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Raven could feel herself fuming. She couldn't believe how careless Cyborg was. She did not have a soft spot for Beast Boy! Clearly Raven had feelings for Beast Boy but she was still reluctant to admit it. She completely in denial.

Now outside of the tower, Raven scanned the area around her, searching for any hint of green. No sign of him. She floated down to the beach as the waves cascaded on the shore. The pier wasn't too far from her location. 

Raven's stomach growls, but she ignores it and continues her search for Beast Boy. The city was its usual hustle and bustle and the noises gave Raven a headache. She glared her way through the streets with her hood on, ignoring the civilians glancing up at her. 

After a while, Raven got tired, so instead of searching with her eyes, she'd search for his aura. Raven settled on a rooftop, the street noises fading into the background and she closed her eyes and focused her mind on Beast Boy. It wasn't hard at all.  

Eventually, Raven found Beast Boy. He was at the entertainment store like Cyborg had suspected, except he wasn't inside the store. Beast Boy was standing outside of the store,  looking hesitant.

Raven watches from the sky as she sees Beast Boy skip the doors and walk past them until he reaches a window display. His hands meet the glass as he peers in, making Raven curious about what might be displayed. By the looks of it, Raven could tell that Beast Boy was troubled. Something was wrong, and Raven was determined to find out.

Beast Boy, drops his head as he shoves his hands in his pockets and walks away from the entertainment store, down the street, and disappears around a corner. He was lost in his thoughts at this point. He had been excited to watch that movie for weeks, and now? He had little to no interest in it, in anything right now. He just wanted to find a quiet place to lay down and rest, where he didn't have to worry or think about anything.

Raven swoops down, landing on the sidewalk in front of the store. It had a name, but Raven didn't care to read it. Her focus was entirely on the display and the corner in which Beast Boy had gone. She walks over to the display window and peers in. 

Civilians are walking by; A group of friends laughing and joking around, making it hard for Raven to focus. Without even lifting a finger, Raven's powers surround their mouths. The group now unable to separate their lips. They all freeze, yelping and touching their mouths. Raven scrutinizes the display.

Inside the window was a promotional item. It was a movie in which Raven had assumed was the one Cyborg had been talking about. It was clear that the movie was brand new, it had extravagant signs and capital letters surrounding the film.

Raven rolls her eyes, as she walks in the stores. As soon as the door closes, her power dissipates from the group and they all begin to talk in shock. 

Noticing the commotion, Raven turns around to face the street as she looks through the commercial doors, she sees the group, now realizing what she had done. She puts a hand to her face in despair, now feeling like a villain. 

"Hello, may I help you?" Raven hears someone say from behind her. She turns to face the figure. Standing before her was a young man who looked to be seventeen years old, he had a work uniform on and a name tag near his right shoulder. Raven reads the name, her face hidden in the shadows of her cloak.

Cole Markham.

Cole watches Raven curiously. He could tell she was a supernatural being, but was she good or evil? He takes a step back. Cole knew the teen titans, but he wasn't sure if it was Raven standing in front of him, or another villain coming to the city. 

Raven notices his drastic change in his body language and swiftly drops her hood, revealing her face. "No need to be alarmed, I'm Raven. I'd like to purchase the Cyber Monkeys: Total Eclipse movie, please." Raven croaks. 

Relief overwhelms Cole and he gladly glides Raven over to the shelf which contained more than a hundred Cyber Monkey movies. Raven picks one up with her powers and Cole guides her over to the check out in which Raven pays for the movie and leaves the store in hopes of finding Beast Boy. 

Using her powers once more, Raven creates a temporary rift, where she gently drops the movie in. The movie lands in her room on her bed, and Raven begins to follow Beast Boy's trail once more. 

With the prison back in order and the system back online, Cyborg exits the prison. Then his titans communicator goes off. "Cyborg, Cyborg come in." Cyborg hears Robin say. 

"I'm here, what is it Robin?" Cyborg replies, he begins walking to his T car. 

"Got a lock on Jinx and Gizmo. No mammoth. I'll send you the coordinates." 

Cyborg's eyes widen, he hadn't heard Jinx's name in while. Hearing it again only reminded him of how he had been in disguise, infiltrating the H.I.V.E, and gathering as much information as he could about Brother Blood. Jinx had hated him ever since. 

Cyborg wasn't thrilled at the idea of seeing her again, but he had to help his team stop more villains from hurting Jump City. "On my way." 

Robin, Cyborg, Star Fire, and Terra enter the destructive scene at City Hall, in which the H.I.V.E had taken captive of the Jump City officials. They were tied up with tape over their mouths behind Gizmo.

Jinx's bad luck was evident all over the building, and Gizmo was now sitting in a chair claiming he was the ruler of the city. The floors were littered in debris and rubble from the stone walls of the building. A potted plant had been knocked over the the ceramic pot had shattered, there was now plant soil littered around the pot.

Chairs had been knocked over, one in particular was missing a few legs, and papers had been tossed around, in which Robin assumed was Gizmo's doing. The place was a total wreck.

Cyborg immediately rolls his eyes, scoffing as he sees Gizmo's facial expression and wants to slap off his hysterical smug face. However, Cyborg doesn't need to, as soon as Gizmo notices the Titans, he glares with fire in his eyes. Just Cyborg's presence had claimed it.

The titans were always ruining Gizmo's 'genius' plans as he would call it, and here they were again, ready to ruin everything for the.. who knows how many times!

Terra floats forward on a large rock she had picked up from the ocean and had traveled on it into the city with Robin on his redbird and Star Fire gliding through the sky above the buildings. They had reached the city hall in record time and Cyborg had drifted his T car perfectly into a parallel parking spot.

"Enough of your games Gizmo, leave the people of Jump City out of this." Robin calls to Gizmo. Jinx is standing next to Gizmo, he looked pathetic in that chair.

But then she remembered Brother Blood. He had put Gizmo in charge of the squad and what he says goes. She was starting to get sick of following his orders. However, this plan in particular was brilliant, she'd give him that.

Gizmo shouts back insults at Robin and Star Fire glares at him, defensive of Robin. She flies forward before anyone can make a move, and attacks Gizmo.

The surprise attack has him falter, and Robin shouts Titans Go. Cyborg senses movement behind him, only to find Mammoth charging him, he grabs a hold of Mammoth's arm and launches him at a crumbling wall that was unable to withstand Jinx's bad luck. More cracks form.

Jinx smiles with a sinister grin, skipping over to a wall, her hand inches away from touching it. Gizmo had been easily overpowered by Robin and Star Fire, and now had him in their clutches as leverage.

Meanwhile, Cyborg was in the background still fighting Mammoth, the two of them throwing punches at each other.

Jinx uses her bad luck as leverage. "Let him go, or the whole building crumbles."

Robin grits his teeth as the city officials yelp under the tape, forbidding any words to come out of their mouth. Fear captivates their eyes and they struggle under the overwhelming grip of the rope that held them hostage.

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