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Beast Boy stands in shock by Raven's actions. He shakes his head, "What is your deal?!" He couldn't understand Raven, but it was getting harder by the minute!

"First you leave me at breakfast," Beast Boy holds out his index finger as a one. "Then finally laugh at my jokes, then you're all weepy, and now you're a marine?" Beast Boy grabs his temples, all of this was giving him a headache. "Make up your mind! Who are you?!"

Raven has her hands on her hips, her dark green cloak back behind her. She looks at Beast Boy skeptically, with one eyebrow raised.

Then all of a sudden, two more Ravens appear. One was in a pink cloak, bouncing around, landing on the right side of the Raven in the dark green cloak. The other Raven, in gray, slowly walks up, standing on the left side. She walked hesitantly, wearing a look of worry and sadness.

In unison, the three Ravens, in different tones say, "I'm Raven!"

Beast Boy gasps and Cyborg grabs his own temple this time. Beast Boy falls over, this was too much to take in!

"Happy," Cyborg starts, pointing at the Raven in the pink cloak. "Timid," He points to the Raven in the gray cloak. "Brave!" The Raven in the green cloak watches Cyborg, still skeptical as he points to her.

Beast Boy finally comes to a stand again, but the Raven in pink walks up to him saying, "You forgot dopey!" She laughs, pointing at Beast Boy. He rubs the back of his head as she laughs. Beast Boy watches her mesmerized.

Raven had a bright smile on her face. Her eyes were scrunched, and her cute laugh had Beast Boy blushing. She looked so beautiful, so happy! Now he felt bad for what he had said. Raven probably just needed her space at breakfast.

His cheeks were burning, as Cyborg cuts in. "Different sides of Raven's personality. We're not in Raven's home--"

"We're in her head.." Beast Boy trails off, finishing Cyborg's sentence.

"And I want you out!" A voice says. Suddenly the Raven they knew and loved came down from above them, landing in between the sides of her and Cyborg and Beast Boy. She faces the two Titans, her dark, violet cloak blowing back behind her. She had her hood on.

As Raven stands up, the different sides of her dissipate into nothing. Raven begins to walk towards Cyborg and Beast Boy, speaking calmly, "The mirror you found is for meditation, it's a portal--" Raven's voice raises, and rage hangs on her words. "Into my mind!! Not a toy!!" She clenches her fist, glaring hard at Beast Boy.

Beast Boy puts up a hand as a shield, smiling awkwardly. He laughs quietly, "My bad."

Birds hang above the three Titans, their dark red eyes lingering on the Titans below. Then suddenly, something scares them off. They all separate, cawing and making loud noises.

Something begins to rise from the rock near the forbidden door. Rage no longer consumed Raven's face, and an oh no took over instantly. "You guys need to get out of here, now!" 

Confused, Beast Boy and Cyborg open their mouths to speak, but before they can something interrupts them.

A low growl was heard and smoke began to rise opposite of the forbidden door. Pushing the smoke aside, a large alien-like being arose. He was red with glowing yellow eyes. He had white long hair, and wasn't wearing a shirt. The being had large bulging muscles and metal wrist cuffs. On his chest was the same emblem Raven wore on her cloak and sleeves. He begins to walk towards the forbidden door.

"He's too strong," Raven begins, pulling down her hood. "Even with your help I cannot defeat him." 

"So call for back up! What about all those other yous?" Cyborg wonders.

"Yeah the green one kinda kicked butt!" Beast Boy adds, holding up his index finger.

"It still wouldn't be enough, none of my other sides have the power we need." Raven shakes her head.

"Not alone, but what about together, they're all part of who you are right?" Beast Boy theorizes.

Trigon begins to blast the surrounding areas, and the titans take cover behind some rocks. 

"Go for it! We got your back!" Cyborg says, holding up a thumbs up. 

Cyborg takes off, and Beast Boy watches before turning his attention to Raven. He grabs a hold of her hand. "You can do this, Rae." Raven smiles at him, and he gently lets go of her hand, following after Cyborg.

Raven closes her eyes, now with her hood on, she opens them putting both hands up, the palms facing outward, wrists crossing. Her eyes begin to glow as white as a dove. Raven circles her arms around going from thighs to head. Ravens begin to appear out of rock below her feet, emerging to a stand, facing Raven.

Yellow nerdy Raven popped up, pinky Raven returned, brave Raven popped up next to pinky, timid reappeared next to the yellow cloaked Raven. They all begin to float in the air, morphing into Raven and she absorbs them into her. 

Meanwhile, Cyborg and Beast Boy are getting attacked by birds. They had drawn Trigon's attention and were trying their best to hold him off. Trigon is watching them with a malicious smile on his face, he hardly had to do anything to stop them, such bafoons.

In a flash, Raven is now in white, the same size as Trigon as she appears into view. Trigon turns to face her as Raven's cloak blows behind her, her eyes closed. She opens her glowing white eyes, her hands above her head as she generates black aura, directing it towards Trigon.

The aura shoots like lightning bolts, now surrounding Trigon's torso and arms like a rope. "You're going back where you belong!" Raven's voice was deeper than usual, anyone would assume it was because of how many Raven's had been absorbed into her. 

Trigon grunts as the magic surrounds him, "Never!" He breaks free, standing powerful. 

Raven's eyes and mouth are now pouring out black aura as she swings once more, the aura stronger this time. Trigon grunts louder this time. His own aura shooting out of his hands towards her. His aura was a bright flame, glowing yellow with tints of orange. 

The magic goes back and forth, towards the wielders as they muster everything they have to take out the other. Nearby, the birds above Beast Boy and Cyborg that had been attacking them disappear into thin air. Soon Raven begins to overpower Trigon, and once her powerful blow hits him, he becomes a small Raven dressed in a deep, crimson cloak. The crimson Raven looks up, with four red demon eyes as she melts away, into red aura, absorbed into the white cloaked Raven.

Smoke is everywhere, and by the time anyone could see the scene again, Raven is normal size, dressed in her usual dark cloak. She stands, her cloak blowing until she falls backwards. 

"We got ya." Cyborg says as she falls. Beast Boy catches Raven bridal style. 

"It's okay." Beast Boy says. He had seen it all. Raven rubs her head, coming to a stand. 

"Thank you, friends." Raven takes a glance towards her friends. 

"So... we really are friends?" Beast Boy asks.

Raven's cheeks were a soft pink as she nods, adding an "Mhm." 

"And you really think I'm funny?!" Beast Boy says, holding his hands up in a clasp. He raises his eyebrows up and down flirtatiously.

Raven didn't want to quite admit that she thought he was funny, she wasn't quite sure if he had the same feelings she had for him. Raven looks at him, scrunching her eyes, with an almost glare. "Don't push it." 




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