoke gradually allowing the figure to take complete form. Slade steps down the stairs towards Starfire and Cyborg. Star gasps.

Star and Cyborg get to their feet, Cyborg holding his head. He instantly reaches for his comms to alert the other titans, but before he can, Slade already has a hold of him. Slade sends a blow to Cyborg's stomach and Cyborg grunts falling back.

Starfire is now floating in the air, her eyes glowing green, anger written all over her face. She begins sending her starbolts towards Slade. Slade dodges all of them feasibly, now laughing.

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